
Trail Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"The Tampa Riverwalk is a 2.6-mile-long pedestrian trail."
"Wow, that is one of the best views I've ever seen for a quarter-mile trail."
"Nothing could hide the trail of blood she was leaving behind, nothing but indifference."
"Jesse's family was worried about her ability to stay safe on the trail."
"Beautiful trails and roads up high in the mountains above Tilbuch, which is the playground today for stage three of the absolute epic."
"The Nimble Evolution is engineered to handle both challenging trails and maintain excellent road manners at highway speeds."
"You can decompress with a relaxing day on the trail that ends with a well-earned Coors Light."
"Pumping is the act of pushing the bike down into the ground at very specific points on the trail."
"We truly have entered a section of the trail that has no significant uphills left."
"The Zion Canyon Overlook Trail hike is only one mile round trip with 187 feet of elevation gain. This hike is going to have incredible views of the canyon."
"The Narrows is probably one of the coolest trails in Utah and the entire country. The entire hike is unbelievably beautiful, so go as far as you please."
"This is definitely a trail that if you're doing this in the fall you're going to want to bring layers."
"A feeling I will always chase is this feeling of running on trail and just gliding through it."
"You're running, but you're not really aware that you're running: you're moving on the trail."
"I'm just waiting for somebody to walk down my trail now. I could hear a four-wheeler just on the other ridge."
"There is something extremely addictive about the fragrance."
"That descent is incredible. It's super flow, it's tacky, it's fun. It's probably one of the best trails I've ever ridden, no lie."
"It's nice to have the option of showing steepness on a trail."
"If you're gonna break down on the trail, these are the guys to do it with because there is a wealth of knowledge to get things fixed."
"The Pinellas Trail is 45 miles long, extending the whole length of Pinellas County."
"Best garage in the world is a little trail in the middle of nowhere Mexico."
"'You may leave the trail, Kim,' the voice echoed, 'but the trail will never leave you.'"
"The Hidden Lake Overlook Trail offers views of Hidden Lake and Bearhat Mountain, known for wildlife sightings."
"This is marking my trail, not my final word on the subject."
"Delicate Arch is a mile and a half and almost 500 feet up the mostly slick Rock Trail."
"The tracks prove the trail is well-used but, in this case, the track is from a badger, not a cat."
"We hear this is a musty trail here in the little rock area."
"Exploring this trail so we could have a nice quiet place like this all to ourselves was absolutely worth it."
"It was cool to see how much of a difference it makes on the trail."
"I'm really looking forward to getting back up to this Trail again and again."
"He's in love. That's what happens when you leave a trail."
"First time really excited, I've wanted to do this Trail forever."
"The interesting part is that the deer didn't run away from me it ran with me down the trail."
"If I could only have one bike a trail bike would definitely be the bike I would have."
"You don't need an overbuilt Jeep on a trail like this. My son's stock Tacoma is all you need."
"This trail feels flat and the 420 foot rise is very gradual, so it's really more like a stroll."
"This trail feels more like a stroll than a workout."
"This is my favorite trail and I hope you can see why."
"Small rivulets ran through the trail, cascading down the mossy rocks, creating a magical feeling often captured in fairy tales."
"Two of the most interesting people we met were Pappy, the oldest man attempting to hike the trail, and Harvey, the fastest man to attempt the trail."
"This is the start of the Canyon Overlook Trail."
"I reveled in how fast I was able to go on the wonderfully smooth trail."
"For those of you that aren't familiar, a fastest known time or FKT as it's referred to, is the fastest recorded time that someone has hiked the entire duration of a trail."
"It's important to set your declination before you hit the trail because you don't want to be doing this on the trail."
"It's the John Muir Trail, named after the man who basically invented conservation itself."
"You're just documenting what you're doing, leaving a little breadcrumb trail."
"Taking a celebratory stop along the trail because that is mile marker 75, and that means that I have traveled half of the 150 miles of the gap trail."
"Everybody cares so much to make sure this trail stays open."
"Vision and it's not that your goggles are clear you got 20 20 eyesight it's looking down the trail."
"This trail has everything: forest, creek crossings, lots of rocks, lots of hill climbs."
"Definitely recommend checking out the rainbow trail."
"We all agreed that we had the same unprovoked sensation once we stepped onto the trail and could not come up with any logical explanation."
"Thank you so much for watching this video, I wish you all a wonderful day. I hope this has helped if you are thinking of walking the trail. It is one of the best things I've ever done in my life."
"Mate, that was so close, I nearly left the trail, going on into the toilet there was so close, dang."
"Well, good little trail to be fair."
"The trip to Everest base camp is a rugged trip, but it is on a very well maintained and well-marked trail."
"There's a lot of history along the trail here, and our mine is a very important part of it."
"So, we have arrived at a one-kilometer portage, we're within 10 kilometers from the end of the trip, and there is a nice clear trail for us to follow, and we couldn't be more thankful."
"The KLX lineup overall is not the KX lineup. The KX lineup is the competition lineup. This is a true trail bike, sort of a typical dirt bike for the rest of us."
"It's a good place to have a snack and rest before the steepest part of the trail."
"That trail was one of my absolute favorites I've ever ridden in my whole life."
"Oh my gosh, this trail is so good!"
"Embrace the breathtaking views of Santa Barbara County's horse ranches and vineyards as you meander along the inviting 30-mile Foxen Canyon Wine Trail."
"The Cleveland Way is a national trail in the historic area of Cleveland in North Yorkshire."
"Like I said, this is my favorite trail, and I hope you can see why."
