
Future Spouse Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Your true love in your future spouse is gonna be your good karma."
"Your future spouse loves your straightforwardness, your good communication skills, you're very intuitive, you use your mind and are a very good knowledgeable person."
"Your future spouse loves that you are very goal-oriented, you know what you want in your life."
"You are a very deep person and your future spouse is gonna love that about you."
"Your future spouse is going to want to talk to you, get to know you."
"They're going to lift you up and kind of save you from that critic within you."
"Your future spouse is your biggest inspiration."
"You are your future spouse's ideal type."
"With the emperor coming through... this person, this future spouse of yours, has a really good position in whatever they're doing."
"This is someone even better than they actually expected you to end up with."
"Whoever your future spouse is, your parents are going to see them as someone who they always hoped for you ending up with."
"This is such a wish fulfillment for them because they know you are going to be with someone who they have a good feeling about."
"This person somehow is gonna bring a lot of opportunities in your life."
"They are going to open some doors for you."
"It's kind of guaranteed that your future spouse's first impressions of you are going to be like, those lips are great, those lips are nice."
"You will meet your future spouse in a very reassuring manner."
"Your future spouse is someone who likes to spend time out in nature."
"Your future spouse does something for their career that shines a light outward to other people."
"You're going to feel so grateful for being or maybe have met your future spouse."
"Your future spouse radiates luminous light."
"Your future spouse is giving, showering you with love and gifts."
"Your future spouse wants to bestow upon you love, affection, and maybe even cute handwritten notes."
"Your future spouse expresses soul insights in symbolic language, maybe even writes you poetry."
"Your future spouse is loyal to you, dedicated like a monk or a nun to their practice."
"Your future spouse is someone who really loves to be surrounded by others, someone who loves to express themselves."
"You're gonna see your future spouse as someone who's very skilled, someone who has a lot of talent, a lot of potential, someone who can do multiple things and they're very good at it."
"Your future spouse is also giving you the impression of someone who's very stable, someone who's secure, very grounded as well."
"You may end up reconciling with someone, making peace with someone from your past, right before you meet your future spouse."
"There's a softness there that your future spouse has for you, and you may be one of the only people on this planet that your future spouse will soften to."
"Your future spouse will communicate to their friends about how attractive you are."
"...one of the first impressions you are gonna have of your future spouse... their piercing eyes... there is something about their eyes which is going to be really expressive... their eyes make you feel something."
"Your future spouse is someone who could have achieved a certain amount of recognition."
"You can already feel your future spouse's energy."
"Dating your future spouse feels like that one bright spot you can hold on to, putting a smile on your face even when everything else is miserable."
"Your mood is just different when you're dating your future spouse; you're lighter, happier, and it shows."
"Your future spouse may surprise you by helping out in various areas of your life, offering practical advice and assistance."
"Your future spouse will make your desires a priority, always willing to make your wishes come true and make you happy."
"Your future spouse has throughout their life always stepped into leadership positions."
"For a lot of you, the next person you're going to be in a relationship with is going to be your future spouse."
"Your future spouse is so grateful for having you for multiple reasons."
"It's what I'm seeing that it doesn't matter if you guys have already met or not, but you will have a great friendship with your future spouse."
"Your future spouse wants you to know that they don't ever doubt the trust that they have for you."
"Your future spouse sees in you a lot of traits that they appreciate and admire so much."
"So it's going to be somewhere between these two things where you will meet your future spouse. I know that two years for some of you might seem like far away, but just be conscious and aware that it's absolutely worth the wait."
"Your first impression of your future spouse is somebody who has some type of title here."
"You see some type of potential in your future spouse that they're going to make it big."
"Your future spouse really likes to network."
"Your future spouse has prophetic dreams, and those dreams guide them."
"Dear future wifey, the sound of your voice resonates with my inner man your voice reverberates in my soul healing my mind from past doubts that you didn't exist."
"If you feel like God told you someone is your future spouse, it's unlikely."
"You bring peace to your future spouse. You bring faith to your future spouse."
"Your future spouse could actually go through an energy where they are conquering Their Fear."
"Your future spouse right now is actually working on feeling like they're just preparing themselves mentally or emotionally or spiritually."
"Ambition runs deep in your future spouse."
"You're gonna feel like you're true love and your future spouse exudes a lot of love when you look at them."
"Your future spouse will feel like they want to hug you or they want to be in your presence."
"You could be feeling excited out of nowhere. You could be receiving a huge sign around New Year's Eve about your future spouse."
"Your future spouse just knows how, I feel like they're very intelligent when it comes to like the psychology of the human, you know, of us humans."
"They do have a vibe around them that screams like businesswoman, businessman basically."
"Your future spouse believes in marriage."
"Your future spouse wants to break this chain if they come from a family that doesn't have a lot of money which I feel like for the most of you it is actually like that."
"Your future spouse is somebody who's very brave."
"Your future spouse will appreciate that you don't fight and avoid drama."
"Dear future wifey, sometimes I wish I could keep my eyes shut until the day your hello unlocks my eyelids to steal a glimpse of you."
"What you will find extremely sexy about your future spouse is the way that they smell, their scent."
"Work in a new direction to meet your future spouse."
"Your future spouse will open up your heart again."