
Precious Quotes

There are 197 quotes

"Time is obviously our most precious commodity."
"If you can valuate all the precious things in this world, that's the value of our soul."
"I have a sweater in my collection that I don't wear because it's far too precious to me."
"Time is the most precious thing in life; you can't get it back, so you may as well spend your time trying to catch the fish."
"All life is precious, and that idea changed me, it brought me back, and it keeps me living."
"Life's short and we're all gonna die, and because of that every moment is precious."
"Life is precious and always be careful because you can lose someone too close to you."
"The only penalty for touching her is death, and that she is now a precious creature in the school of Magic."
"Doesn't that look precious in my hair?"
"You're a little Slice of Heaven here on Earth."
"Your energy is just so damn precious."
"I believe that all life is precious."
"Your totem is love. Love is the most precious of totems. It reveals itself in unexpected ways."
"I had such a fun week at home with my family. It seriously went by so fast. I can't believe I was there a week."
"The vote is precious, it is sacred, it is one with the blood of Martyrs."
"Cherishing life is the most precious thing."
"It really is a platinum asset, not even a golden one."
"No gift is more precious than trust."
"Life is the most precious thing that you will ever have. It is the most valuable thing."
"Every passing second feels like a precious, fleeting loss."
"Life is precious, but some only learn that when facing death."
"Love is the most precious of totems."
"You are quality time. I feel like people like to spend quality time with you. You are that. You are quality time. This is like a rare jewel. You're a rare jewel."
"You are just as precious to me as precious as life itself."
"I'm gonna hop in bed, close my eyes and hope it comes quick because every single minute is absolutely precious."
"Life is short, precious, and fragile."
"Every life is precious, no matter what species they are."
"Life is so precious. Love hard on your loved ones, enjoy life to the fullest, put God first, and have fun."
"Life is short, it's just too short and too precious."
"In the end, Charlie won the Chocolate Factory, but Wonka won something even more precious: a family."
"Wow, god, he's precious. I think there's two."
"That's golden, man. Like, that's just golden material."
"I'm so excited to support this business, Stardust by Ally. I think it's just absolutely precious."
"I think early on in a relationship, particularly if people from the outside are staring at it and making assumptions about it, you feel like it's something very precious that you have to carry very carefully."
"Should we presently see a new human being coming into the world, it's precious and it's magical."
"You are precious to me, more than you can ever comprehend."
"Love is the most precious thing in the universe, like a version of God itself."
"Carl's laugh is one of the most precious memories that I have."
"No one in the entire world is as precious as you are."
"That's the liquid gold right there."
"Freedom of speech is rare and precious."
"It's a gold mine. It's absolute gold."
"Relationships are really precious and it's more precious now than it ever has been because most relationships fail."
"This is more valuable than gold; it's knowledge."
"I learned today that life is precious even when we're determined to block the magic it will find its way through and wake us up."
"Love at first sight... it's precious."
"Paul's letter to the Philippians is small but it's like a precious gem."
"Time is the most precious asset, my friends, so you use it wisely, all right?"
"Their friendship is so precious this season."
"It's precious, it doesn't last long, embrace it, get everything you can out of it because it doesn't last long."
"He's like, 'No, I'm not taking this. I'm gonna give this back. I don't want this, I don't need this.' Just straight humility, it was honestly really precious."
"You've got to think like, how can we hold on to this precious thing that falls from the sky?"
"We both have people who are precious to us."
"Learning to live each day in the knowledge that desperate hours might just be around the corner is a vital part of what makes life so precious."
"There's just something so precious about that."
"Life is precious, and it can change in the blink of an eye."
"Goodness is the most precious thing in the world, isn't it?"
"Time is very precious and I know that."
"People think you're a rare gem, very precious and unique."
"...this stuff is literally liquid gold..."
"His idea about this is so damn precious."
"You are so precious to me. You are so beautiful to me. I want to take care of you, but to take care of you, I really have to take care of myself."
