
Design Pattern Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"The singleton pattern makes a lot of sense in this situation."
"Here's the key question to ask yourself before creating a Singleton: Is it vital that there is only a single instance of this class?"
"The design pattern as such is great, it allows you to add operations."
"It's important to understand this design pattern because it offers a lot of bang for your buck, letting you write code that's cleaner, easier to maintain, and easily expandable for little effort."
"So we can make this data-driven framework more better if you implement the page object model."
"Page object model is one design pattern even developers can use."
"Page object model design pattern: selenium guys have given a supportive design pattern known as page factory design pattern."
"What we've learned, we've learned about the factory method pattern."
"Type Erasure is an absolutely amazing design pattern."
"The observer pattern is a software design solution that allows you to connect the functionality of a script to an event in your game."
"The basic idea here is that using delegates a single trigger can be used to create different results."
"State design pattern allows objects to change their behavior based on their current state."
"That is called the external polymorphism design pattern."
"With this paper, the template method pattern is finally all of these things. We can simply express it, we can statically optimize it, we can safely constrain it, and we can appropriately encapsulate it, and we can use it generically."
"The essence of the factory pattern is object creation delegation."
"The create pizza method is essentially the factory method."
"So that is the idea behind the command pattern: storing logic in an object so that it can be used at a later time while the program is running."
"Now in the .NET world everyone uses Constructor injection so that's why you'll see in many applications the following pattern."
"Dependency injection allows us to write loosely coupled, well-maintained, testable, and reusable code."
"Patterns like the repository pattern help you decouple from frameworks."
"Singleton essentially says, 'Hey, if you've created it once and you want to get it again later, then go ahead and retrieve that same instance.'"
"The repository pattern is important because it decouples application logic from the data layer and minimizes duplicate data's logic across our service."
"We are implementing a singleton pattern to ensure only one instance of each delegate object can be created."
"This approach is called as page object model which helps in making code more readable, maintainable, and reusable."
"MVC is a software architectural pattern that divides an application into three major components: Model, View, and Controller."
"If we want a class to have only one object, then we would use the Singleton pattern."
"The factory pattern is the most commonly used pattern in any application."
"Flask implements what's generally known as an MVC design pattern or paradigm."
"Interior mutability is a design pattern in Rust that allows you to mutate data even when there are immutable references to that data."
"A singleton is a good type of design if you are creating an object that will be used throughout your program."
"The hexagonal architecture is an architectural pattern that we can use when designing our application that aims to decouple application components."
"The model-view-template is a design pattern used by Django for developing a web application."
"That relief pattern of the Seiko wave, it looks more interesting to my eyes."
"A good factory pattern just makes your life so much easier for very little overhead."
"A data Lake is a design pattern that has the potential to transform businesses."
"MVVM stands for Model-View-ViewModel."
"A design pattern is a general repeatable solution to a commonly occurring problem within a specific context."
"The Entity manager is using the factory design pattern... it makes our life so much easier."
"It's the null object pattern, and it makes a dramatic improvement in the code."
"Dependency Injection is sort of a technology or design pattern that addresses this problem very delicately."
"The singleton pattern in software engineering is a software design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to a single instance."
"Lazy loading is a design pattern that allows you to load parts of your application on demand."
"Micro frontend is a design pattern for web applications and a way of bringing different JavaScript frameworks together."
"There's literally nothing you cannot implement with this pattern."
"The Observer pattern: the goal is to define this one-to-many dependency between an object and things that depend on the object."
"This is the concept called Command Query Responsibility Segregation."
"You use the flyweight design pattern to reduce memory usage by sharing objects that are similar in some way rather than always creating new ones."
"It's a really simple pattern, so I think it's probably quite powerful just because of its simplicity."
"MVVM stands for Model-View-ViewModel, and it is a design pattern which enforces a couple of things in your application architecture to make your application more maintainable."