
Elasticity Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"So think about elasticity right a rubber band so that's what I want you to think about when you think about scalability and elasticity the ability to quickly and easily grow and shrink on demand as needed"
"My definition of intelligence is how elastic your mind is."
"If an IT business or any other business needs rapid elasticity, then cloud providers also have resources which are offered which are elastic."
"Shea butter is one of the best ingredients that you can use to help with that stretching of your skin."
"Rapid elasticity and scalability allow the customer to grow or shrink the IT footprint as necessary to meet their compute needs without excess capacity."
"This one is really nice... it feels like real slime, like after homemade slime. Oh wow, it's super stretchy and not sticky, it doesn't stick and it's stretchy, oh my gosh."
"What makes kinetic recovery ropes different than a chain or strap is elasticity."
"Elastic fibers are real stretchy."
"It doesn't literally eat up the loose skin it actually helps your body become help that skin become more elastic."
"Rapid elasticity is a cloud concept that allows clients to receive scalable services."
"As we age, we are naturally breaking down collagen and elastin faster than we can build it back up."
"Hair is not only strong but also elastic. It can stretch about 30% of its length when it's wet."
"We're made of rubber, we bounce back."
"I think my skin is just so bouncy and glowy."
"An elastic system can automatically grow and shrink based on the application's demand."
"Elasticity: Azure cloud service can automatically adjust the resources allocated to the application based on demand."
"Time is kind of elastic. It's crazy but it's true. It just shows you that time is kind of elastic."
"Our skin loses collagen and elasticity as we age."
"The supply of Bitcoin is infinitely elastic with respect to the price."
"Elasticity is the fact that your hand is squishy and the floor is not. That's elasticity."
"...again, this is just a feel thing, some people like a really loose rubber band, some people like a tighter rubber band, some people want a heavier rubber band."
"It's like how the strength of the snap of a rubber band comes from how far you're able to stretch it."
"Medical care is an inelastic good or service, meaning of course that if a person's dying they will pay any amount of money to not die."
"In the past I have knit cotton stockings and it gave me so much trouble because it has no stretch."
"It's not that people are not consuming in form of food the transfer that they are getting, but it's not an enormous elasticity."
"so it's like I didn't understand that bro the elastics were this Big M yeah how the fuck does it stretch it didn't even seem like it stretched to the other tooth much less shit let this shit talk yeah"
"We use EC2 instances at AWS and we can easily scale up and down like an elastic kind of manner."
"EMR as its name suggests is elastic. You can scale the number of worker nodes vertically using manual or Auto scaling."
"Price elasticity. Most customers will not drop you if you raise your prices."
"It captures a lot of detail more even though it's so stretchy it doesn't shrink back."
"Faith is much like a rubber band... it's useless unless it's stretched."
"...it's truly elastic infrastructure. You know, you heard Larry yesterday talk about, 'Hey, the whole promise of the generation 1 cloud was the idea that you can pay for what you use, only when you use it.'"
"...more important than any of this though, is becoming springy and elastic."
"Steel is 20 times stronger than brick and 12 times more elastic than concrete."
"The more substitutable goods are, the more elastically demanded they are."
"Luffy's body's made of rubber, which would also give it insane elasticity."
"TPU is elastic and flexible, and you'll get different ratios of flexibility on the market."
"The whole purpose of creating a super elastic dough is so that it can trap the air easier."
"It's so stretchy, which is actually a classic traditional expectation of a Vietnamese bun me."
"Our skin is so tough; we can pull on it, and it bounces right back."
"This eye cream provides intense moisture up to 26 hours and it also boosts elasticity."
"Glutenin is what gives the dough itself its strength, its elasticity."
"As you stretch a band, the force exponentially and disproportionately increases the further you stress it."
"The coconut oil is a natural skin moisturizer, the sweet almond seed oil is a natural emollient used to moisturize and promote skin elasticity."
"Every time I use this at night, it definitely feels more firm and like it has elasticity."
"The Achilles tendon... is the tendon in the body that has the greatest elastic recoil."
"This is a great headband, very elastic, very stretchy, this is high quality."
"You're developing elasticity, elastic power, elastic strength, your shortening cycle, reversal strength."
"Elasticity, that's what makes it so fun to bounce on a trampoline."
"There are certain polymers called elastomers that are stretchable."
"Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) is a stretchable polymer, you can stretch it, it goes back in certain condition and also it is transparent."
"The strong force is similar to a spring; the more you stretch it, the harder it gets."
"The resistance has changed, but the resistivity of the wire does not change on stretching it."
"What we're doing by making that extra stitch, we're actually creating a nice piece of elasticity. We're making an extra nice stretchy loop, and that's what gives your sock the give at the top of the ribbing."
"Elasticity ensures a customer can commandeer an enormous amount of capacity, storage, and especially compute for short periods of time."
"The collisions between gas particles are perfectly elastic."
"As their cars are probably price elastic, this may lead to an increase in sales revenue."
"For a small amount of loading, most structures obey Hooke's law; they have a linear relationship with respect to force and displacement."
"The link between price elasticity and total revenue is always asked by examiners."
"We have an elastic region which is recoverable at some point which we call yielding."
"The pulled mesh design is very elastic; it really conforms to your body, it's breathable."
"Force equals spring constant times extension, F equals k times e."
"For an elastic object, extension is directly proportional to force."
"Argan oil helps to maintain the complexion, soften it, and also preserve your skin's natural elasticity."
"The force required to maintain a spring stretched X units beyond its natural length is proportional to X."
"Elastic potential energy is the energy of an object due to it being stretched or compressed."