"Children are very precious, and children are our future of the human race."
"She lost somebody that was precious to her. She lost her son that she deeply loved."
"Live life hard and fast and every day as if it's your last. Life is precious."
"... I'm so happy about them they're so precious."
"You are so precious to God, but you are carrying things in your life that you were never intended to carry."
"Friends are up there with the most precious things anyone can ever have in life."
"Life is too precious and it's too short."
"Life and time is so precious, there's just no time, no time."
"I think it is very important to make people realize how precious is life and that we can do something about it and perhaps one day bring about peace on this earth."
"Time is precious, that's what makes me want to turn the page."
"Time is the most valuable thing on this planet."
"Trials prove that the Lord sees something precious in us."
"Always remember, life is far too short to be [ __ ] holiday season."
"Realize that you are an extremely precious and extremely rare resource."
"We must consider time to be very precious because we are uncertain of its continuation."
"Their love is precious like their love is absolutely angelic."
"Every day, every year of your life is precious."
"Life is just so precious and it's so incredibly fragile."
"An excellent wife is a rare find, far more precious than jewels."
"Life's too precious. Don't waste any time."
"Life is precious. What are the odds that I'm having the time of my life and I'm also finding out my life is over?"
"Sometimes this is all we get, is today, and that's precious."
"Every child is precious and irreplaceable."
"Life is really precious and the opportunity for evolution in life is really so grand."
"We are fortunate to have artists who come along very rarely in our lifetimes, you know, like Jimmy Hendrix, The Beatles, and The Replacements. I think it's one of these acts, very unique, very fragile and precious."
"It really makes you re-evaluate and remember, and not that I had gotten off the path or forgotten about it, but it reminds you how precious every day is and how precious your family is."
"You know, the amount of time we've had to spend with our children over the last 18 months is absolutely priceless."
"Are you willing to sacrifice that which is the most precious to you?"
"I have something very precious to pass on."
"Time is your most precious coin that you possess."
"This happy breed of men, this little world, this precious stone set in the silver sea."
"Who can find a virtuous woman? Her price is far above rubies."
"Time is really important; you don't get long with your kids."
"How could I forget my little sister? She's my precious sister."
"Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, for wisdom is more precious than rubies."
"Look at him; he is precious. I love Powerpuff Girls; I grew up with Powerpuff Girls."
"You are so precious to me, I'm sorry."
"I'm going to get this printed... this moment is just so precious and so cute."
"These little babies are so, so precious."
"It truly is a gift beyond measure."
"I may not have a boyfriend, but I do have someone in my life that I care for very much, and he's more precious to me than anyone."
"The rarest, most precious living gem in the galaxy."
"Time is the most valuable thing that any of us have."
"Plunder the silver, plunder the gold! There's no end of the treasure, or of the wealth of all precious things."
"That is precious, it's a little Easter basket."
"I count him among the most precious and valuable things in my life."
"What do I see when I look at you? My little diamond."
"Have a great night and enjoy your night because it's precious. Tonight is just as precious as the daytime."
"This might just be the most precious set of bears I've ever seen in my life."
"They're just so precious, this is my baby right here now, and I will treasure these forever and ever."
"There is nothing more precious or wonderful in life as we know it than the birth of a child."
"It is absolutely precious and adorable."
"The most precious asset we have as a society and as human beings are our children."
"We must take the precious. We must get it back."
"Name something that's described as precious."
"We have made some absolutely incredibly precious memories."
"I cherish every hug with my goddaughter, every shining moment, they are precious indeed."
"Life is truly a precious thing, one of those things that people seem to take for granted."
"Time is such a special gift to give to someone; it's really the most precious gift we can give to each other."
"Noah's Ark music box, too precious."
"The one true ring that I will not leave."
"This is the most precious thing I have ever seen."
"I remember the day my daughter Evie was born like it was yesterday."
