
Auditory Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"I think a relaxing voice can send anybody to sleep, nice unless you don't like voices."
"ASMR is all about the voice. That's what gives me the tingles, the good, good tingles."
"It's like the auditory representation of their name."
"I heard a voice and it whispered in my ear."
"It's bubbling, fizzing - you can hear it."
"The cinematography of that scene was breathtaking. It's a beautiful marriage of visual and audible elements."
"Visual creatures. Our visual system takes like Primacy over our auditory system. It's like it instills a bias over what you hear you can't get away from."
"Both its appearance and the auditory indications encountered within its walls contribute to an overwhelming sense that this place May indeed be haunted."
"It felt like I was suffering with the screamers."
"The hearing is the highest in terms of learning."
"All you have to do is close your eyes, get cozy, and listen to the sound of my voice."
"I am NOT an auditory learner apparently I'm a visual learner."
"If you ever find yourself during the wee small hours near the Tron, stop what you're doing and cup an ear: you may just hear the scroll of the pipes rising up from under your feet."
"I feel like my preferred way of learning is just rewriting out the information and saying it and I will speak it as I go and that really helps me to remember everything."
"...it's as much of a technical challenge... as it is an ear thing."
"There's still the auditory stuff."
"Just hearing that click and that kind of noise feedback is just really satisfying."
"I heard what sounded exactly like about half a dozen woman saying 'Shhh' all at once."
"I could still hear the man banging against the door by his laugh."
"The worst thing about it all is that both of us could hear it, so it couldn't be my imagination."
"Visual links are always more powerful than audio links."
"It's just realistic, they're on metal floors in this scene too you can hear like the ding of the metal."
"I'm not a very good visual guy when it comes to music. I'm more of an ear and feeling kind of guy."
"I still hear the way they sounded in my head and it's been six years."
"The sound is definitely amazing, they managed it very well."
"She hears her name being whispered."
"It's like a Sonic pop-up book that makes geometry audible."
"The temporal lobe on the outside has a main function of hearing and language."
"Critical listening skills is a must."
"Auditory Oral Communication is the method used by a normal person and is the best way of communication."
"That's music to my ears when I hear stuff like that."
"Women, on the other hand, tend to fall in love slowly over time through their ears."
"I love the way this thing sounds, man."
"These stories are meant to be heard, not read."
"I listen, I don't read. I listen to books."
"We do not experience music with our eyes, we only ever experience music with our ears."
"It's just the music to your ears."
"Memories acquired through hearing were supposed to be the most striking."
"You can hear a baby cry in the tunnel, which we believe strongly we did on numerous occasions."
"An auditory interface lets us connect with technology using our ears rather than our eyes."
"I can't see the faces, but I can hear the screams."
"It's a lovely experience to drift off while listening to someone else's words."
"The world speaks to me through my ears more so than my eyes."
"It's just really pleasing to the ear, and that makes you want to use it."
"Learn with your ears, not your eyes."
"Music to my ears, they all sound pretty good this morning."
"It's also designed to locate where a sound is coming from."
"It feels like the sound is bouncing off something and hitting you."
"Writing is not really something that you can do without hearing it."
"The Quran is first and foremost a listening experience."
"The big difference is basically the sound and the satisfying pop that you get out of these gloves."
"That sound automatically helps them reinforce their one-to-one correspondence with counting."
"We enter into a story through the door of ear hearing; the spoken story touches the auditory nerve."
"Humans actually hear things in stereo; we have two ears, so panning helps things sound a little bit more spread and more realistic."
"I love that sound, I really love that sound."
"Adults or visual learners may learn better when they can hear and see something than when they just hear it."
"It sounds incredible, it's comfortable, it goes well."
"Marvelous, all good, no problem with your oric nerve."
"Use your ears, trust your ears, you're the one who has to be happy playing through this in the end."
"Tune your ears, work with your ears, not your eyes."
"Writing for the ear is very different than how you write for someone to read."
"What an amazing sound and for our new viewers for today, the sun in South Africa we normally hear around about December time, Christmas period for us in South Africa the southern hemisphere."
"The fastest drivers are the ones who drive to what they hear, not what they see."