
Houseplants Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"Propagating houseplants is one of the most rewarding, fun, best parts about keeping houseplants."
"The way I like to propagate Pothos is by cutting off one of the more leggy vines."
"Who would think to buy themselves a really cute watering can for their houseplants? But once you're gifted one, you would use it all of the time."
"You're probably gonna experience a few of these mistakes regardless of what level you are in your houseplant journey."
"The pothos is simple in so many ways. It's easy to take care of, it will survive in your home almost anywhere."
"...I think it's such an underrated house plant and I personally think it's one that everyone should have in their collection..."
"I love decorating with houseplants. I think they bring so much life to your home."
"Snake plants are...I would say the easiest houseplants to take care of."
"The devil's Ivy or the pothos is a great option."
"I love propagation. There's a lot of reasons why people propagate houseplants."
"From propagation challenges to market stability: dissecting the investment potential of houseplants."
"Now that all that's done, I think the only thing left to do today really is to go around and spot water some of my houseplants."
"Another beautiful non-toxic house plant is the polka dot plant."
"What's something I enjoy? Oh my gosh, house plants!"
"This is just a phenomenal philodendron as like a showpiece because it's not necessarily going to be one that is climbing up a moss pole or trailing down like I said this is going to stay put inside the pot for the most part."
"Alocasia is becoming one of my favorite genus of houseplants to grow."
"These eight house plants will help teach you the skills that you need to become a master and get your green thumb."
"Can you see him? This beautiful specimen here is a Philodendron Golden Dragon."
"You need to understand how absolutely stunning this plant is."
"How amazing is he? He's so pretty."
"Such a cool plant, one that you just wouldn't normally think of as a houseplant."
"This is such a great houseplant, it's super unique with these round leaves."
"Uncommon, hard-to-find, rare house plants are all the rage right now amongst houseplant enthusiasts."
"These houseplants are very easy to grow, ridiculously easy to grow."
"Perfect for those low light spaces that you really would like to grow a house plant."
"This is probably always going to be in my top five, top 10 favorite house plants."
"House plants that I would wholeheartedly recommend to everyone."
"...this one is just a really stunning houseplant. It's held on for me for a couple of years."
"Mini monstera, and so this looks just like a monstera plant but very tiny."
"I actually have a pothos, a snake plant and a monstera in kratky."
"It's just a really lovely, not particularly rare, not particularly expensive philodendron, probably a really good starter one if you're kind of just getting started with houseplants."
"If we haven't met yet, my name is Becca, and this is my YouTube channel where I talk about all the houseplant things."
"Here's a Peace Lily that's doing great."
"They have variegated Hoya yetti eyes here for 12.99, that is such a steal."
"It really is such an incredible houseplant and incredibly underrated."
"Once they acclimate to your space and they get over all of the angst that they are feeling, they are such reliable houseplants."
"If you're looking for a house plant for a darker corner of your home and you want to have a little bit more character, aglaonema is 100% the way to go."
"Why not rank house plants? It'll be fun."
"Monsteras are easy to find, you can purchase them large for a decent price."
"The cheapest way to make your house look nice with plants is to multiply your plants through propagation."
"If you're looking for a large plant for your home and you do not want to kill it, these are what you want."
"They're fantastic houseplants because they're accessible, they're affordable, they're easy care, and they're absolutely beautiful."
"I think that they're fantastic houseplants because they're accessible, they're affordable, they're easy care, and they're absolutely beautiful."
"I could fill my house with spider plants, I really do love them that much."
"I would love to offer house plants and have something unusual and hard to find."
"What's not to look forward to with such a stunning specimen of a house plant?"
"I want to talk a little bit more about some common and uncommon variegated houseplants."
"String of Pearls, Latin name Senecio Rowleyanus, are a really common beautiful houseplant that's super easy to take care of once you get the hang of what they like and don't like."
"This one is your string of dolphins, sometimes it's called hippogriff, so those Harry Potter fans out there, you might enjoy that."
"This is the variegated string of pearls, she's so pretty, very unusual, you can see kind of the creamy stripes through her pearls."
"This is definitely one of the very best house plants that anyone can grow."
"Ludisia discolor is easy and I do believe it will do pretty good in almost any type of home."