"She was so precious and so sweet, very outgoing, she wanted to be best friends with everybody."
"I consider this very special and very precious."
"You are so very precious to my heart."
"The Eye of the Daughter of the Moon, the most beautiful thing in the world."
"That day, Caillou learned that time spent with a loved one is the best gift of all."
"Our undivided attention is the most precious thing that we have to give each other."
"Children are treasures, but to me, Emma feels more like an angel than a treasure."
"Now I know I'm more precious to you than the whole world."
"It's a very quiet, precious celebration of this relationship in my life."
"They're like your own personal gemstone; they make you feel when you're around this person it's like you smell roses."
"I have nothing more precious in the world than you."
"Its rocks are the source of sapphires, and its dust contains gold."
"You're precious and I love you so much."
"I love them, they're so precious."
"She's like the most precious, beautiful thing."
"You give them time with their families, the single most precious resource that's ever been created in the history of the world."
"A mother is a very special thing and other than the Lord Jesus Christ, I think that mother is one of the most precious gifts that God gives to the world."
"It meant the absolute world to me; that's such a great day, I did not want it to end."
"This is the most precious gift you will ever receive this side of heaven."
"The days I've spent with you are my most precious treasures."
"My relationship with God is precious."
"Someone who told him that only when you are protecting someone precious to you is when your true strength is shown,"
"I have found something even more precious than doubloons."
"Time is precious, I look at my clock out of control, just like my mind where I'm going."
"Your time is your life and it is the most precious thing that you have."
"Friendship is the most precious thing of all."
"Isn't that just precious, there's so precious."
"Friendship... this right here for me is gold."
"Amina, an Arabic name meaning 'most precious,' and to Amina Scott's loved ones, that's exactly what she was."
"It's too good to waste, I found heaven."
"Every moment seems special because we knew he wasn't going to be with us long."
"What are the things that are most precious to you? Uh, BTS and ARMY is family. A family."
"That was incredible, and it's tiny little face, oh that was precious."
"Our time is the one thing we never get back."
"My precious... You know, from Lord of the Rings?"
"Whatever you're doing with the rest of your Fridays, please enjoy them, live them up, soak it all up, Fridays are precious."
"Friday nights are so goddamn precious, don't sleep through your Friday."
"It's worth more than gold, greatest to my soul."
"My precious, so he can make them live again."
"These two together are going to be my very, very precious reminder of our wonderful times."
"This is very precious, this is such a beautiful sighting."
"All I knew was I loved my little baby so much, and when I held him in my arms, he meant everything to me."
"I'm trying to get my ring, bro. That's my precious."
"These moments with my son were precious, both ordinary and extraordinary at the same time."
"I am a first-time mom to the most precious baby boy."
"I have found you, my precious, at last."
"He's so precious to me, and I just love him so much."
"It's also nice to see these little ones being active because often you find them in the pride and they they suckling and in they have a little nap so to see them being walked around with mom is absolutely priceless."
"Oh my gosh, wait, wait, this is the precious one, this is the only precious one."
"I hope you can be happy and find what's precious to you."
"You do not become strong to become Hokage; you become strong to protect those precious to you."
"Love is too precious to trade rested eyes."
"You're more precious than diamonds and rubies."
"We've got a little pill-spotted owl, and it is absolutely precious."
"That's the most precious thing I have."
"Olivia's smile is so infectious, it's so precious."
"Some moments are too precious to be cheapened by an ever-present camera."
"Motherhood is the most precious sentiment in the world."
"I've had tears many a time. It's always precious."
"It was one of the most precious times I've ever had with my dad."
"Those are the most precious people to me on planet Earth."
"It's so precious, I love it so so much."
"We consider women precious; they should be treated like queens."
"I think he is precious and would look great with any Easter Decor."
"It gives you the presence of complete love that you can hold within your heart, which nobody can ever take away from you."
"I absolutely adore this one; that was precious."
"It's so precious, look how cute this bottle is."