
Magic Trick Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"I'm gonna make this pencil disappear." - Joker
"And that is how you do the classic scotch and Soda magic trick."
"You try to speak but instead choke and cough up a six of clubs which somehow got into your mouth."
"I pull out four gold and then I flip around, I go 'what's it behind your ear' and I pull out five gold."
"Let me show you why this is magical."
"How did the magician make the shiny ball seem to float beneath that magic cloth?"
"From this angle, we can see how he makes the ball momentarily disappear."
"Wow look at my cool magic trick everyone H someone just vented he wouldn't do that if he was the killer."
"Now, I have absolutely no idea what this card is, but if I riffle the deck like this, it's now in perfect numerical order."
"Boom! Ball in the vase. Just kidding, it's gone. There was nothing in there. Okay, your turn."
"Every magic trick consists of three parts: The Pledge, the Turn, the Prestige."
"Now, for trick number three, okay, so for number three you need obviously a container of water, some paper, and a Ziploc bag."
"A part of it what makes comedy work I think is because it's in its own way and I hate to compare it to this but it's like a magic trick."
"You're amazing magician. How'd you do that?"
"Now there's no setup for the trick. The deck can be entirely shuffled."
"The best thing about this trick is that it's technically really, really easy."
"I'm going to count to three and I'm going to move the coin right through his head."
"The best part about this one is when we actually get to see the magic trick itself being this big parody of the elephant's parade from Dumbo which visually looks phenomenal."
"Your answers may influence which trick Steve does, it's a little choose-your-own-adventure kind of thing."
"Let's get into exactly how you can perform this trick."
"This trick really has a killer ending."
"So guys, for my first trick tonight that I will be teaching you, I want to show you a very classic, yet still one of my favorite tricks to this very day."
"The secret to this trick is really simple. You don't even have to force a card."
"'That's a pretty impressive magic trick right there, giving stage clowns a run for their money.'"
"Then I'm going to cut it. You ready? Boom it's cut but watch this I bring the two halves up I rub I snap and the string is restored."
"So when you replace your ball with a bubble go pop and freeze for a moment and then bring the hand up and it'll look like you've caught a bubble."
"He grabbed one, okay? We assume it's going to be a King of Clubs, 'cause Pen and Teller's been throwing it, you know, a thousand miles an hour for a long time."
"He’s texted back 3 of clubs and is it the 3 of clubs? The 3 of clubs!"
"It's like putting everything together in a magic trick."
"Let me show you a card trick that is so simple yet so beautiful."
"Was it a heart? And how do I have five cards here? What's the seven of hearts? Your card."
"Damn, hold on bro, a magic trick, a supernatural Phenomenon with that absolutely fantastic go by Nagi Sido bro."
"Just with a snap of the fingers, the card will teleport from one pile to another."
"A neat little packet trick that you can learn in like five minutes or less."
"This trick is very awesome, it's got such a powerful ending."
"The thumb raises up, the candy drops into the hand, and you've nailed the trick. Have a good day!"
"This week I'm going to teach you a really easy card trick secret that even professional magicians don't know about, so you're going to fool everyone with this."
"If I just do this, what I can wipe away one of the diamonds and that right there is your three of diamonds."
"And that is how you do the torn and restored straw paper trick."
"The bird pops up out of nowhere, man, y'all liking that, right?"
"This is effect number two, and this is the one I highly recommend you try performing because people really lose their minds with this one."
"I'm going to teach you a trick that will blow you away."
"The goal of this trick is to make your card jump across from my hands over to your hands."
"It's called Jeff Latta's Three Coin Trick."
"It's a great little one-two punch you can do anytime and anywhere."
"Here and there, there and here, make myself disappear."
"Just like that, the Ace of Spades has turned into your King of Hearts."
"I like teaching the kid a really simple trick."
"It engages everybody and it uses a signed card which is always good."
"Embrace it, be ready to, because without just fully sending it and going for it, you're not going to be able to improve as fast as you want to."
"Card to wallet is one of the strongest tricks you can do."
"I think the invisible deck magic trick is the best impromptu trick you can do to make yourself really look like you have a mental edge above everyone else."
"I'm really excited to show you this awesome card trick."
"The Invisible Palm looks like it's gone, but really, it's just in the invisible palm."
"It's a completely gimmick-free trick you can do at home immediately."
"Many people wonder what is that, that is in truth the world's oldest recorded trick."
"Let me tell you, having any card picked appearing at any number, this is a very strong effect."
"It's a really clean change and it ends very clean where you can just... it looks like there's really nothing to hide."
"You could turn it into a real show-stopper of a trick."
"What was your card? The two of hearts. Now let's look around, this isn't the two... I'm looking around, what? No, the two's gone."
"I think that was the best trick you've shown me by far."
"I mean I want to show you a trick that is so incomprehensible that you will have no idea how it is done."
"Monkey in the Middle by Bill Goldman, this is an amazing trick."
"The Moment by Andy Nyman, this trick is one of the first tricks I ever did when I was a kid."
"Eric Casey's Poker Test 2.0, love this trick, great trick."
"Spectrum by R Paul Wilson, this is a tour de force of a trick."
"It's a killer closer and I highly recommend that everybody does it."
"Now you're ready to do the final part of the trick, which is the kicker ending."
"The beautiful thing about this trick is the fact that it is so hands-off."
"I'm gonna try to fool Penn & Teller with nothing more than a half dollar and a prediction."
"Penn and Teller both started to prepare for the bullet catch by first adjusting the safety frames."
"But this theory can be thrown right out the window by just doing a quick check on whether or not the signatures are exactly the way they are on both the bullets before and after they were shot."
"My name is Katie, and I can turn invisible using this cloak."
"Upon cracking the walnut open, a small cork p was found which turned out to be the exact cork p on which Penn had signed his initials."
"Would you be impressed if the instant I reach the number three, your card materializes in between the two red kings?"
"In today's video, we will reveal how Teller fooled Penn with a very simple yet mind-bending needle and thread trick."