
Vigor Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Trump still has enormously more energy than Biden."
"You want to get the tree in good health and vigor and it will take out the disease."
"I was 17 and full of energy, climbing all over these Majestic mountains."
"A young, vigorous, athletic warrior."
"She went at it with the enthusiasm of Carrie Nation busting up a salon."
"She noticed he was basically lifeless so she smacked the living out of him."
"By the very fact of being uncaught in sentences, they retained their original clear vigor."
"Napoleon attacked his horticultural pastime with the same vigor of a general laying out a camp."
"I feel more confident and full of vigor than I've ever felt before."
"The monster over here, this was my first hybrid between arabicum and obesum. It's the most vigorous plant I've ever seen."
"I'm 71 years old, man. I pull a piss and vinegar, but godly."
"The experiences that they created for their guests fuel this renewed vigor."
"I like it very Punchy to start with."
"His work is fantastically physically vigorous, tremendous sense of growth, this phenomenal energy. I think he's one of the most impressive artists working in Europe today."
"I'm depressed now, it's like no, you know that vigor you talked about, about lionhearted and that's how I had to be."
"Much has been made of TR's vigorous approach to, well, just about everything."
"The sense of kind of energy, vigor I would even say athleticism."
"I seem to be overflowing with energy today."
"There's something to be said for painting with vigor, painting with that intensity, it creates a certain energy."
"Absolutely stacked, but you know what else is stacked? This freaking Stacker Two energy."
"Volunteer plants usually grow more vigorously."
"Atomic heart, atomic heart, the atomic way."
"Marbonne... it's designed to be very vigorous, very disease resistant and have a similar flavor to a classic heirloom tomato."
"This is one of the most successful starts that I've ever done and it's very vigorous."
"He's got some Street Fighter energy to him."
"Welcome to Fight Master Yoga. This is Ashtanga inspired vinyasa and it is vigorous, so please take care of yourself and rest whenever you need to."
"She went about it with great gusto and passion and fervor."
"The legacy of John Kennedy is really one of vigor, energy, and idealism, and commitment to a better America."
"This plant is clearly a very vigorous grower and its roots are going to find a way to grow into the new space."
"Richard flings himself into it with all his energy and all his warlike gusto."
"He pressed on, feeling no lack of food and water, and his stride was singularly energetic."
"Approach life with bold enthusiasm."
"We wash our brush with odorless thinner, shake it off, and just beat the devil out of it."
"I'm still standing, great and mighty Kevin keeps on kicking."
"Whatever it is, she attacks it with gusto."
"Good morning, everyone, I'm wide awake now."
"The new growths produce new roots, and the new roots are going to be perhaps more vigorous and more adventurous if they're in a new medium."
"Great weather for the ballplayers, this little nip in the air makes you feel a little stronger, a little faster."
"They are so vigorous, they're ready to grow, stored energy, and that is what we can expect when we prune at this time of year."
"Home saved chard seed that I've been using this summer is so vigorous, it's such good quality."
"At the height of his power, Antigonus was still vigorous despite being closer to 70 than sixty."
"This could be a case of youth and enthusiasm."
"Let's not forget the smallmouth bass, one of the fightingest fish in freshwater."
"He's being fought at a terrific pace and in a terrific spirit."
"Like a phoenix, it could rise from the ashes; this thing could potentially have renewed activity and burst forth with very vigorous eruptive activity."
"Spring has sprung, and she is fierce."
"Look how vigorous it is, I love it, and I'm very excited."
"A very balanced package, vigorous, and capable of great endurance."
"It's starting to take off in growth and look really vigorous, so that's exciting."
"Fight like a young man with nothing held back."
"It's moderately vigorous and productive."
"Just as breath was breathed into those who lay lifeless, awakening them to stand robust and full of life, so too is there breath of renewal waiting for you."
"The fighting vigor of the pure blood Saiyans had been seriously bolstered to a level it hadn't been in a long time."
"This Ficus not to lenses is the most vigorous Ficus I've ever dealt with."
"Strong sense of renewed vigor, ignition, passion, enthusiasm."
"Charge forward with youthful exuberance."