
Customer-centric Quotes

There are 141 quotes

"You don't have to be the marketing genius, your customer is the marketing genius."
"You've got to put the business areas really at the heart of it and understand what they want."
"We're going to be trying to do things a little different, a little better just for y'all."
"It understands its customers and it knows how to make the cars that they want."
"Your website is not about you, it's 100% about your customer."
"What regions would I use now depending on where my customers are or where it's going to get consumed from that will probably drive the region."
"Always keep your customer in mind, always keep them as the main focus and target."
"So, a point of view pitch transforms 'here's what we build,' which is what we usually do with a product walkthrough, into 'here's why we built it,' so you as a customer can make sense of it and know whether or not this is the right choice for you."
"Viability means for the customer, viability means for your business. So that means it works for your business, you can sell it, market it, it's legal, you can service it, it's compliance."
"You have to really become an expert on your users and customers."
"Your job as a product manager is not to come up with all the ideas. Your job is to solve your customers' problem."
"In the flywheel, instead of following a traditional conversion process, we put the customer in the center of the process and create momentum for the conversion strategy by focusing on attracting, engaging, and delighting customers."
"...what it is is it's measuring the gain you deliver to your customer versus the pain for them to actually adopt what you do now I'm almost certain that all of you could tell me all the gain that you deliver..."
"You have to make everything that you do, in every product that you create, obsess over other people's problems so that they are willing to pay you because they realize you've obsessed over their problems more than they have."
"You showed us how to bring more trust into the world, how to build customer-first."
"Ford's answering the question that the customers were asking."
"These two pieces come together day in and day out by trying things and learning and working hand in glove with our customers. That is the challenge of digital."
"Think about the customer and their priorities, not your materials. The customer cares about the outcome, not necessarily all the different supplies."
"...start with the customer experience and work backwards to the technology."
"As we have tried to come up with a strategy and a vision for Apple, it started with what incredible benefits can we give to the customer."
"It's all about the customer and then you back into it well who's going to benefit the most from what you offer and if you have the intention and you're like very specific on who you reach out to that alone absolutely just stands out."
"The star of the show is not the salesperson, the star of the show is the customer."
"We want to deliver what you want we think about the customer when we design."
"... you can't start a startup I think with a growth team mindset because that is just scalable things all the time and really where you need to go back to is doing things that don't scale and unscale your your way of thinking about customers."
"The most important thing is the problem and the customer, and then the solution that solves that problem."
"I always think of it like it's people over profit. So, if you can make the people happy, that's the way to go. The profit will follow."
"Without the customer, none of us exist."
"Employees of a company build onboarding for customers but they build what they think customers want rather than what customers actually want."
"Keep the customer at the core of what you do."
"...at the end of the day you're making cars for customers and every Brand's going to like we follow the customers now there's a lot of other people doing the same thing and I think there's definitely needs to be a rethink of this entire structure and Industry..."
"Don't find customers for your products, find products for your customers." - Seth Godin
"Customer centric culture is your goal, set up little mini goals around it."
"Look at what the competitors are doing in your space... and then just focus on your customer."
"We're entering the new era of marketing. Most brands need to be customer-centric."
"We sell a ride to people. Our customers are not drivers, they are riders."
"Despite the customer, it's not about us, it's not about all you go, it's not about food. Yeah, but it's always been about our customers."
"...the key and the fundamental issue is don't lose your focus on the fan. Always have the fan at the center of anything that you do."
"I made this brand for the people... I'd be dumb to be like 'this is what I want, so this is what y'all gonna get.'"
"If you're using LinkedIn to get more clients, you want to make sure that your LinkedIn profile is customer-centric and focused on delivering value to the customer."
"We are relentless about working backwards from our customer's needs and from their pain points."
"We're going to start with what's best for the customer and then come backward from there."
"It's really cool to see a company constantly on the pulse of what their customers are looking for."
"Nubank's growth is fueled by our low-cost operating platform and our efficiency, which allows us to charge less and invest more in our customers."
"A lot of people fall in love with their products as entrepreneurs. I would urge you to fall in love with your customers, and the product can change and evolve over time, but if you love your customer, you will find ways to create value."
"It's about Focus, going on the floor, understanding operations, and being customer-centric."
"Here's an insider tip: the comms plan should be the customer's voice to help the creatives and clients get into the mindset of the customer."
"Lean product process: start out by getting clear on your customer."
"Our strategy is customer oriented disintermediation."
"I feel I have the tenacity, the resilience, and the expertise to overcome [challenges] and develop outstanding customer-centric products."
"Focus on your customers, their pain points and their problems and build your solution around it."
"Optimizing the listings for customers rather than for algorithms is the way to go."
"And the more you follow the top keywords that people are actually searching and looking for and the more you understand search intent the better your website is going to be because you are going to be creating content that solves the problems that your customers are having."
"In today's world, you have to put the customer at the center of everything you're doing."
"Be your first customer. The first customer is always you."
"We're just there to serve. Say to yourself, 'I am going to be a difference maker in this person's life today, whether they do an insurance policy with me or not.'"
