
Kayaking Quotes

There are 278 quotes

"Hopefully this video inspires you to get out, get a kayak, get paddling..."
"Kayaking up here is a powerful experience and not one you can approach casually."
"This breathtaking oasis features crystal clear waters and lush tropical landscapes that make you feel like you just kayaked into a jungle paradise."
"This crystal clear water is absolutely breathtaking to kayak through, and it's one of the most beautiful kayaking trips that I've ever done in Central Florida."
"We decided that we're gonna go for a little impromptu kayaking session."
"Catching squid on a kayak, it's so much fun."
"Cup holder...if your kayak doesn't come with a cup holder you need a cup holder."
"Kayak cooler...make a long day in the water more enjoyable."
"I know you might be thinking why the heck would a portable sea kayak company come up with a wellness equals water series."
"Always loved the water and fish from a kayak."
"I love it, man, I love it, I love being on the water in a kayak."
"The beauty of having a kayak is to be able to get away from the bank get to areas in the lake that hold fish and actually go and Target the fish that you're seeing out there on the body of."
"...if you own one, go rent a kayak, borrow one from a friend and see how it feels."
"I'm just basically trolling kind of into the wind just a help easier make it easier to maintain my speed and keep everything behind me without the back end of the kayak getting spun around."
"...this is definitely the best kayaking I've ever done in my entire life..."
"We love kayak camping because we can fit all of the stuff on our kayaks and we don't have to backpack it in somewhere."
"Feels good to be back out on the kayak."
"...that's all that kayak rigging is it's solving problems..."
"My ultimate loyalty in making these videos is to you, my viewers and kayakers."
"Alright we're down at the harbor Los Gigantes I think he said, Gigantes. So this is where we're doing our kayaking from so it's a little marina but yeah we're all ready to go I'm really looking forward to it so let's go kayaking."
"I was absolutely ecstatic to kayak down the St John's river in Florida."
"Lake kayaking is definitely different from kayaking down a river."
"That right there, folks, is why spot lock is so much safer than a regular anchor in a kayak."
"I love that feeling, man, you just feel it in the kayak."
"So I kind of considered that kayaking got me out of the ghetto and made a totally different life that I never envisioned."
"Kayaking takes you to places that most of society will never see."
"I did many thousand miles at sea living out of my kayak between the Hawaiian islands and the coast of California and the coast of Chile and other parts of the world including Antarctica."
"Jonathan has never kayak camped a river before, this is his very first time."
"Boy, this one right here got me sopping wet while I was trying to get him here in this kayak."
"Granted, the kayak does have its tricky to do as well, you've got to hold position, it's not as easy as I'm making it sound."
"Touring kayaks open the door to rougher water paddling, learning how to roll, playing around in Ocean surf, and a wide variety of other paddling activities."
"The further you go down the road of performance with touring kayaks, the more opportunities you have to push your limits and try new things."
"Touring kayaks, that's a lot of information. There's a lot to talk about with kayaks."
"They're designed to travel as fast and efficiently as possible through the water."
"They provide a great balance of stability and performance."
"Touring kayaks are designed to handle exposed water in rough conditions."
"Recreational kayaks prioritize stability and come at the cost of speed and performance."
"The adventure and the chase of launching your kayak on a small body of water, a river, a creek or a stream... it's just you in the water, there's no fast boats, there's no trolling motors, it is just you, your paddle and your adventure to try to catch as many bass as possible."
"It's for someone who wants to really try kayaking in an accessible, affordable way."
"A spray skirt can be one of your most valuable pieces of safety gear."
"It's pretty much essential to be using a spray deck if you're paddling a sit inside kayak."
"By developing proper technique, especially for the three essential kayak strokes, you'll be able to paddle more efficiently, more effectively, and you'll have a lot more control over your kayak."
"The forward stroke starts at the toes, gets the blade fully in the water, your body's wound up, you're pulling that blade through the water, unwinding your body using your core muscles."
"Torso rotation is an absolutely key part of the equation."
"As I'm turned, I'm reaching for that stroke. My top hand really isn't very active. It's acting more like a pivot as I pull that blade into me."
