
Knowing Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"There's no time frame when you know, you just know."
"You will feel this powerful sense of knowing, regardless of where you are on your awakening journey."
"Your knowing creates a still space that surrounds your non-peace in a loving and tender embrace, and then transmutes your non-peace into peace."
"Another way to shift from twin flame doubt to knowing to confirmation is simply to strengthen your trust in your own inner voice."
"I hope this story makes you more cautious because knowing someone through social media is not knowing them."
"We only see nature through the fundamental faculty of our knowing."
"I honestly think we learned that you both know me really really well."
"You will just know. You will know."
"You have surrendered fully to this knowing."
"You never really know someone until you're divorcing them, and I can truly confirm that is true."
"We have to place value on knowing and experiencing Him above all else."
"The doubt comes from the mind. The mind doesn't understand the knowing that you're experiencing."
"The knowing comes from the soul. The doubt comes from the mind."
"Intuition is a knowing. It's not mental or emotional. It's legit."
"In a knowing, you recognize each other at the soul level."
"It's a knowing energy, a deep spiritual truth."
"Knowing what you want is understanding your why."
"I'm a firm believer that in order to date someone you have to know them first."
"How did you know that they're my favorite?"
"Your faith becomes consolidated... it's a knowing."
"It's this gift of knowing because it changes your world."
"Y'all just have this intellect and this knowing of certain things that a lot of people don't have, and they know that."
"To know somebody takes work and effort and dedication and commitment, and that's a choice."
"This is truly the art of being, the art of knowing, the art of self-conviction."
"You're just gonna know it. It's a sensation. It's intuitive."
"The one is beyond being. It's beyond knowing."
"The more you seek Him, the more you're gonna know Him."
"Wisdom on the other hand is something you know in your soul."
"I just went out in the third with with a really positive frame of mind that I had a feeling of missing a lot of people say to me how did you know he was it and I said you just know."
"Symbols do this sort of double job, they exemplify by getting you to participate in that to which they refer. They invoke participatory knowing because they have to do ultimately with getting down to the machinery of the agent-arena participatory relationship."
"It was probably around four or five months, I knew. I just knew."
"Consciousness is separation itself. It's a form of knowing."
"Every story, in that sense, is the same. It's an addiction to knowing, an addiction to experience, an addiction to being."
"The experience of separation is the experience of knowing or the experience that something needs to happen."
"Yes, a very curious coincidence," he continued with the same knowing look.
"True knowing begins with not knowing."
"It's like if you know, you know type of thing."
"Knowing what you don't want to do is just as valuable as knowing what you do want to do."
"What does it mean for God to know someone? It means that God has set his heart of love upon them."
"What does 'to know' mean? It means to choose to love someone."
"Each experience is lit up by this knowing; equally all the experience shines brightly with the knowing of it."
"I want to know him, not just his persona."
"...sometimes you just know when you know."
"We cannot be in the company of somebody who we don't know. So, to be in the company of God we need to know Him."
"Human being is transformed not through your idea of him, but through your knowing of him."
"He is the knower of the faculty of knowing, but himself has no trace of knowing."
"God wants you to flow like in, he wants you to think like him, he wants you to see like him, he wants you to know like him."
"Heavenly Father knows you and loves you."
"You just know, and it's beautiful."
"This is someone who knows they'll know when they meet the one."