
Tea Time Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Grab a cup of tea because if you're not, you're not allowed to watch this video."
"I'm going to go off and have a cup of tea now and I suggest that you do the same."
"Good night, last Sunday together making some tea."
"I'm going to make a cup of tea now. What's the time? Oh yes, time for tea, and maybe even a biscuit from the old biscuit tin."
"It's time for afternoon tea. This is very civilized."
"Lovely jubbly, there's our tea. Oh, that one's already got some milk in that cup, this one hasn't. Oh, never mind, let's pour that in then. Milk's gone in first with that one and right to the brim, lovely."
"There's just nothing better at like three o'clock than a cup of tea in a Biscuit."
"There was nothing better with a cup of tea than a paranormal investigation."
"Every time we don't have tea time the week feels longer."
"A really nice cake to afternoon tea."
"Time for a well-earned cup of tea, I reckon."
"It's my favorite time of the day, tea time, coffee, and künefe snack time."
"I love those little tea sandwiches."
"I've come here quite often to be honest, just for a browse or to grab some tea and some biscuits in a nice tin."
"Grandma core is all about Tea Time, the crumpets, the biscuits."
"I'm gonna make an omelet for tea, very excited about that."
"These are a wonderful pastry for breakfast or for tea time, pan au raisin."
"Mummy, Daddy, sit down. We are all going to have tea with Mr. Skinny Legs."
"It's time for a well-deserved cup of tea."
"Had a cup of tea and called all my friends."
"I've never had biscuits and gravy, but I like those tea biscuits sliced in half with jam and butter right out of the oven with a cup of tea, and that is just heaven for me."
"Really, this would be the perfect little thing next to a cup of tea or coffee."
"I'm having tea because it's chilly outside."
"The best way to eat a Welsh cake is with a cup of tea, straight off the griddle."
"I've got my tea, and this is the perfect Tuesday evening."
"There's nothing I love more than a good tea time."
"I think it might be time for tea."
"And that's me over and out, home for a nice warm cup of tea."
"I'll put the kettle on, fancy a nice cup of tea and some biscuits?"
"It's about 10:00 now, I reckon, cup of tea time."
"I absolutely love a little cookie with my tea in the morning."
"A Blueband sandwich washed down with milky sugary tea is the greatest combination you can put inside your mouth."
"I would always have a cup of tea and just read a book."
"Our time in the sanctuary has come to an end, we've just been enjoying some nice Earl Grey tea."
"Tea Time food... I like the finger sandwiches with the crust off."
"Hello Mr. Monkey, would you like a cup of tea?"
"I'm going to make a cup of tea with a chocolate biscuit and I'm just going to sit in absolute silence."
"At tea time, everybody agrees, it's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me."
"Tea time, we do tea here, we do tea time in the afternoon here too."
"It's a very popular German cake and perfect for a nice English afternoon tea break."
"Thanks so much for enjoying a cup of tea here today at Hedgehog Hollow."
"I love tea time, and I've been dying to have tea time at home, so I'm gonna finally do that."
"I'm drinking tea with the elderly, and they bestow wisdom upon the viewers."
"Enjoy your delicious festive teas with your loved ones during this season."
"This is not just any tea time, this is something very special."
"Let me drink my tea before it gets cold, and I'll see you in the next video."
"It's not about him, they're doing tea time together."
"I'm going to take the cup of tea in bed and I'm just going to enjoy it."
"It's very cold and cloudy out there; I have my tea, sipping my tea."
"Scrub yourselves a nice cup of tea and some snacks."
"I'm just going to take my little time with my cup of tea in my corner and I'll just chill for a little bit."
"Grab yourself a cuppa tea and get comfy because it might be a little bit of a long one."