
Plasma Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"The plasma life hypothesis is an incredibly powerful hypothesis. It explains a heck of a lot of stuff."
"This thing can be used to ionize gases to plasma from a distance, heat up anything with water in it, and a bunch of other weird and possibly dangerous things."
"...if you have a drug that's extremely protein-bound, so high plasma protein-bound drug, what happens to the actual amount of free drug then? There is a decrease in free drug."
"Coronal holes are areas of cooler, less dense plasma which are magnetically open."
"Plasma is the fourth state of matter, and scientists are now realizing that over 99% of our universe consists of plasma."
"Think about how you can lose lots of actual plasma."
"The Sun is made of gas, but it's not just gaseous."
"Plasma is the fourth state of matter, where atoms have been stripped of their electrons."
"99% of all matter is not gas, liquid, or solid, it's plasma. Plasma is not just a gas, it's an ionized gas. It behaves as an organ on its own."
"Components of blood: plasma, erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood cells), and platelets."
"It's a nearly perfect ball of hot plasma, heated to incandescence by nuclear fusion reactions in its core."
"It's equally rewarding and equally good fun to study how the radio plasma extends away from that central launch point near the black hole."
"Stars are giant blobs of incandescent gas, they are plasma."
"A master of solar energy, Sun Fire converts solar radiation into powerful plasma outputs, perfect for scorching his enemy."
"Controlling this superheated plasma is the big deal, and this is what have stalled Fusion for quite a few years now."
"Your blood is made of plasma and cells. These cells are red blood cells, white cells, and platelets, but the plasma is water and proteins."
"The fire in the fire donut is the luminous hot plasma that has rushed headlong towards its inexorable fate crossing the event horizon out of the visible universe."
"We can use the Sun as a laboratory to better understand how plasmas are affected by electric and magnetic fields."
"The plasma filaments that are expelled from the Sun are highly charged."
"Who set up the country's first blood plasma bank? Dr. Charles R. Drew, a black man."
"Plasma is the sort of the liquid phase of blood."
"Plasma is responsible for the transportation of blood cells, food nutrients, waste products, and hormones."
"Plasma is like a gas, but instead of a bunch of molecules, it's all charged particles."
"Under the right circumstances, typically when a gas gets ridiculously hot, the electrons orbiting the atoms can be given enough energy to detach from their host atoms and float around freely."
"If you could somehow apply energy in a way that just heats the electrons and had some way to keep the atoms cold, you would still have a glowing plasma whose electrons are anywhere from two to fifteen thousand degrees but it would feel cold to the touch."
"The entire universe was a ball of hot plasma, thick enough for sound to pass through."
"An ionized gas is called a plasma."
"The universe was a plasma, with electrons and protons interacting freely with photons."
"You have the healthy plasma to donate; it's saving lives."
"Plasma is the most abundant form of ordinary matter in the universe and it's usually associated with stars."
"Why are we interested in kinetic plasma simulation? For me, I like to think about these high energy astrophysical applications."
"Plasma is an ionized gas and we are interested in not just individual particle motion, we're interested in the collective phenomena that plasma display."
"Regardless of the level, the overall neutralizing activity in the plasma, each person does appear to have some ability to make very potent neutralizing antibodies."
"The gas in these stars is so hot that the atoms dissociate into charged particles."
"It looks as though it's draining plasma directly from the surface of the Sun."
"Plasma is an excited state of matter where electrons in a gas are free to roam around."
"Flying at hypersonic speed generates a cloud of plasma engulfing the weapon."
"Plasma absorbs, scatters, and reflects electromagnetic waves all at the same time."
"Plasmas can support huge electric fields... we have already demonstrated... ten thousand megavolts per meter."
"Plasma gasification is an advancement in the gasification process where high voltage across two electrodes creates a plasma."
"The core temperature of this arc that varies from 5000 to 8000 degrees centigrade."
"I think plasma is really something, the customization you can get from it is amazing."
"99% of the matter in the entire universe is plasma, not solid, liquid, or gas."