
Feast Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"When you're coming home to heaven there's this big feast prepared for you that Jesus has prepared in His Father's house."
"It's a celebration where you bring friends and families together and have a feast."
"I'm so hungry, I'm going to inhale this roast that my mother has done."
"That was an incredible camel feast in Casablanca."
"Enjoy a little Feast with me to celebrate."
"This is seriously a Texas size feast."
"We're about to have a barbecue feast."
"Harvested a turkey, harvested a deer, harvested a duck, and harvested Quail for the ultimate Wild game Thanksgiving feast."
"We will enjoy our feast and we will see you guys at breakfast tomorrow morning."
"Kelvin and his party are served with rice and he enjoys the meal so much that he consumes a whole lot during the banquet."
"Thanksgiving feast coming your way."
"Christmas dinner a British Christmas dinner is just as big a feast as an American one."
"Wow! Best pumpkin pie ever! Thanks for my going away feast, Papa!"
"I would invite you in for a feast, but I'm guessing that helmet isn't coming off again."
"Christ our Passover Lamb has been sacrificed; therefore let us keep the feast."
"We reach Waselcow in the afternoon. There the first thing we do is have a feast and drink some alcohol."
"That, my friends, is a fish platter fit for a king."
"The Corned Beef was an entire feast."
"Love you guys. I'm gonna feast now."
"...the master cook never admitted but in due course the time for the 24 feast drew near and nooks had to think about making the great cake..."
"It's a feast, it's gonna keep me full till the end of the week."
"That is a Mayan feast cooking underground. I can't wait!"
"A cheerful heart has a continual feast."
"Now it's time to celebrate the opening with an Ibeloy feast."
"There's always a midnight feast, we eat things in secret."
"After the feast of unleavened bread, we have Sabbath's, Passover could be any day of the week."
"This is a feast. This is a high protein Indian inspired feast. Please try these recipes."
"this breakfast looks absolutely incredible we've got a hot food menu here and there's also like go and help yourself Continental Cold Buffet with like Quant and pastries and stuff so this is going to be a feast."
"I love the idea of a Movable Feast."
"Feasts like this are special events, drawing the entire community together to take part in the labor and join together in the final reward."
"Strong crowd will be starting their feast with this playful new dish."
"The fast is over. It's time for the feast. Feast on what? Manna from heaven. Knowledge that has never been revealed in 66 trillion years."
"What a feast they will have. Come, the vampires are waiting."
"Feast of Plenty surrounded by success and illumination."
"Our Lady of Mount Carmel is one of those feast days in the church that we all celebrate, often without knowing why."
"We're gonna have an absolute Feast right now."
"...Catholicism is not a buffet religion it's a banquet religion where we're all called to sit down to the seven-course meal Christ calls us all to table..."
"And here we have our seafood feast, de levanta muerto, right? So lobster, clams, shrimp, fish, it looks amazing."
"It's a feast, it's... warriors coming back from the war and feasting. It's a bacchanal."
"The Egyptians partied hard in Horus's honor. The Feast of victory was celebrated every year in the region of Edfu in southern Egypt at the Temple of Horus."
"You gotta have your mac and cheese, your sweet potatoes, and your stuffing all on the same plate."
"Nothing like juicy sweet watermelon after such a meaty, salty, marvelous feast."
"The feast that they now saw was greater and more magnificent than before,"
"It's a perfect cold weather feast, and I really hope you treat yourself to it sometime soon."
"Thanksgiving, it's family, you get to eat."
"Tables are set and on a sudden piled with angels' food, and ruby nectar flows in pearl, in diamond, and massy gold."
"Heaps up on the floor to form a kind of throne, where turkeys, geese, game, poultry, brawn, great joints of meat... and seething bowls of punch."
"The oxen and fatlings are killed, the wedding feast is ready, and the trumpet sounds: 'Ho, everyone that thirsteth, come and eat; come and drink!'"
"A big, big table with lots and lots of food."
"We would celebrate their victory with a very large banquet."
"The emperor hosted a celebration on his birthday to eat 300 different dishes from both parties."
"This word describes a lavish meal or feast, especially one which honors a specific person or benefits a charity."
"Tonight's feast for the sacrifice and effort that you finalists have made."
"Here ye, hear ye, the king hereby invites all the inhabitants of the city of Shushan to a royal feast to be held at the king's royal palace."
"You gotta have your turkey and your gravy and your mashed potatoes."
"We feasted like kings and filled our stomachs like a pair of bloodthirsty wolves."
"He spreads a table before him in the presence of his enemies."
"I will say to my servants, go ye out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that they may partake of the feast I have prepared."
"We're going to eat like kings and queens here, this is going to be a ridiculous meal."
"A feast, a celebration, a tradition."
"We ate like kings and had the greatest time."
"And now, my esteemed defenders, we feast."
"We're gonna cook up a monster feast, it's gonna be awesome."
"This guy just like the Red Ranger is an absolute feast for the eyes."
"Feasts and fullness... have to do with the fullness that Christ can bring in the setting of abundance of a delicious meal."
