
Predicament Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Your fate in here won't be much better than your fate out there with the naughty ones."
"The girl follows a journey and finds herself entangled in a peculiar predicament."
"He's basically King Kong himself, he's stuck up in a tree around a fire."
"Why do many people find themselves in terrible predicaments? Because they were not walking by their spirits."
"Sometimes people mess up, you know. They do something, they get themselves in a predicament, they get worried, something happened on accident, they get scared, they try to cover it up, they don't want to try to explain it. Now's the Time To Explain what happened."
"The US can't get itself out of this. It's a cycle they can't get out of. It's going to be impossible."
"Realize the total hopelessness of your predicament."
"Hey, the cosmic humor of the predicament starts to sneak in."
"It’s not looking good. He’s all caught up in vines."
"You're in the corner damned if you do and damned if."
"The problem is we're priced for a soft landing."
"We realized this was no puddle; we were sinking in a pond."
"I'm in all kinds of trouble here."
"They got themselves into a pickle."
"I literally have 33 miles to empty and I'm like 65 away from home, so that's not too good."
"And they say to you so what should we do and there's no answer to that because it's not a problem that can be solved it's a predicament."
"It's a predicament which means doesn't mean that there aren't responses doesn't mean that there aren't actions worth taking and some of those will be wiser than others."
"...in ourselves that we bow to or in others, who's going to get out of this predicament of human life, how do we get out of it, who's going to help us get out of it."
"Ah yes it seems that uh... It seems zhat my goose might be cooked."
"I'm between a rock and a hard place."
"At this moment, he's now stuck in jail."
"Well, he's put himself in a spot of bother there, you feel."
"He really didn't know what to say," the caption described Fatty's predicament.
"I've never really considered myself to be much of an Explorer or even a particularly Brave man however that hasn't seemed to stop me from getting into the predicament I'm in now"
"When put in an impossible situation, only the most extreme actions will enable you to extricate yourself from your predicament."
"He's painted himself into a corner here."
"She's in so much trouble right now, she's in deep deep water."
"That's what I call a sticky situation."
"WOOYOUNG is stuck in the swamp of 'O' and 'S'."
"This show is very well written. It was like hell and everybody literally is in the worst [__] predicament."
"He got himself in quite the pickle."
"This is far, far worse. So it's more chaotic and nobody has a clue where we're going in the next few weeks."
"Logical explanations are great but they're not very much help when you've just been body swapped and handcuffed to a pole in a wizard's basement."
"How do I get myself in these situations?"
"Now certainly Bilbo was in what is called a tight place."
"You're going to be probably very surprised to perceive the incredible parallel between both the predicament and the reactions to that predicament that we see today."
"The key to overcoming our current predicament is to bring both of these seemingly opposite dispositions together."
"Holy strawberries Batman, we're in a jam."
"Goose is cooked means that your goose is in big trouble."
"We do our best to advise these people out of their predicament."
"We're in the stickiest situation since Sticky the stick insect got stuck on a sticky bun."
"You're probably wondering how I got in this mess."
"The tourists now found themselves in the same predicament as the young boy but didn't know what to do."
"What if we're locked in a room together and the key is lost?"
"Oh, the situations I get myself into."
"He's painted himself into a corner."
"Hello, I'm Little Red Riding Hood. Help me get out, I'm stuck!"
"There's a way out of this predicament."