
Backend Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Nest is a framework to use if you want to have a lot of structure on your backend."
"Firegram, because we're going to be using Firebase to power the back end."
"It's all about data what you have in the backend."
"I love the back end business side of things."
"Now, what I'm going to do is make a backend call to our for/API/SL assistant/create route."
"An API Gateway is really a single point of entry for all of our backend services."
"Node.js is the brain. It's what handles all the complex logic of your app."
"The primary backend needs to expose an HTTP endpoint and also push to a queue."
"Having a separated backend is super important."
"I think this is what makes htmx so magical it allows for people who are coming from a back-end background that wants to have a better front end do it without having to leave the language and the tools they're used to in the back end."
"Implement user registration backend logic with password hashing using bcrypt."
"Back end is all about data and security, responsible for writing code that's mostly hidden from the user but critical to the infrastructure."
"S3 bucket can be used as a remote backend."
"In order to change your website and add a website description all we have to do is go into the back end of our website and then go to settings and general."
"Every client connecting gets its own backend process."
"Every backend engineer...you need to know what indexes and how indexings work and what is the benefit of indexing."
"Services are created for API calls, maintaining all API methods."
"User experience is what the user actually interacts with, so no matter how shiny your backend is, if your frontend user experience sucks, app sucks."
"We're going to make a single page called 'Back End,' we're going to fill it with inline databases, and then we're going to create standalone pages which just give us little views of those inline databases. It sounds weird, it'll make sense."
"So, that is like the functioning back end. Now we have the logic that does all the things that we want and so now we can actually just make standalone pages that refer to all this data."
"...so just one final thing to do for this backend and we're going to be all wrapped up."
"Cloudflare workers provide a serverless environment that lets you build and deploy apps with robust backend services without having to worry about setting up and maintaining a backend infrastructure."
"Node.js is a backend JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a web browser."
"It's a good idea to do it both on the UI and on the back end."
"That's the beauty of building the backend."
"You can offload your authentication from your back-end application to the load balancer."
"The back end is probably the best part of this, all of this looks really tight throughout here."
"Now that we've got this file set up, we can then also add an access restriction to the back ends."
"At this point, you have built an entire application which is a backend API connected to a MySQL database."
"You have built an entire application which is a backend API connected to a MySQL database."
"I'm much more of an advocate of actually trying to find and reverse engineer the back end API to get the data that way."
"Enumeration is important because we need to know what's running on the back end to find or make the most use out of it."
"SQL, or the actual database, is the foundation of your backend."
"Now we need to fetch the data from the API."
"This is what you're using to create the API in the backend."
"So now we have everything we need in the backend."
"Being able to correctly utilize each of these stages of the request response pipeline can mean really making your back end applications a lot less complex, more scalable, and in general nicer to work with."
"And when it's submitted, go into the backend of your website, maybe to another thing called submissions, which you can click on, and you can see all the submissions sorted by date."
"Netlify Functions is a service that allows you to achieve the architecture we just discussed but without having to build an entire back end."
"It opens up a whole world of functionality that would normally require a backend without needing a backend."
"It's really handy to use JavaScript on the back end if you also want to use it in the front end."
"It's basically just a back-end software for anyone that is owning or managing other people's properties."
"Hey developers, have you ever wanted to create your back end visually instead of having to write it in code?"
"Everything that you see on here is backed by a REST call in the background."
"Behind the scenes is a full SQL Server database."
"It has everything that you need to build rich modern web UI, as well as powerful back-end services."
"If you've managed to get the backend up and running, congratulations."
"I really think that this industry will be how the world works on the back end."
"You can just use it naturally as you would do it in the backend or as you're just using a straight-through framework to fetch data."
"If you know these four things well, you're basically good to build backends of most websites."
"To run it on a back-end, you need to install Node.js."
"We don't actually print out assembly and then run it through a separate assembler program, we actually do all of that inside the backend to generate object code directly."
"It's bringing in a block component, importing the string one specifically, and loading it from your backend."
"PocketBase is an open-source backend in one file."
"We have so many users we need to scale our backend infrastructure."
"We're going to be using Digital Ocean for hosting our backend."
"We're going to be running several different instances of this backend to really prove that it does scale horizontally."
"We have now done both the login and the signup components, which means that we can start working with the backend of our application."
"So there we go, that is essentially how you would keep your API keys safe by building out a back end for a project."
"Wouldn't it be cool if we could use the same development approach that we use in front end also in the backend?"
"This is the data from the backend, that means I can successfully load data from backend."
"When you want to make requests to that external API, you do it through your backend from your SPA application."
"In Web 3.0, the backend is basically the blockchain itself."
"If you're building the backend for an application, you probably want to have it very organized."
"We're going to be using Firebase to power the back end for our code."
"We are learning about backend stuff."
"Now that we've created an application both for front end and back end, we're now going to focus on permissions."
"We're going to be starting with the back-end right here."
"What we want is we want these to be options in our WordPress back-end."
"Microservices means that in the backend, all these teams or small functionalities will be running on different applications."
"On the backend, we will have FastAPI and MongoDB."
"We are going to implement JWT authentication on the backend."
"Django is a great back end and it also does really well for building out APIs."
"Now we've got our backend up and running, we've tested it, everything is working just fantastically well."
"We can create a real 'quote unquote' backend within our Spel Kit app which can set up and serve HTTP handlers in a kind of traditional way."
"We successfully got the response from our backend."
"We're creating a small API that allows us to do this; it's only two routes."
"I'm pretty obsessed with this idea of using Google Sheets as your basic backend."
"We don't want to leave the price calculation solely to the front end."
"We will use Laravel as a backend and React as a front-end."
"The data that is used to display the chart is not static; in fact, this data is retrieved from the backend."
"You'll be surprised as to how much actually goes on in the backend to get this to work."
"Spring Boot is my favorite way of building backend applications, and that's what I'm going to use for this application as well."
"Firebase is a backend as a service provider and it gives you a whole lot of great features."
"We can test this endpoint using Thunder Cent or Postman."
"We've got a backend which can securely call the recipe API based on a search term."
"You're going to want to go through your own trusted backend layer."
"This GraphQL request will help us to make a request to our backend; it's very easy to use."
"There's no denying that Firebase is the absolutely legendary managed back-end system from Google."
"Let's copy this link here and go to our server.js file."
"Now we are ready to create our first data model."
"Now we are ready to send data from our create notes page to our route."
"The goal of Firebase is to take all these things that normally require a backend and require a lot of ops and infrastructure time and just eliminate those."