
Healthy Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"Fresh fruits and veggies: Nature's original fast food."
"Popcorn topping tip: Nutritional yeast for a cheesy flavor without the guilt."
"These kinds of relationships are so powerful and so healthy."
"It's the healthiest milkshake you can make."
"Setting boundaries with different people... boundaries are healthy by the way."
"It's nice to have something that's yours. It's healthy to have that separation."
"Who said Filipino food wasn't healthy."
"But this is a little different, just a fresher, healthier way to do green beans. It's really, really, really good."
"That's really good, that's a really great healthy dinner."
"If you have a healthy ecosystem in your pond, you will not have mosquitoes, guys."
"Dependency is okay but in a healthy way."
"Conflict that is not belligerent or does not have the eye roll of contempt is healthy conflict."
"I eat cereal for breakfast and dinner and even dessert quite often. It might sound crazy but I find it to be really healthy."
"This almond milk is a premium option without added sugars or artificial ingredients."
"...resistance really is a form of healthy anger it says no you will not do this to me..."
"Unhealthy relationships versus healthy relationships."
"And then I'll usually do my chocolate protein for a little bit of a dessert, and I'm going to have one of my pieces of bark that I showed you guys in my last video. This is so good. It's such a high protein, healthy dessert to have."
"Plantains would be fine if you either air fried them or roasted them on some parchment paper without oil."
"It tastes exactly like cake yet it has no sugar, no sweetener, no flour, no eggs, and it's filled with protein."
"Is there a good motivation behind it or is it something that is derived from something else that's not healthy?"
"Healthy fives move toward assertive eight as children."
"In theory, reform theology is the most spiritually healthy."
"Healthy romanticization comes from awareness and being present."
"We provide for our children a place where stuff is resolved in a healthy way."
"In a healthy relationship, there will be give and take on both sides. There will be compromise."
"This risotto recipe makes four healthy servings."
"Shame makes healthy relationships impossible."
"It's very fresh, healthy, youthful, glowy skin."
"My favorite dish is egusi soup, a very healthy option."
"That's a perfect snack. Nutritious, healthy."
"Perfect pacing for a Slow Burn romance and just very sweet, wholesome romance too, like very healthy romance."
"I've been loving eating these sweet dried apple rings. They're only apples, like there's nothing else in it besides Apple, so they're obviously really healthy, and they're a good snack."
"It just looks natural and healthy."
"That's one of my favorite dishes that is so easy and quick to make very healthy and like wholesome."
"With setting powder I would say it still looks really nice and healthy but it just looks a little bit more radiant versus fully dewy."
"This would be a nice dessert to serve some guests it's really healthy too I'll give it an S it's super healthy really tasty really pretty simple it's not as good as the bananas in my opinion but still very good really nice really simple I love that"
"I think it's healthy to disagree, the relationships where they don't say anything and then just sit there and smile at each other, it's not for me, I agree."
"How about just a happy, healthy, functional relationship with a man who wants to be with you?"
"My favorite thing about Hungry Root is the fact that it is just so convenient for me, not only to get dinner on the table and snacks for my babies but it's all healthy stuff."
"Now, I've got one more healthy recipe for you, it is Stak hash, only seven ingredients are needed."
"Questions are good. Questions are healthy. If you can't question something, then there's something wrong with the system, not with you."
"Delicious invigorate the list that leaves you with a nice so good so good for you make it happy."
"In a world full of bad love stories that happen with the magic of insta-romance and a pinch of glorified toxic behavior, it is so refreshing to have a healthy, strong, and adorable relationship such as this one."
"I'm giving myself permission to feel anger, so long as it is healthy."
"Gatekeeping should be a healthy thing to do, like sportsmanship."
"...a great example of a healthy happy relationship that we should all aspire to emulate."
"That's what a healthy relationship looks like."
"...it's wonderful and acceptable and great and lovely to change your mind on big picture things. There's nothing wrong with that. It's very healthy."
"I do like this popcorn because it doesn't have any of the seed oils it's made with extra virgin olive oil and it tastes super good."
"These are like very healthy cookies but they're really good."
"Fear is a useful emotion and many there's healthy fear in a lot of situations."
"Curiosity for an artist is a very healthy thing."
"This is not just a strawberry sorbet, it's the most healthy, greens-friendly strawberry sorbet."
"I love the very healthy look it gives to my skin."
"We want to make products that are healthy for society."
"Just don't stay there too long, but have that moment. It's completely normal, it's very healthy."
"It is such a delicious healthy treat."
"A really healthy sign... is if your person is excited to introduce you to their friends."
"It's just the right side of that shiny glowy border, it's so fresh, juicy, healthy skin."
"They taste like something that would be unhealthy for you because they're so good but they're actually good for you."
"Super easy, simple Portuguese but also just like a regular garden salad."
"If that doesn't look like the most sumptuous and inviting and delicious, easy, flavor-packed, protein-packed, so good for you and so delicious lunch, I don't know what does."
"Tastes just like a blueberry muffin, but it's nothing more than smooshed up fruit and nuts."
"This is a great way to make a good healthy snack for your family and a great thing to just have in the fridge and be able to grab and go."
"I just got my lunch, healthy, organic, fresh for 115 pesos total."