"Compliance is one by elastance or elastance is one by compliance."
"This is just a rubber band, but it's actually much more than that; it's symbolic of game flow in seemingly every sport."
"It is so stretchy, and I love it, I absolutely love it, it is so beautiful."
"The price elasticity results can be used to find an optimal price for that new product."
"Price elasticity is higher in the long run than in the short run."
"The flatter the curve, the bigger the elasticity; the steeper the curve, the smaller the elasticity."
"When demand is elastic, the price increase causes the revenue to fall."
"The transport doesn't need to be ballistic, it just needs to be elastic."
"The maximum velocity that this spring-mass system can have depends on two things: how much you've stretched it and the properties of the spring."
"The symbolism of elasticity goes beyond mere physical flexibility; it reflects freedom of expression, choice, and resistance."
"Force equals the spring constant times extension."
"Hooke's Law states that extension of a spring is directly proportional to the load under the elastic limit."
"Strain is the ratio of the extension X divided by the natural length L of the material."
"These properties are independent of the material's original dimensions, which means they're much more useful to us than force and extension."
"The elastic limit is the point until which the material still behaves elastically."
"The extension of a loaded spring is directly proportional to the load causing extension, provided that the elastic limit is not exceeded."
"The modulus of elasticity of the concrete and the strain corresponding to the compressive strength are essential to define the stress and strain relation."
"One thing I love about thin yarn and a big hook is how stretchy the fabric would turn out."
"Just like the legendary sun god Nika, he too fought with a stretchy and elastic body."
"The flatter the demand curve, the more elastic demand is."
"When demand is elastic, price and total revenue move in opposite directions."
"Supply tends to be more elastic over longer time horizons."
"Elasticity, and that's what makes it so fun to bounce on a trampoline."
"The most efficient way to raise tax revenue is to tax inelastic goods more."
"Elasticity... when we apply stress to a particular object, it deforms. When we remove that load or stress, that material will regain its original shape."
"The Young's modulus or modulus of elasticity is the property of a material that comes from the atomic bond strength."
"If you're instrumenting for the post-tax price, you end up estimating the demand elasticity."
"A perfectly elastic collision is one where the total kinetic energy after the collision is equal to the total kinetic energy before."
"Elastic collisions are the ones where things bounce off each other."
"Conservation of energy only holds for elastic collisions, but use the negative relative velocity trick when you can."
"The lungs are soft, spongy, elastic organs that together weigh just about over one kilogram."
"The elasticity of a healthy lung reduces the work of breathing."
"It's a very, very springy golf club."
"Elastic fibers have properties similar to rubber, allowing tissues to be stretched or distended and then snapping back to return to their original state."
"After using it, the skin is obviously plump and elastic."
"The brass becomes work hardened by the impact at the same moment the steel, which is a completely different property, is more elastic than the brass."
"It's quite stretchy too, it's got lots of stretch in at this stitch which is really good too."
"Price elasticity of supply refers to the responsiveness of quantity supplied to a change in price."
"Demand is elastic if the elasticity coefficient is greater than 1."
"The optimal tax rate follows a familiar inverse elasticity rule."
"The elastic region of a material is where we want to live as engineers."
"Resilience is the ability of a material to absorb energy in the elastic region."
"I'm assuming it's stainless steel, and the modulus of elasticity is around 210 gigapascals."
"If you have a balloon, you put air in it, it is going to stretch in all directions."
"Price elasticity of demand is a measure of the responsiveness of demand to change in price."
"Elastic deformation means if we apply a load to a piece of material and it stretches, if we take away the load, that piece of steel will go back to its original shape."
"We are accepting the fact that we are going to go beyond the elastic limit of this structure and we are going to get yielding."
"Hyperelasticity captures the true nonlinear behavior, not only are we getting elements translating and rotating through space, we're also getting a true update of material or of element area and length."
"This right here is the elasticity formula."
"Rubber has a low modulus of elasticity and is capable of deformation as much as a thousand percent."
"Have you ever stretched a rubber band? Initially it's very, very easy to stretch."
"G is equal to E divided by 2 multiplied by 1 plus nu."
"In most applications, we deal with small deformations."
"Increases of about thirty percent are possible, but you want to make sure your material remains elastic."
"The price elasticity of demand of carrots in this case is one."
"Elasticity is a property that allows a substance to return to its previous shape and size after being deformed."
"If airline tickets are price elastic, a lowering of the prices will likely raise revenue."
"What will be the amount of compression? That we can calculate by using your Hooke's Law."
"Seismology provides you with what the bulk modulus does, what the rigidity does, as a function of pressure inside the Earth."
"You can describe any vibrations, any wave in that body, as a superposition of standing elastic vibrations."
"We can define elasticity as the mathematical study of materials and structures that experience recoverable deformation."
"Skin care is all about building collagen and elasticity in my skin now, and my makeup is all about lifting and enhancing."
"The extension of a spring is directly proportional to the force applied."
"Doubling the Spring's compression quadruples the elastic potential energy."
"Using elastic in your swimwear... will hold up better to wear and tear."
"A mode that stimulates the tight muscles under our skin and enhances the elasticity of the loose outline of our face."
"You'll start doing elastic applications; you'll start thinking about automation; you'll have more secure systems by default because of that approach."
"The Young's modulus of elasticity... force over area over extension over length."
"Using this you can finally kind of realize the true elasticity of today's modern cloud environments."
"We want to preserve the elasticity of the skin whenever we work on someone's skin."
"I noticed a difference in the bounciness of my skin."
"It feels as if it's just put elastic into my neck."