"It's called a boodle fight, that's what they call it from a term from the military."
"Multiple people coming together to eat a great feast, that sounds good."
"The food has arrived and we've ordered an absolute banquet, check out all the food we've got here, everything looks so good."
"I will prepare a feast for you in front of your enemies."
"The Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of the finest foods for all peoples."
"People will come from east and west and north and south, and will take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God."
"At the end of my journey, I'm having a feast which is a celebration of all the great ingredients that I've been inspired to stir."
"We're gonna have a feast tonight, I love peanuts so I'm excited for this one."
"We got lobsters, we got crab, we got shrimp."
"We are eating like kings tonight."
"Excited to shop for the Christmas feast!"
"This Thanksgiving, cooks of the Armed Services throughout the world will serve up some one hundred and twelve thousand pounds of turkey."
"When he tried to eat or drink at the feast, the bread, meat, and wine all turned to gold."
"And in this mountain The Lord of hosts will make for all people A feast of choice pieces, A feast of wines on the lees, Of fat things full of marrow, Of well-refined wines on the lees."
"We are going to be eating like kings tonight, totally blessed."
"For the food baby, we got snow crab legs, we got eggs, we got crawfish... we got shrimp, we got scallops."
"We had a Splendid feast that night, for they were very fat."
"The Great Hall of Winterfell was hazy with smoke and heavy with the smell of roasted meat and fresh baked bread."
"After over a month of not eating, our Jade Empress proceeded to feast on a scrumptious meal she truly deserved, fit for a queen."
"This was really an incredible feast."
"You're in a castle, and you can smell roasting meats and maybe some spiced wine."
"After you have that big Easter meal - the lamb, the meat, the feta cheese - it's that much rewarding."
"I am setting up a table full of Caribbean flavors fit for a king."
"This is a feast for the senses to look at."
"We're going to give them the Feast of the century."
"We have jumbo snow crab, we have king crab, we have two types of lobster, corn, potatoes, boiled eggs, we got shrimp, and we have colossal prawns."
"We have king crab, lobster, scallops, shrimp, corn, potatoes, and sausage."
"We're gonna have a seafood smorgasbord tomorrow."
"Get ready, Fate. Think of all those incoming monsters as a buffet for your gluttony."
"Can you feel your blood boiling, Fate? How long has it been since we feasted on such a spread?"
"The feast finally ended in a harmonious and lively atmosphere."
"What's a big Christmas dinner to you, like, you know, like either grilled chicken or turkey or something."
"It's one of the great opportunities to feast on the bounty of the sea."
"Somewhere beyond the trees, there was a feast."
"It's gonna be a feast, this like Christmas dinner."
"Imagining the opulent feast he and Mong could enjoy, a wide smile spread across his face."
"We've got this beautiful feast in the beautiful house and a couple of traditional Emirati dishes."
"A good feast with family is peak happiness."
"After becoming heroes yet again, we had a lovely feast."
"I feel like we need a centerpiece giving feast, and that's why we went to Denny's and ordered turkey."
"Grant has made his heroic return and now we feast, you ready?"
"What an amazing non-veg feast it was."
"Time to gobble up the big bird tonight, right here on Emerald."
"Customers keep showing up to this rustic restaurant for a once-in-a-lifetime feast."
"We've got lots of meat, and you've got rum. Let's share the feast together," Broggy greeted them with a broad smile.
"At least for tonight, we'll have ourselves a big old feast."
"Now that you've assembled the food for our New Year feast, we hope you have a blast."
"We just had a huge feast at Stirling Castle, it was pretty awesome."
"The wild meat you are having today. Were all hunted by the princes and me. Eat the meat with zest. Drink the wine with bliss."
"It's by far my favorite moment of Thanksgiving when everything is on the table and the guests come to the buffet for the first time and are so excited to dig in."
"...blow up the trumpet in the new moon, at the full moon, on our solemn feast day..."
"Thanksgiving is supposed to be like the premiere meal, this is supposed to be the meal where you go all out."
"Wisdom is crying today, she has made her feast, she is inviting you to come and join her."
"Dinner is served, guys, look at this, we've got the stuffed veggies, salads, and bread."
"We got some cotton, we got some carnitas, we got some shrimp, we got some fish, we got some rice."
"The feast of Tabernacles... it's a time of great joy and everyone would go out and eat."
"I'm absolutely famished. The last time I ate was 4 p.m. yesterday, it's now... I got a bunch of delicious food in front of me."
"We're gonna have the biggest slap-up dinner yet."
"We're gonna have a really big feast all together and then we're gonna open presents tonight."
"I'm so excited, we ended up making a pecan pie, a lemon meringue pie, there's lots of turkey."
"But today is the opposite of all that. We've never cooked up a proper feast in all our years of alternative living."
"Hey, what a feast, yeah this one it's gotta be we reckon the best meal we've probably done the Internet."
"Christmas Day we're having honey roast Gammon, roast potatoes, and nibbles."
"We've got a massive banquet now of food."
"He's going to be served the feast fit for a king."
"I surrender my attachment to scraps and open my mind, body, and soul to the great feast."