"The sculling draw is a really cool way of applying steady pressure on your draw stroke without having that recovery."
"The most important thing is that you understand the principles, the fundamental principles of these three strokes, so that you can dramatically improve your paddling."
"This is so cool. I mean, seagrass isn't the prettiest thing in the world, but when you're in a plastic kayak, it kind of is."
"...we're going to kayak to this island that is in the middle of downtown... it was definitely an adventure to say the least."
"Kayaks, they're a great option for a lot of people because they are they're really affordable."
"It's amazing what they can do on little kayaks these days, great to see that they've made use of the river."
"Ever since I camped here, I'd been wanting to come out in the kayak, so I'm glad my mate brought it, we can go for a little early morning kayak and continue the adventure."
"What a way to start this 24-hour kayak challenge."
"One thing you cannot beat is being able to kayak or canoe or whatever straight from your van and then paddle back past it. It is amazing."
"Tonight we're doing bioluminescent kayaking, so fingers crossed that should be good."
"I want to tell you guys about a new product that's on the market, and it is called a Gator Patch."
"We invest a lot of time, a lot of money into our kayak rigs, our setups."
"It will be stronger than it was before you even bought the kayak when the kayak was brand new."
"I've installed a lot of accessories on this kayak where I've had to drill into the hull. It is very thick plastic, it is very well made, good quality on the whole."
"It's the most stable kayak I've ever been in."
"This is probably the most technologically advanced kayak on the market."
"There's nothing better than getting a workout on a kayak."
"It's rare to get a kayak where you can pedal drive and then still paddle. The Outback performs like no other."
"The joy of kayaking lies in the intimate connection it fosters with nature's elements."
"To kayak is to court the unknown, experience the thrill of the untamed, and grapple with nature's raw forces."
"The line between delight and disaster is as thin as the blade slicing through the water."
"If your kayak's being bit, the shark is not interested in you."
"It's a great trip if you've got it in you, get up to Port Austin and get into a kayak, you'll have a blast."
"That's what inspired him to start kayaking and then that's what kind of birthed the dream of him to start this company."
"Breathtaking scenery everywhere you looked and some of the most epic kayaking I've ever done."
"It's really for the minimalist that wants to get out on the water with minimal tools and minimal effort."
"If you're in the market for a lightweight, compact, little to no storage, and literally no tools required to get out on the water, a Tuck Tech folding kayak is the right kayak for you."
"Good trip, so nice to be back on the kayak."
"Glacier Bay is one of the most wild kayaking mountains of Alaska."
"That's the boat if somebody wants to get into sea kayaking, that's the first boat anybody should own because it's fast, it tracks straight, it hauls gear, and it's just easy to learn in."
"I might get a Hobie kayak on those days I don't want to take out the big boat."
"It's possible that we'll catch those on the kayaks today."
"It's a pretty sweet operation, and now they got the kayaks in."
"The hurricane cleared out, and the weather's looking much nicer, so we're gonna head out on kayaks today."
"I want to make this like the ultimate fairly inexpensive kayak for anglers like myself."
"This PDL drive revolutionized the kayak industry."
"I'm so excited, guys. I've never had a kayak of my own before."
"I'm starting to like this kayak fishing thing; this is sweet."
"Most people practice their kayak skills in the pool anyway."
"I am super stoked to walk through this kayak with y'all."
"This right here is kind of the star of the show."
"That right there is the major selling point of this kayak."
"This Brazos River 20 mile overnight trip is a big kayak Cliff's thumbs up."
"Old Town definitely wins overall with its drive system."
"They're both wonderful, wonderful kayaks, for sure."
"It feels so good to be in the kayak."
"Cheers to springtime fishing, especially on a kayak."
"We're testing a whole bunch of kayaks, but there's one in particular that I came here to test."
"The drive's a lot quieter now, the new drive... it's quick, my arms weren't tired, it's a lot faster than paddling."
"It's a very nice kayak, don't get me wrong, and when we get the rest of the pieces in, I'm telling you this is going to be the nicest kayak that I have ever seen."
