
Intricacy Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"Just the lengths that this guy goes to in order to sort of set up the perfect murders is really crazy."
"Behold, your plan is intricate, weaved together, perfect, it unfolds, and I need you each moment."
"Everyone's getting all intricate now."
"Intertwining all of the bows really makes it look absolutely beautiful."
"What a bizarre extra thing, so many layers."
"It's incredibly intricate and complex."
"This is already a lot going on on a tiny bait."
"The stained glass window was impossibly intricate, red crystal roses linked with silver webs studded with iridescent dew."
"It actually looks really cool but the closer you start looking it's like the gift that keeps giving it just doesn't stop."
"I know, it's the intricate little things that make you understand why the method's so good."
"It's the most intricately designed world."
"This was so tightly plotted, every page had so much packed into it."
"Look at those incredible Gates, they're so ornate yet super delicate."
"This is how we can create very complicated details."
"The figure was cool, and I didn't think twice about grabbing it. The work that it took to intertwine it and everything was incredibly intricate."
"It was so simple but it was so detailed."
"The world building and connectivity is so deep."
"The details of this outfit are just so thought out so intricate."
"It's so beautifully detailed, but how tiny this piece is!"
"This is a tree that is intricately braided into the ecosystem of the Amazon."
"The level of detail is just astonishing."
"He writes these very intricate, real-feeling characters."
"Reality is far more sophisticated than that, far more messy, far more entangled, far more intertwined."
"There's just so much amazing architecture to look at it's just also intricate and beautiful."
"The complication has something like 500 moving parts."
"It's the full enchilada when it comes to complications."
"...seeing the way that Lena moves her hands in such a meticulous, calculated way whenever she is casting makes it feel like she's actually taking raw magical energy and hand crafting it into whatever spell she's trying to pull off."
"It's honestly a lot more complicated than that."
"A little bit of a Titanic necklace situation."
"...the intricacies, the nuances of carving as this gentleman does or wishes were more commonly known."
"These chocolate art videos are so intricate and they're crazy."
"A lot less design but intricate design for what they had."
"They're so intricate, so beautiful, I was really really impressed."
"...little things like I like things, yeah, like in most in most of my life, I'm laid back and I'm like pretty cavalier, yeah but with music I'm quite intricate."
"It's incredibly intricate and really, really fairy tale and Gothic and romantic. It's really beautiful."
"Free Hand" by Gentle Giant. The arrangements on this album are just off the charts. The intricacy and interplay, both instrumentally and vocally, are so involved and memorable.
"It might look quite simple on first inspection, but it's actually quite intricate."
"A lot of different moving pieces here."
"It's just that a really intricate tapping arrangement can sound really beautiful."
"The build ended up being pretty intricate."
"The amount of detail here is completely insane."
"I love them so much, such a delicate work."
"He's decorated in a pen work technique with lots and lots of small different animals."
"...the Empyreans laid out the music in a way that was nuanced and detailed."
"You can include patterns and little hidden messages, trapdoors, things that people don't notice at first, but the longer they look at your project, more and more things come through."
"Loads and loads of separate details and other little parts, absolutely marvelous."
"These up-close photographs reveal depth, intricacy, and textures which would otherwise go unrecognized by the naked eye."
"The Sunray dial is wonderfully intricate."
"The Victorian era, very opulent, lots of carved furniture, intricate, exactly, lots of carved picture frames, lots of carved moldings in and outside the house."
"It's quite detailed with all its little fur."
"It's just delicate and intricate and utterly lovely."
"It's all about those subtle details and textures that you bring out inside of the production."
"It's just so much fun, the little mechanisms."
"Above all this was to ride the fantastical fan vault with these stalactite-like pendants falling from the conical fans."
"God has such beautiful intricacies that were so specific."
"We stand in awe of the meticulous nature of your craftsmanship."
"The spider web is absolutely a work of art."
"The sun has tainted it, also it's a really intricate artwork."
"It's very interesting like these are definitely more intricate, they're way better than the actual releases."
"There's just a lot more intricacy that goes on in those paint sets, just a lot more labor involved, more layering, more pinstriping."
"This is the most intricate dress I have ever seen."
"The Gathering of the Shadows in Emily's living room became a symbol of this revelation, a demonstration that the realm of shadow people might be far more intricate and organized than we ever imagined."
"It's beautiful and detailed and so fascinating to look at."
"It's one of the most intricate and well-done discussions I have ever read about fame."
"We tend on the channel to focus on some very beautiful, very intricate puzzles."
"This is beautiful again; it's ridiculously intricate but it's lovely."
"Everything is so beautifully finely formed, even these very intricate, tricky parts, also beautifully done you know."
"Hamilton is a work of actual genius when you look at the tiny intricacies of the music and the writing."
"The flowers are extremely intricate."
"This has got to be one of the most intricate and amazing statues I've ever seen."
"We're very complicated and the hearts are never very simple."
"I've been loving antique, really intricate silverware."
"I trust in the beauty of this intricate tapestry."
"God is intricate, God is strategic, he touches small things too."
"I'd never noticed how intricate the crystals were, how the hushed gasp of the crowd echoed off of them."
"He is the master craftsman, and all of our lives are being woven together in the most intricate way."
"Those intricate dies are extra special."
"The story is actually very intricate; it's an intricate web of family connections, business connections, religious connections."
"It's a really, really intricate sport."
"You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; you know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something."
"What a clever puzzle though, what a really intricate piece of work."
"The architecture is fantastic; there's so much intricacy."
"The intricacy, the complexity in this, is fascinating; it's phenomenal, actually."
"I think that this space definitely deserves some really intricate, interesting decor pieces."
"It's so intricate, the logic is beautiful."
"The universe shows design to very minor detail."
"Economies are complex, economies are very complex."
"The real workings are so small, it's quite incredible."
"The level of care and efforts and like intricate weaving that goes into this show is practically unprecedented."
"The design is really just so intricate and beautiful."
"The most intricate embossing out of any embossed makeup that I've ever seen."
"The intricacies of perfection, the intricacies of greatness, the intricacies of trying to set that legacy and what it looks like."