
Glassblowing Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Any clear glass we'll just keep putting that back into our furnace we'll melt it down it'll become something beautiful another day."
"I like to describe glassblowing as making cool things with my friends."
"It's impressive enough to see professionals blowing glass, but to see them using these techniques to produce such fantastic art is a whole other level of wow."
"Relationships are like blowing glass, you know? You don’t want to fuck with them."
"That was amazing, glassblowing, are you even kidding me? Those guys are artists."
"Through these gestures perfected over centuries of experience passed on through generations, the maestro molds the glass into the desired shape."
"Glassblowers have been creating works of art on this small Venetian island for more than 700 years."
"The Norland whiskey glass, a transparent double-walled vessel formed with glassblowing technique."
"Tulane has the largest glassblowing facility on a university campus in the entire United States."
"He played a critical role in expanding the boundaries of glass blowing as an art form."
"Glass blowing is an ancient art of creating various shapes from molten glass."
"We have a big ceramic crucible that's full of molten glass, and the temperature is holding steady at 2100 degrees Fahrenheit."
"I'm going to use a mandrel which is a lot larger than the mandrels that we've been using in the past."
"I'm going to heat above the ball until the ball glows red. What this does, is it keeps the soot from the torch - the carbon from the torch - from marring the color. Especially on light colors."
"It's a brave gal, this is hand blown glass... actually, she's blowing glass with her foot as well."
"We are going to see some amazing furnace style glass blowing, some groundbreaking flame working style glass blowing."
"It's going to be amazing; we're going to have more glass blowing going than we do at any show."
"When mankind started to blow glass, it created basically the availability of this material for everyone."
"We're still using the hollow tubes, the various furnaces to heat the glass, a lot of the hand tools are just as they were over 2,000 years ago."
"Every piece of glass that's created has to cool down very slowly so that it won't crack and break."
"Lewis is our most experienced gaffer here at the Museum; he's been blowing glass for 40 years, working all over the world."
"The reheating furnace is read about 2300, so if you see any of our late night winter programming, our 2,300 celebrations, that's where that name comes from."
"He's got a butter knife, and hey, many people ask us if we use any weird tools in the hot shop."
"Can you imagine keeping an entire furnace of glass molten at a predictable temperature for a long enough time to make beautiful glass work?"
"It's one of the most interesting things about glass blowing for me."
"That furnace is the heart of our studio; it holds about 1,000 pounds of clear molten glass."
"Glassblowers are among the first recyclers."
"Every time we reheat, the first thing into that oven and the last thing out is the furthest part of the glass."
"It's fun to see how the heat from the gather warms the growl blank underneath."
"Every move is deliberate, holding it down like that helps to stretch and lengthen it."
"Welcome to the channel, we're going to do some glassblowing and hang out for a little bit."
"These evening programs, the Late Show, and especially these live feed programs give us an opportunity to really focus on some more intense glassblowing."
"It's such a fun process that we really love to do it all the time because it is an opportunity to create completely different designs in different parts of a vessel."
"Every single bubble that she's made that will be joined together has actually been carved into beautiful patterns."
"Every single line that you see was painstakingly laid out and then carved away with diamond wheels."
"You could just spend the next year of your life watching glassblowing from Corning, New York."
"Letting gravity elongate pieces, letting inflation make them bigger... really great ways of harnessing that natural tendency of the material."
"I love watching that gooey glass stretch, isn't that cool?"
"Glass always makes really bad decisions; you really need to dictate what it's going to be by setting up certain conditions."
"It's fun seeing the glass go from just rods and tube into, you know, this raw art."
"The temperature of that flame gets right up around 4000 degrees Fahrenheit."
"The connection between the punty and the piece is always a classic connection that we want to break cleanly."
"Good afternoon everyone and welcome to the amphitheater hot shop here at the Corning Museum of Glass."
"I've been blowing glass for 10 years."
"Being a well-rounded glass maker makes you a better artist."
"You really don't have to push the clear all the way down to the mandrel or anything, you just want the dots totally covered and encased."
"That's basically how you make an implosion; it gets skinnier around but thicker."
"How awesome would that be to be part of this glassblowing show, Blown Away."
"Every piece starts out as a big gob of glass in a furnace, kind of like honey in a honey jar, is gathered out by an artisan, shaped by hand, usually blown by mouth, and then cooled down in a kiln."
"It's really a dance that you're doing with that soft piece of glass."
"It's such an exciting process, they are sculpting blown glass."
"There's always a chance that it might smash on the ground which makes it ever more exciting for everyone."
"You guys are super fortunate to be here to see this happen."
"People have been blowing glass for two thousand years, believe it or not."
"Glassblowing isn't something that you can pick up in a day or a week or a year."