"You can reposition your seat at any time on the water, it has an amazing concept, I can't wait to see what they do in the future."
"It's one of my favorite first sit-inside kayaks for people because it is so stable and it is so versatile."
"Thank you guys so much for watching, until next time this is Dan from headwaters wishing you happy paddling."
"The value of this portability cannot be understated; it avoids the need for roof racks and affords us so much flexibility for our kayaking trips."
"This thing is the preferred ocean kayak and it does handle really good in any kind of wake or wind or any rough conditions."
"If you're serious about kayaking, you're serious about fishing, these boats are not going to let you down; you'll be extremely happy with the investment."
"Is a fishing kayak worth it? Absolutely."
"It's one of the most versatile fishing kayaks out there, the new canoe unlimited."
"If you're kayaking in rough waters or your kayak's prone to tipping over, you don't want to lose all your gear."
"The main reason for that is the Mirage Drive."
"Advantages of this kayak: price, size, weight, very light, very easy to maneuver."
"Feels like forever since we've got the kayak out."
"I love when people are curious about this because kayaks are fun."
"Kayak hunting's fun, man. I like kayak hunting; this is very, very enjoyable."
"This is your kayak, and you need to be happy with it."
"This place is legendary. It has been a long time since I was able to take my kayak over there."
"You're absolutely one of the best kayaking in the country for sure."
"Buy a cheaper kayak first and a better paddle versus buying a really high-end kayak and a cheap paddle."
"It's so peaceful out here, I know a lot of times kayakers will come out in this area to see this trestle."
"Kayaking is pretty special sport, just reading the water and floating with the river, it's like a dance."
"I love a playful kayak and I do not mind giving up some performance for a little bit more maneuverability and playfulness."
"It's something that everybody should give a try."
"It's a lifetime kayak, this is a kayak that you should have really forever."
"This is my type of kayak; it's not only a beautiful kayak, and it paddles beautifully."
"Absolutely two thumbs up for this kayak."
"Stay tuned for more paddling gear reviews, paddling tips, and paddling adventures."
"Whitewater kayaking has always had a special draw to me because there's this feeling of not knowing what's around the next bend."
"What the heck is the point of having a kayak if you're not going to use it and explore with it?"
"Kayaking, a beloved pastime for outdoor enthusiasts, offers unparalleled access to nature's breathtaking landscapes."
"Venturing through the crocodile-infested waters of the Amazon or paddling along ocean coasts where tiger sharks lurk, kayakers find themselves in the domain of creatures with lethal instincts."
"That was the autopilot, the flagship top-of-the-line, just top model best you can get from Old Town."
"The paddle that's situated on the right-hand side or the starboard side of the kayak is a lightweight aluminum design with reflective tape on each end for safety."
"I really want to see people get out there, enjoy kayaking, and kayaking shouldn't be expensive."
"I've heard a lot of good things about this kayak, and so I picked this one up."
"I'm enjoying being in it already."
"There's something about kayaking and the rhythm of paddling that is so relaxing."
"This Old Town PDL 106 is a proven kayak in the market."
"This is a premium US-made kayak, so hey, you know they already give you a lot of stuff."
"This seat is very comfortable, man."
"That drive is super fast, it works amazingly on this boat, and it's a powerful drive."
"This thing can hold 450 pounds, that's incredible."
"It's so easy to use this boat on and off the water, that is super incredible."
"There's no perfect kayak for every situation."
"For rivers, for getting up into the muck on the Delta and punching, and a platform where I can stand and just get up in the weeds, that's gonna be my go-to."
"For lakes, and hopefully in the future of the ocean, that's where this guy comes in."
"I'm a big believer in that there's no perfect kayak for every situation."
"Well if there's one way to stay cool when it's 110 degrees outside, it's going kayaking."
"If it's something you're looking to get into... I would highly recommend it to anybody, it's an incredible sport."
"This is a really, really cool feature and again one of the more premium components that you can get for a kayak."
"That's the great part about having a kayak and that's the great part about doing a project like this yourself."
