
Lifeline Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Lifeline's big changes: Combat revive, doc heal drone, care package."
"This stimulus is critical, almost for, say, it's a lifeline in the U.S."
"You are obsessed because they're your lifeline; they are your oasis in the desert."
"Prayer is the true lifeline." - Dorothy Newton
"Dave Ramsey I love you but here's the thing and you know why Dave Ramsey says that because the home and the asset of the home is sometimes the lifeline for millions of Americans."
"It's like a flashlight in the darkness. It felt a lot more like a tool, which is a lifeline in this."
"Prayer is our lifeline. Prayer is our communion with God. Prayer is the means by which we speak to God."
"To him, those 10 meters are his lifeline."
"That food is really a Lifeline for a lot of people."
"It was a lifeline, it's been very important to us for many years."
"It was my lifeline, and that's gone now."
"There's a completely new lifeline opened up. I feel it for you, Cancer, and it's very exciting, but you may have to go through a period where you have to wait for someone."
"Reading was was like a sort of a lifeline as if I was connected with you sort of in reading for me it was an intravenous activity."
"He delivered it wrong. He didn't give him a lifeline."
"Without aviation acting as that vital lifeline, communities like this would be completely cut off from the outside world."
"If someone offers you a lifeline, take it. You'll not regret it."
"It gave me steps I could take, and that was a lifeline."
"Scotland's far-flung rural communities, it's a lifeline."
"For Scotland's far-flung rural communities, it's a lifeline."
"This man used to be a paramedic, saving lives on a daily basis, and now it's his turn to be saved."
"This isn't just a bunch of lumber. This is his lifeline."
"Music is timeless; it shouldn't have a shelf life or a deadline. It's about the lifeline for me."
"I think it's about magnifying and amplifying the struggle and giving people a lifeline in any way we can."
"Jesus is telling us that he's literally our Lifeline, he's our life source."
"Approving this therapy is not a mere decision. It is a lifeline, an opportunity to change the trajectory of Myoma."
"The river was essential because it was the main artery of transportation."
"The Nile is still the lifeblood of the city, sprawling endlessly on both sides."
"Reading this diary entry is our only lifeline into understanding Catherine in her own words."
"They call it the river of life, the Blue Nile provides 80% of the water for the Nile proper."
"I started watching YouTube during the pandemic, and you became my lifeline and my favorite part of each day."
"The lifeline of the harbor, it is the unbroken tie that has spanned the reach of time."
"It was a living line, it was a lifeline."
"The Rhine has always been more than just an economic lifeline; it's a river which feeds culture and tradition."
"Prayer is our priority, prayer is our lifeline."
"It's like a lifeline and it gives us understanding of the world around us."
"Before I do any more knitting, I like to insert a lifeline through my heel stitches."
"Once your lifeline is in place, you can go ahead and knit in your pattern across your instep stitches."
"It's like being in a little kid's room with all the glow-in-the-dark stars glued to the walls and ceiling, only now it's not just a fun decoration, it's actually my lifeline."
"Libraries for so many people are like a lifeline."
"Don't you know you're my lifeline?"
"The leash is your lifeline; it keeps the board close to you, making the board your flotation device."
"Wants to be a billionaire? I'd like to use my phone-a-friend."
"Every ration, every bullet, every piece of equipment became a lifeline."
"The Colorado River is more than just a river in Colorado; it's the lifeline of the West."
"It's a helpline and a lifeline for people; that's the real lifeline."
"That record was like a lifeline, you know what I'm saying?"
"The Chao Phraya River is not only a means of transportation but is the oxygen of Bangkok."
"The Yangzi is China's lifeblood, providing water for farming and transportation for goods and people up and down the river."
"It's such a lifeline for so many people, especially during this time."
"Tonle Sap is the heart of Cambodia, its most important lifeline."
"The Nile... was the lifeline for the ancient Egyptians."
"The internet became her absolute lifeline and her education."
"If you're contemplating suicide, please call the National Suicide Prevention lifeline."
"The Gaza Strip area... that was the lifeline."
"For 2,000 years the Thames has been London's lifeline but it's a barrier as well."
"It could be a strategic, economic, and security lifeline for this war-torn country."
"By reaching out and asking for help, you get thrown the lifeline."
"That's our lifeline to a moral calculus."
"I'm calling for help; I'm calling my lifeline."