
R Programming Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Did you know you could build interactive web apps with R? Dive in and explore the possibilities!"
"I'd say the place for R has really shone in the community is beautiful beautiful Notebooks."
"So that's the basic idea behind how to make forecasts for time series data and time series models using R."
"Dplyr is incredibly useful, really concise functions do immediately what you want."
"R's graphics are infamously better than Python; they are used in publications like The New York Times."
"You don't have to be a PhD data scientist... to actually use R and use it well."
"I went from Excel to using R to make some nice looking documents."
"My goal is to get you excited and confident about learning R."
"As an Excel user, you can learn R; it's not actually that difficult."
"If you learn how to use R, you are unconstrained in your data analysis."
"Learning R unlocked my ability to perform data analysis at the highest level."
"Bioconductor is a very nicely curated open source software repository for bioinformatics packages written in R."
"When other people come back later and read your R code, they'll want to understand what it's doing."
"Shiny is a web development framework from within R, so within R you can just use R syntax and have a beautiful UI in no time that does something with your data."
"The art of R programming... is probably the best book you can get in R."
"You can use your ggplot2 library to analyze a particular data set."
"The tidyverse is greater than the sum of its parts."
"The tidyverse packages are a set of packages that let you work efficiently with data."
"R is awesome for HR analytics because it's easy for anybody to learn."
"Being able to build these complex figures directly in R really heightens your reproducibility and is really quite powerful."
"You can theme Shiny, you can theme plots, you can theme R Markdown, all by using similar syntax."
"You can use thematic for easier theming of R plots in conjunction with Bootstrap labs."
"The goal of the tidyverse is not just individual R packages, but kind of an ecosystem of R packages that work together to make data analysis as easy and as fun and as seamless as possible."
"The summary function is a generic function in R that displays summaries of data or models."
"You can again import all of these in R for making better figures."
"R is very good in data analysis and also in data visualization."
"R is absolutely free as compared to other statistical software."
"Curly braces are helpful for defining a body of code, really helpful within a for loop and with functions in R."
"Another reason why R is so popular for data science and analytics is because some of the top companies across the world use R to analyze, manipulate, and visualize data as well as create predictive models."
"Let's start with visualization in R ggplot."
"That's the beauty of R and the visualization in R, it's that simple."
"You can do a lot of cool stuff, and that's one of the beauties of R for sure."
"R is useful for analysis because of the abundance of packages."
"Tidy data is the most efficient way to work with it in R."
"Learning R now is definitely going to be a good idea for almost any industry."
"Plotting data in R is really easy."
"You can use R to create some amazing custom visualizations, visualizations that if you went and did it the traditional way, would require much more complicated code and would be much harder to do."
"You can get very creative and create some sophisticated visualizations in R that would be much easier to do than using one of the native features of Power BI."
"The R community has created this extensive network called CRAN, the Comprehensive R Archive Network."
"What a winning hand we have with vector arithmetic in R; it simplifies what would otherwise require a for each loop in many other languages."
"One of the low-hanging fruits of R is being able to create very rich graphs and charts."
"With R, you can get very deep; you can basically create statistical models for predictive analysis."