"Honestly, because of its lightweight off the water, the ability for it to be accessorized, and how it handles on the water, this is definitely 100% my favorite kayak on the market."
"The F1 is stable, it's comfortable, it is highly maneuverable, completely neutral in the wind, and it surfs better than almost any other sea kayak."
"The Lynx is easily one of my favorite kayaks."
"The Pro Angler is truly the Cadillac of kayak fishing."
"This kayak still paddles very, very good."
"It's been enjoyable; we went kayaking earlier."
"Now, if you're a passionate kayaker like I am, you'll know where the quiet spots are at."
"I've never been in a kayak before, so this could be interesting."
"All I can think about is getting on the water and enjoying a relaxing kayak float."
"It's fast like a 17 and a half foot kayak should be."
"It's a great sea kayak, is it the right sea kayak for you? Well, it depends on what you're looking for."
"High mountain vistas, crystal clear lakes, a well thought out portage system, and then our Georgian Bay coastline is considered by kayakers the best freshwater kayaking in North America."
"If you're in the market for a great fishing kayak that doesn't break the bank, you're in the right place."
"The perception Outlaw is a fantastic kayak, super stable, holds a lot of weight."
"The pros of the kayak: it is extremely stable."
"That thing is fast. I mean, it is a quick kayak."
"Super comfortable. Like I said, the seat's comfortable. I did add the kayak cushion."
"It's a perfect day to go out on a crystal kayak."
"You can turn this kayak on a dime."
"One of the biggest investments that a kayaking life can make besides the kayak itself is immersion gear."
"We're going to be taking out our kayaks on the Little Missouri River."
"We haven't had the kayaks out since last November."
"We're waiting on one thing to come in, some new pads."
"We're going to paddle upriver a little bit and then we're just gonna come back down."
"What I really like about these kayaks is they kind of just go right through the rapids."
"I'm just out on a little solo kayak camp."
"Ocean Kayak presents a pair of easy-to-maneuver kayaks for surfing and play, made from durable linear polyethylene."
"Comes complete with accessories for on-the-water adventures from Ocean Kayak."
"The R1 Nova is an excellent choice for people who want all of the benefits of a thermoformed paddle."
"It's nice, I like it. It's definitely a recreational kayak, it's close to shore, or stable."
"I gotta say, I really like this Ascent paddle."
"The schlep is a big thing, though. We're schlepping, moving the kayak around, storing it, dealing with the kayak can be a limiting factor for a lot of folks."
"This kayak takes a lot of that out of there. You've got a 10-minute setup and a 10-minute takedown."
"The bigger challenge these days is choosing the right kayak because there's lots of models to choose from."
"This kayak is still extremely light."
"It's the most budget-friendly kayak that they have."
"It is still very much a performance recreational touring kayak."
"The Hobie Compass was actually the most comfortable in bad weather that I have been in."
"I've really developed an appreciation for portable kayaks, inflatable kayaks over the past couple years."
"This kayak is something that I've really grown to like and appreciate."
"Any kayak angler or recreational paddler who wants a calm water boat, inflatable that's going to track well, it's for them."
"It's a solid performing 12-foot kayak."
"This is Dan, wishing you happy paddling."
"I did a bunch of research before I bought a kayak because there were certain things that I wanted."
"The Hobie Outback is very popular... after fishing out of it for the spring and summer fishing seasons, I'm ready to give my review."
"I have found that the Mirage Drive is very efficient. I don't get tired with it; it doesn't hurt my back, it doesn't hurt my legs."
"The seat is very nice, very comfortable, easy to adjust the lumbar support."
"The rudder control... they've worked extremely well, they're very comfortable when you're sitting down."
"Everything I need is right at my fingertips for most kayak trips."
"The hands-free operation is fantastic."
"The Hobie Outback... it's ready to fish out of the box for me."
"After fishing out of it for quite a while, I think I nailed all those things from a stability standpoint."
"I'm not disappointed in my purchase of the Hobie Outback at all."
"I can't recommend the Hobie enough; it's really had virtually no negatives whatsoever."
"That's some fantastic kayaking I see from you boys."