"If you've been looking for a healthier alternative to Hot Dogs, you have got to try these out."
"For lunch prep this week, I am going to do a chopped chicken taco salad."
"This is basically a healthy, delicious takeout dish: sweet and sour tofu stir fry."
"I'm going to make these little like parfait strawberry things."
"This is gonna be a really easy and healthy dinner."
"This is just a really good mix of veggies that'll fit well with the Italian toppings."
"The flavor is it really is truly superb, it's beefy but it's not overly strong, it's very natural tasting, very healthy tasting."
"Smashed avocado topped with a poached egg, seasoned with fresh cracked pepper and our molded sea salt flakes, garnished with fresh pea shoots."
"An apple, raspberry, banana, and more apples smoothie. Mmm, delicious!"
"There you have it, ladies and gentlemen, a delicious healthy eight-layer dip."
"It's a good time when you actually miss your life at home because then you know it's healthy and you're happy."
"If you want a healthy dessert, frozen bananas in a blender, a little bit of milk, it is frozen banana ice cream."
"Shopping with Thrive Market means you'll find everything from healthy pantry essentials to sustainable meat and seafood to non-toxic cleaning and beauty products."
"I love that you can snack guilt-free."
"I just made flourless pancakes, one banana, three eggs, and two tablespoons of almond flour, and they are really delicious."
"Gorgeous steamed kale with green onions."
"Look at how beautiful this is, look at all the colors from all the veggies and the beans."
"It's actually really good, so it has bell peppers, spinach, onions, this is protein penne pasta, and then chicken."
"We're going to make our own homemade granola and our own almond milk to go on top as well."
"Beautiful creamy smooth almond milk and it hasn't got all those thickeners that you get in the ones at the supermarket."
"You freeze bananas in coins... it will make the most amazing natural vegan ice cream."
"Chickpea cookie dough is also one of my favorites."
"I've got four really easy, super simple, super quick breakfast ideas that I use throughout the week to get my day started right."
"You've got a really nice, super healthy kind of mess there, but it does taste great, and it's gonna get your day off to a really good start."
"My go-to healthy and quick snack would be a rice cake with almond butter, honey, and blueberries."
"Look how good this looks, oh I just did pasta with broccoli, some sauce, some tomatoes, some peas, and some green beans."
"I'm gonna make some breakfast, and I'm gonna make avocado with eggs."
"Even though this is so flavorful and delicious, this is so good for you, it's all good ingredients, healthy."
"Lunch is going to be a chickpea and veggie salad with a creamy garlic and dill sauce."
"I'm gonna make some zoodles, so delicious."
"I just have a cute little smoothie in my mason jar."
"Just because it's at Walmart doesn't mean you can't find perfectly healthy things that are going to fit your lifestyle."
"So tonight's dinner was legit like one of the most epic vegan comfort food dinners that was actually healthy but also amazing like restaurant quality that we've had in a long time."
"Luscious hair is thick, healthy looking, shiny hair."
"I love this lunch option because it goes so well with just a veggie tray and dip."
"Hummus and vegetables, I think that is such a great snack option."
"I just served it with a little bit of boiled broccoli for those veggies and just some plain rice because there's so much flavor in this."
"Every dish really is fresh, healthy, bright, appetizing to look at, and then delicious to taste."
"The competition is natural and healthy."
"Peanut butter cookies that are healthy, you do not want to miss this."
"We just made the incredible fat-free hummus with this machine."
"I love prepping salads like this that are hearty and that can hold up in the fridge."
"It's basically just steamed potatoes with broccoli and I put some turmeric, butter, salt, and pepper."
"I'm gonna show you all how to make a delicious vegetable stir-fry that is out of sight."
"Look how good this asparagus looks... one of our favorite side dishes, roasted garlic parmesan asparagus."
"We've got a bag of sweet potatoes, this is also for my salad."
"We're making a grilled chicken salad with roasted red peppers on it, sounds delicious."
"Sensible Portions Garden Veggie Straws are a delicious crunchy snack that the whole family will enjoy."
"This foundation looks like my skin but better; it looks very dewy, very healthy but not like an oil slick or anything like that."
"Steaming is actually one of the healthiest ways of cooking."
"I love being able to fill our cereal containers with homemade granola instead of store-bought cereal."
"It's healthy, it's amazing, it's so good, like if you had to use one word to describe this meal, what would it be? Scrumptious."
"It makes the skin look very healthy, like you've just gotten a facial."
"Everything that I'm going to make today is vegetarian and relatively healthy."
"It makes your skin look like you're not wearing makeup, but you're just so healthy and radiant."
"It looks so natural, it looks glowy and healthy, it's really skin-like."
"It's gorgeous on the skin, it has like a nice light sheen to it that kind of brings a really healthy glow to the skin."
"Only have 15 minutes to cook today? Well, this light and healthy Asian comfort meal will come to the rescue."
"A healthy green smoothie and a tuna and feta and beetroot salad."
"I'm going to show you how to make seven quick, easy, healthy, and delicious recipes."
"I'm doing a spiced pumpkin carrot and sweet potato soup which is gonna be delicious."
"I love doing main dish salads for dinner, especially when there's just so many good flavors and textures."