"Feeling fabulous, this was actually the first trail that I ever long distance hiked."
"The trail's always there. I learned so much in 2020."
"This is the official beginning of the Gritstone Trail."
"I was successful in setting the speed record on the Florida Trail."
"Evolution Basin was my favorite area, like favorite part of the entire trail."
"The southern Upland Way is a coast-to-coast walking trail that starts on the west coast of Scotland and finishes on the east coast."
"Break the waves in a gilded trail of stars."
"I love to eat, I love to eat on the trail."
"It's really a very good experience and amazing trail."
"On the trail, it felt very well balanced, it's right in the ballpark for where a trail bike needs to be."
"The Katy Trail hype is real. Forget everything I said about Missouri yesterday, Missouri is amazing."
"Beautiful way like little roots so far, really gorgeous."
"It's a lovely trail all the way through; this is fantastic."
"This will leave such an intoxicating trail, people are going to be giving you so many compliments."
"This is so cool y'all, this is such a cool trail."
"Mid September was absolutely perfect; it wasn't too cold, there was virtually zero snow or ice on the trail."
"It was inspired by the Cabot Trail in Nova Scotia."
"As I got closer and closer to the end of the trail, the typical forest noises returned."
"It's going to leave a trail, you are gonna smell yourself, others are gonna smell you."
"Everybody leaves a trail, and I'm confident we'll be able to find the evidence."
"This one leaves a really good sillage."
"This fragrance leaves an incredible scent trail."
"The trail was created by both Muslims and Christians."
"All this means a lot less time working and a lot more time on the trail."
"The third stage is one of the jewels in the crown, the new EWS trail."
"It's such a sandy trail through the woods, it's so cool."
"A fast-flowing trail with big erosion mounds, rocks, sand, tight corners with loose gravel, it's got everything."
"That trail became known as Boon Trace."
"Come along with me as we journey an exploration of the Alabama indigenous mountain trail."
"The Ice Age National Scenic Trail is 1200 miles long and it runs from its western terminus in Saint Croix Falls, Wisconsin, on the Wisconsin-Minnesota border to its eastern terminus just north of Sturgeon Bay at Potawatomi State Park on the shores of Lake Michigan."
"It's a beautiful day here on the Ice Age Trail, temperatures in the 50s, sunny skies."
"I like to eat well when I'm out on trail, especially comfort trips."
"The trail is everything that I expected and more."
"Now we actually got a usable trail, is absolutely awesome."
"I love the idea that a scent can leave a trail behind me."
"It's only 0.8 miles but it's well worth it. Look at that view."
"This trail has quite the history."
"It's said to have been used by Native Americans."
"Another aspect of this trail that's pretty cool is the wildflowers."
"I can't believe this bike on these trails, it's so good."
"That's nice to see, just a little bit more comforting that I'm on a trail at last."
"Canada's also got the world's longest recreational trail."
"We can think of all of these lines as being a trail left by a particle."
"It rewards you with a really nice trail experience."
"99% of it is off road, it's through some amazing woods, there's great views, lovely scenery, the people are great."
"If I was a rider that was doing more off-road riding, maybe some slower trail riding, then I think the Tahoe would be the better option."
"It's really like the feel that you get from the trail and how connected you feel to it."
"This is a trail I've never seen anything like this."
"When I run on a trail I don't care about time, how fast it is, or whatever, it's just like run and enjoy being outside."
"Wow, what an awesome little trail this is."
"When I'm out on the trail, I'm not worrying about anything else other than what's right in front of me."
"The Colorado Trail offers a high altitude experience unlike any other."
"What a gorgeous trail it is through here."
"I love all that moss. I'd say for sure my favorite trail is this big beachy trail."
"What a legit sign, what a great way to start a trail, what a cool terminus."
"This trail is freaking amazing so far, I'm loving this."
"It's gonna be great, and then we're gonna wrap this Trail up in a few more days and hopefully finish on Halloween."
"We're looking for a horse that can boldly and confidently and safely go down the trail."
"We're not looking for that movement, we're looking for a horse that can boldly and confidently and safely go down the trail."
"In the split second I turned to get off the trail, the stranger vanished."
"I think if you're somebody who wants a trail shoe that can also work in the gym, this could be a really good option to explore."
"You don't want to be isolated from the trail, you want to work with it."
"The Pacific Crest Trail is a national scenic trail that runs from Campo, the border of California and Mexico, all the way up to Canada."
"It is a rare trail that you can keep that much speed and feel pretty confident keeping that speed too."
"It's an amazing, amazing area, and I highly recommend it to anyone that is looking to do a longer distance trail."
"The Appalachian Trail is a very famous 2,200-mile-long trail that runs up and down the East Coast of the United States."
"Looks like it's a trail, must be from the Atria bunny, definitely the Easter bunny."
"I wasn't expecting to find some sweet single track out here. It's awesome."
"The trail is nice and shady, feels wonderful."
"This is the kind of trail I love and that my bike is designed for; you're bouncing over rocks and around blind corners as fast as you can go."
"It's so comfortable out on the trail."
"God, how the trail lures me. You cannot comprehend its restlessness and fascination for me."
"These discoveries are leading along the same trail; they're not taking us in all kinds of inconclusive or contradictory positions."
"It's clean, soapy, powerful, scent trail galore."
"The Iditarod National Historic Trail was one of the first recognized under the newly created category of historic trails."
"Beautiful day for a ride on the Cambridge to Paris trail alongside the Grand River."
"This sled is as capable as a 2016 Summit off-trail, but on trail, it's incredibly good as well."