"If you want an easy-going plant that is very simple, very mild-mannered, very easy to take care of and it's going to be with you for years to come, then look no further than Sansevieria, also known as snake plant."
"If you're looking for the perfect plant for your home that is easy to take care of and is going to add some green to a plain old indoor space, then look no further than the snake plants."
"Snake plants are favorites among the house plant community for many reasons."
"What makes a snake plant an awesome houseplant is they are so easy to care for."
"It is one of my favorite house plants ever, partly because they're so easy to care for, and it just looks so cool and stunning."
"This here is a homalomena. It's so cute."
"Transform your indoor sanctuary with one of the rarest house plants for the new year."
"These aren't your run-of-the-mill house plants; we're delving into the realm of rare and expensive specimens that redefine the elegance of plant life."
"Philodendron are one of the most popular types of houseplants."
"As your Aglaonemas begin to mature and get more comfortable in their setting, they will start to kind of fill out themselves by putting off these baby plants."
"This Red Emerald really just kind of blows me out of the water."
"Fiddly fig AKA Ficus lyrata are one of the most popular house plants."
"I would consider them to be like the most reliable foliage house plant that I have in my home."
"Overall, I do think Hoyas are a beginner's house plant; they are really easy to care for."
"The plant community is growing whether you're just starting out your house plant journey or a little bit more experienced."
"Aglanima is one of the best-known house plants for helping to purify the air."
"This is a really, really cool way to grow houseplants."
"House plants are another thing that can bring comfort."
"Philodendron are really, really easy houseplants to grow."
"I just love Bonia; this is one of my favorite genus when it comes to house plants."
"If you don't know me, welcome! My name is Ashley and as you can see, I am obsessed with all things house plants."
"They're prone to the same pests as most houseplants, so what's nice about them is these really broad white leaves, it's so much easier to clean them."
"These house plants that people say thrive on neglect... are the ones that are invasive."
"This here is Philodendron 'Moonlight'."
"I feel like this is one of these plants where if you know someone that isn't into houseplants and they come to your house and they see this plant, it's always the first plant people would be like 'Oh my gosh, is that real? What is that?'"
"I'm obsessed with houseplants... I feel like I don't have enough."
"Hello friends, welcome to houseplant tips and tricks."
"If they are available in your local houseplant stores, please thank the people who are working at the stores for keeping things so fresh and exciting."
"They're very cool, very beautiful plants and they are actually fairly easy to care for."
"This is just like the epitome of a tropical houseplant to me."
"This is one of the fastest growing houseplants."
"These Aglaonemas are absolutely beautiful plants; there are many different varieties, many different colors, and they are fairly easy to care for."
"Alocasias are funny; I really didn't think I liked them so much at first, but they're so easy to grow and kind of quirky and fun."
"It's a spathiphyllum, otherwise known as the peace lily."
"Oxalis triangularis is probably one of the easiest houseplants to look after."
"They make great house plants because they are so easy to handle."
"I've always thought one of the marks of an excellent house plant is versatility."
"Aglonemas, just in general, are some of the easiest growing house plants mainly because they can tolerate pretty much any lighting and also do not require high humidity."
"Philodendron and pothos are known as some of the easiest types of plants to propagate."
"Philodendron and pothos plants are two of the most popular house plants and for good reason: they are incredibly easy to care for, completely beautiful, and come in hundreds of varieties."
"One of the most stunning houseplants that I've ever had the pleasure of growing."
"Those are some simple tips and techniques to set you up for success when it comes to watering your house plants."
"...my house plants are so banging bro, I used to kill all of my house plants..."
"Rubber plants are well known for their beautiful broad leaves and shiny foliage."
"We got new house plants and we've never really successfully raised any houseplants, so we'll see how these guys go."
"Why are house plants so addictive? Just look at this, the variation and the variety of plants you can get is unbelievable."
"I'm trying to get more house plants. I know houseplants really help filter the air."
"I keep houseplants because it's my way of connecting with my ancestors and the people in my family."
"Houseplant spa day is their extra special day."
"It's gorgeous, I love Mikens so much, it's one of my favorite plants and definitely one of my favorite philodendrons by far."
"If you're considering getting a Monstera Elbo, go for it, I say. If you're into them, definitely go for it because they are such lovely plants to grow."