
Call Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"Better than I deserve. What's up, kiddo? Good, thank you. Um, I am calling, I'm going to try to keep this as clear as I can. I'm in a bit of a complicated situation."
"Hey baby, I hear the blues are calling, tossed salads and scrambled eggs."
"If you will just call upon him right now he will meet you and he will grant you genuine salvation."
"The call of the owl is far greater than the song of the finch."
"God just needs one man to say yes, amen."
"Jesus stopped and said, 'Call him.'"
"Whom shall I send? Who will go for us? Here am I; send me."
"Israel, Israel, God is calling, calling thee from lands of woe."
"That's a dealer of the year call at that, you know. Sorry, I like it, just screaming for a call."
"Now you can mute and unmute a phone call or FaceTime call by simply pressing on the stem of an AirPod."
"The journey is calling, and I must go."
"Hear it, all ye ends of the earth—all ye priests, all ye sinners, and all men. Repent!"
"Love and subscribe if you feel called to do so."
"...what a play design, what a play call."
"Marcella, the Chancellor of Sport, has given you an emergency call, saying there is a task most peculiar."
"I got a call from Bill Thompson who edited my first books."
"The call is always to Greater and to bigger."
"Wow, what poker instincts by Kenneth James here to make this call!"
"I wondered for a moment if I had just been the victim of a prank call. It seemed, from our short conversation, that the guy on the other end of the line had been watching me."
"We're calling all Titans of the neighborhood, the outdoors, the community."
"We hear the call. We accept the challenge."
"Take the adventure, heed the call."
"You're being called into that energy."
"...the hospital had actually called me this morning but it was from a number I didn't recognize so I didn't answer it."
"Prophets' calls were unique, originating solely from God, unlike initiatives from within or national pride."
"He offered me a one-on-one call for only twenty dollars."
"I think it was an important call of kind of taking off the rose-colored glasses or romanticizing the situation and bringing in a bit of practicality."
"That's a tough call off that one, it almost looked like you might have had her on the arm initially."
"But something even crazier is the time the refs made a call on something that didn't even happen."
"This 156 a.m. call who is that between an in which direction that is miss peg Manawa calling mr. Garcia what's the duration of that call two minutes and thirty seconds"
"I want to show you how much one call can change a person's entire life."
"Would you like me to call the Big Friendly Giant? You'll like him very much."
"Lucy sprang up energetically and called out, 'Come on, let's get going!'"
"Among the calls that he made was for a truly religionless Christianity."
"In every instance when you feel the call, the urge to volunteer to respond, it is God who is calling you."
"The prosecution introduced to the jury was Cassidy's 911 call on the tape Cassidy told the operator that her entire family had been shot and that she needed immediate help."
"Call upon the Lord while he's near."
"God's calling His church back to worship Him in Spirit and in truth."
"I once again called out to Elliot Elliot let's leave okay anything will be all right."
"When you call on his name, he will save you."
"Church family, it's time for worship."
"My name was out there, but the most interesting one was when I got a call."
"That was a really good call it was was really really helpful and useful."
"Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other."
"You can call out my name when you're only lonely."
"All who call upon His name shall be saved."
"Call upon the name of the Lord and you will be saved."
"That was the call that changed her entire life."
"O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the Lord."
"Putting out his hands and crying, 'Come unto me, come unto me.'"
"Deep in your soul calls out to me like a foghorn."
"Hello, hello, is it me you're looking for?"
"When Jesus calls all his children in, when the trumpet sounds, that's when we will walk in."
"Just call me, I will respond, but call from your heart."
"The call of Christ goes out to all and is effectual to those who are weary and heavy-laden."
"I can't believe that dude just called me, that's awesome."
"Awesome, thank you so much for calling me. I really appreciate it."
"There's a new call to adventure basically."
"This is not an accident, this is not a one-off, we're being called, this is our destiny."
"Look unto me, ye ends of the earth, and be saved."
"Look unto me, all ye ends of the earth, for I am God, and there's none other besides me."
"All you've got to do is call on the name of the Lord and you shall be saved."
"Ring ring, hello Cleveland, it's your future. Are you going to answer it?"
"Repent and believe; I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."
"Anyone call for a rescue? We did, we did!"
"I'm long gone for the Yukon, boys, for the Yukon is calling for me."
"I remember you did that and they called me, they was like you gotta come to California."
"Whosoever shall call upon his name shall be saved."
"It's almost like a scream to this soul to the spirit to Numa to remember."
"Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. And Jesus said, come."
"If you call Him, He will manifest."
"You see by the sign my Lord, that it is not I who calls for your son, but Destiny."
"It's a call to come back into knowledge of the almighty God."
"I'm called to transform; I'm called to change something."
"Does not wisdom call? Does not understanding raise her voice?"
"Once she heard Robb's voice as clear as if he'd been standing at her side, calling 'To me, to me!'"
"The simple things, the true things, the silent men who do things, then listen to the wild—it's calling you."
"I tend to believe that the soul of the world, that it is our job to respond and rise to her call."
"She has returned. Answer her call."
"Olivia, she's here," I shouted the words.
"There's a loud cry for love. And how are we going to answer it?"
"Deep in the forest, a call was sounding, and as often as he heard this call, mysteriously thrilling and luring, he felt compelled to turn his back upon the fire and the beaten earth around it, and to plunge into the forest."
"Jesus Christ calls you and me into a deep spiritual relationship with God."
"At long last, someone was calling him home."
"And I saw when the Lamb broke one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with the voice of thunder, 'Come.'"
"Baba, I belong to you, you belong to me, come now."
"When God called out to Moshe, He was not merely doing so in order to attract Moshe's attention, but more importantly, that it was an expression of affection."
"By your love, you call us into worship."
"Whenever Jase calls, it's always interesting, and I'm betting today will be no different."
"I screamed again, his name boiling up out of my throat, and heard an answering cry from the embattled Greeks."
"Hello, I called out, the only answer was the distant roll of thunder."
"He calls all men everywhere to repent."
"Who am I talking to? My God, my God."
"The call of the wild was loud in Buck's ears."
"God in heaven, you are good and you are love, and you call us back to yourself constantly."
"Don't run away, Jesus can save your soul today."
"Father tonight is a beautiful night, it's a sobering night, it's a night that we've needed to hear 'Saul Saul', 'Simon Simon', 'Moses Moses', 'Abraham Abraham', 'Jerusalem Jerusalem'."
"Jesus, oh Jesus, do you know Him today? Please don't turn Him away."
"The 90s are calling me, they need me."
"The forest and the creature inside it are calling to me, telling me to come."
"The Macedonian call is sounding, 'Come over and help us.'"
"Romeo, oh Romeo, reveal yourself."
"Oh brave adventurers, thank you for responding to my call."
"Katniss! Katniss!" Rue, I shout back.
"As Shepherd and Lamb, he calls: Come again to the true knowledge of your Redeemer, your great and true Shepherd."
"Nature needs you, nature is calling."
"Adventure is calling and I must go."
"You've been called to fall in love with yourself."
"A call to adventure has been made out from the adventurers guild."
"Love is forever calling me to give up my self-centered ways."
"Tonight you can look to Jesus Christ and you can call out to him."