
Crusade Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"I'll give this game a 10 out of 10, and I'm certainly not afraid to give it that score."
"The Sisters set out on a mighty Crusade with the conflicts being known as the Wars of Faith."
"Batman gives up his entire crusade because apparently Superman had a mum."
"Richard committed his personal wealth to the Crusade."
"Warriors of the ninth legion, sons of wrath and blood, I have come to you from the deep desert and across the distant stars to take my place in my father's great crusade."
"The visuals here are a strong nod to medieval crusade expeditions."
"A call for a crusade need not only be absolutely necessary and demonstrably so, it must also be brought by the right person at the right time with the right deals and concessions in place before it has even a hope of starting."
"It is the oldest crusade in human history, it is eternal, the successor to the Great Crusade."
"It is the deepest fear of the denizens of the galaxy when the worst of their kind is formed, a true Crusade of chaos undivided."
"Ayamade officially joined the Shining Crusade... to fight the tyrant's legions of the risen dead."
"We are involved not in any individual thrust; we are involved in a collective crusade."
"On this world, on Earth, the emperor rose to lead his people, humanity, and he led them out on a great Crusade of conquest, of salvation."
"The goal of the groups led by the leaders later called the twelve legates was to collect more manpower and resources for the crusade."
"We stand as his avenging Angels; this is a crusade of righteousness."
"The ideals of the Imperium and the purpose of the Great Crusade fitted with Dorn's outlook and drive."
"A force of disciplined conquerors and zealous crusaders built out of warrior traditions from all across the galaxy."
"Fueled with boundless rage and a thirst for vengeance, Sigismund would command his new Chapter to hound and harry the demoralized traitors of the Imperium."
"Eradicating scores of Heretics and Xenos throughout the galaxy, Sigismund would vow to never rest in his prosecution to destroy the enemies of the Emperor."
"The Eternal Crusade has endured unbroken for 10,000 years."
"Embodying the original vision of the Emperor’s Great Crusade, the Black Templars endeavour to protect, re-unite and unify the scattered remnants of Humanity."
"The Black Templars continue to wage war and crusades throughout the stars into the 41st Millennium."
"You are about to embark on the great crusade to meet this mounting aggression and make no mistake about it, good will prevail."
"Richard had been keen to lead a crusade to the Holy Land for some time, emulating his and Henry's uncle Richard the Lionheart."
"Saladin's victory at Hattin will not go uncontested; soon the West will launch the Third Crusade and Saladin will be forced to face an enemy who will strike fear in the hearts of his men: Richard the Lionheart, King of England."
"Overwhelmed with grief, Dante gives Beatrice her cross which he had promised to restore to her upon his return from the crusade."
"History has remembered this event as the culmination of the Fourth Crusade."
"Raymond of Toulouse was one of the men chiefly responsible for the success of the First Crusade."
"He is in fact the first European King to set out on a crusade."
"He's seen as the great heroic king who went off on crusade."
"The fifth crusade was the kingdom of Portugal, Hungary, France, and the Holy Roman German Empire having a whack at reclaiming Jerusalem from the Ubbi Dynasty."
"We will find salvation within the ice, and then a crusade will begin anew."
"Dawn led the Imperial Fists on a crusade of vengeance and penitence."
"It was a crusade with many battles and many trials but it found its symbol in one day above all others."
"The seeds of Richard's capture were sown during the third crusade."
"The First Crusade is this successful crusade in many ways; it's the only successful crusade."
"The crusade of 1101 really does show us the importance of effective leadership."
"The crusade of Nicopolis is one of the first concerted European attempts to drive the Ottomans out of Europe and it ends in a complete disaster."
"Gaining material possessions through crusade is not against the idea of crusade."