"I love hearing how companies like Fidelity Investments and Vodafone are using technology to deliver on the customer-centric strategy driving each one of their businesses."
"Every decision you make in the design and development process should link back to what your brand is and who your customer is."
"We exist to make customers' lives better and easier every day and to relentlessly invent to make it so."
"Your job is to bridge these two things and make sure that you are both doing something that your customers care about and something that is economically sustainable."
"It doesn't matter what you sell, your job is to figure out what is going to help the people."
"I love the fact that the company was so absolutely focused on customers."
"It's got to be relatable, it's got to be easy to use, and you've got to treat the customer still as if they are the most important person in the world."
"The improvements that we made have been largely in anticipation of the customer, the future."
"Customers are the most important part of any business."
"Start with the customers at the center and move backwards from there."
"Customer value: a ladder of benefits leading to empowerment."
"Appreciating customer needs: the foundation of successful products."
"The only boss we have is the consumer."
"We need to provide people with solutions and experiences that they want."
"Customers have to care. That's a customer-centric view, right? They have to care. We know their needs and desires and they have to want it."
"You're building a customer-centered business."
"Everything we do starts with the customer."
"I would say that you have to take a solution focus, not a product focus, because in the end, people don't buy a product, they buy a solution to a problem."
"This product was created with all of you in mind. Again, all of your comments, all of your suggestions, your recommendations were the first things I thought of when I was developing this product."
"We try to make the process as simple straightforward and risk-free as we possibly can."
"A company being more customer forward I think is going to be more successful."
"You want to collaborate with your customers not negotiate with them."
"...focus on the value you will give your customer."
"We're not going to oversell you on stuff simply because we're going to make more money. We want you to be successful."
"The customer is your reason for being."
"Nostalgia is our product but our customers are the very center of our world. We aim to delight you in delivery moment of rediscovery that is both entertaining and fun to share with the most important people around you."
"One thing that shouldn't change is customer-centric thinking."
"The best entrepreneurs... had the same answer which was... a customer. If you don't have a customer you don't have a business."
"...the marketing Begins by understanding exactly who you are trying to either communicate with or have or reaches a customer and when you have that in mind that leads you to to design the right product."
"Focus on your customers versus focusing on your competitors."
"Love the people you sell to so much that you'd never sell them anything that's not in their own best interest."
"Personal brand is a goal that you need to set for your customers."
"What are her problems, what are her challenges, and how do we build a system around that? Then you know what you attract a ton of those people."
"If you focus more about what the customers want, less about what you want, you're gonna have a viable business because you're actually focusing on people that are willing to spend money in your company."
"Startups are not about working on a great idea; they are the relentless pursuit of doing stuff for customers."
"You want to design the space for them, the right space."
"Customers don't want to be told your story, they want to tell it. Let them tell it, and when they tell it, pay attention."
"If you create the customers, they'll build the brand."
"Start with the customer in the center, whether your customer is the patient, the member, the doctor, or the consumer."
"Staying very close to a true north of our customers, our customer feedback, and then leveraging that to build and develop, that's going to be critical for success."
"Amazon's not a technology company; they're a customer company."
"Our number one value is to be customer obsessed."
"Everything starts with the customer experience and then working backward."
"The value proposition canvas helps us focus on customers and make explicit how our products and services create value for them."
"I took the approach of starting with the customer and working backwards into the core product."
"Solve for my success, not your systems. Don't make your process my problem."
"He paid them no attention and instead he focused on what matter most which were his customers."
"Putting the customer at the heart of everything we do plus putting our people first are the two main ingredients that allow it to be successful."
"Everything we do starts with the customer and works backwards from there."
"You have to take yourself out of that thinking and start thinking how a customer thinks."
"Agile is all about placing the customer at the heart of what we do and building business value while delivering to the customer."
"Customers really are at the center of all that we do."
"Put yourself in the buyer's shoes and design from there."
"You have to let the world tell you; in business, that means the market, the customers."
"Vanguard is owned by the funds managed by the companies and therefore is owned by its customers."
"The company starts and ends with customers."
"Market orientation involves designing products based around customer needs and wants."
"We are more innovative and do more interesting things if we stay customer-focused instead of competitor-focused."
"It's the shift from selling products to selling customer solutions."
"It is this marriage of meeting a customer where they are with the problem that they have with a fundamentally different and better approach."
"The customer is king; they should be the center of your business and everything that you do should revolve around their needs."
"Look at it from a customer-centric perspective. Why do people care? What is it that I'm building that customers really, really want?"
"When you put customer first, your business will change."
"To be Earth's most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything they might want to buy online."
"We always start with customer use cases and work backwards."
"Your customers drive the product."
"You can actually make a massive amount of profit using this business model because it's very unique to the customer."
"In Marketing Cloud, your data model revolves around your customer or the contact."
"At Amazon, we always start with the customer and work backwards."
"This vision must be customer-centric."
"We're kind of building around customer needs."
"It's really all about the users and it's all about the products."
"Let the customers tell you what happens."