
Foliage Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Creating organic shapes to represent foliage."
"Some leaves are exposed to full sun while shade leaves grow lower on the tree in the shade."
"I love the way the trunk looks, this is a chocolate eupatorium and I love the color of the foliage."
"A lot of jungle gardening is about the big leaf, it's not about the flowers and about color."
"...it really gives a good fall color. I mean it does green up during the summer but the fall color is starkly different."
"This is one of the showiest, absolute showiest evergreen perennials. We're not growing this for a flower, we're growing this for this foliage."
"I just think that this plant is so cool, I love the kind of like pattern and sheen to the leaves."
"This is one of my all-time favorite philodendrons. I love silver foliage."
"The foliage is just so gorgeous on this so I hope that it does okay for me as a trailing plant."
"I love silver foliage I love the texture of this plant here's a new leaf right here um yeah it's just I love it I love the way the new leaves come in like the way they kind of like hang the structure of them is just like so interesting."
"I'm a flower person. Give me flowers all day over foliage."
"Look at that foliage and again it just gives you that beautiful kind of bamboo effect that bamboo foliage does and that texture does."
"The foliage material template allows you to create a translucent material, which is very useful for creating realistic leaves."
"Rainy season is going to come next month, and I can't wait for it to just explode in foliage."
"I hope that's been helpful to you, especially for those that asked about drawing foliage; that should get you off to a good start."
"The bright reds, oranges, and yellows rival any fall foliage in the country."
"Jadeite, I have fabulous color, I use this one all the time, it's great for foliage, I really love it."
"One of the ways to turn a good landscape into a great landscape is to have that foliage that really complements each other."
"Tater Tot has nice deep green foliage, so it's a nice bright splash of color in the garden."
"Midnight Sun rocketed to the top with beautiful glossy foliage, bold orange and red on the leaves."
"It's that beautiful foliage, the beautiful color, the form of the plant is really what hearkens back to a cottage kind of ideal."
"The foliage and textures really play off of each other."
"Don't be afraid to experiment with your brush to get different techniques and different looks for foliage."
"The Magnificent deep dark foliage definitely offsets the brighter blooms."
"I want my background to be very foliage oriented."
"This plant is going to grow and expand wide, and the new leaves are going to come up from the center."
"For me, this tree is a must-have; fantastic flowers and amazing foliage all in one."
"We've had a new delivery of trees, you can see we've got nice the Shoujo maples all coming into leaf at this time of year with bright red foliage."
"The more foliage you can have on this tree, the better."
"The Philodendron El Chaco Red has the most beautiful dark velvety leaves."
"I would consider them to be like the most reliable foliage house plant that I have in my home."
"Every time I see someone else's glossy dark green foliage of this plant, I just think it's so beautiful."
"It is extraordinary what a little bit of foliage does to the soul."
"I just love that he gets to see all this tropical foliage and this real big pop of pink when it's in bloom."
"I am obsessed with like sort of dark green velvety looking leaves."
"The Birds of Paradise gives more a wow factor as a statement floor plant due to its banana leaf-like foliage."
"I love the foliage on this; it looked like a painting, it was so pretty."
"There's nothing more beautiful than this lush green glossy foliage."
"I like the green foliage and I like the fact that you can grow these plants with really big leaves and that was what captivated me."
"The foliage on Japanese maples is absolutely beautiful."
"Philodendron McDowell is a great investment if you want a plant that makes really big beautiful heart-shaped leaves."
"These right here, my friends, are some of my most favorite foliage plants within the aeroid family."
"They're just so very full, definitely beautiful leaves and color fusions on this one."
"The variegated silver and green prove just how dramatic foliage plants can be."
"It has beautiful dark dark foliage that makes a beautiful presence in your garden."
"The tree is nice and healthy, the leaves are nice and big and green."
"It's just beautiful greenery, this foliage everywhere."
"The texture of the foliage is quite nice; the color of the foliage is beautiful."
"The use of the colored foliage and brown really sets the Wolfpack apart from the brighter classic Castle mock that we are used to seeing."
"Look at these leaves, it loves to put out like pure white leaves, it's so beautiful."
"The biggest skill you can learn as a bonsai artist is not how to wire, not how to repot, not how to prune; if you want to truly present beautiful work, learn how to distribute foliage evenly."
"Flowers come and go, but colorful foliage is forever."
"This is starting to look good, but we definitely would like to maybe add a higher number of leaves."
"Why do leaves change colors in the fall? We've got some answers."
"Rubber plants are well known for their beautiful broad leaves and shiny foliage."
"So hopefully pretty quickly this will go from looking pretty bare to having potentially four different spots that can kind of create canopies of foliage."
"Aren't Paphiopedilums beautiful? Even if they don't have flowers, they look so great due to their foliage."
"Splash, so look at this, come on, look at this, foliage-wise one of the prettiest Hoyas in my opinion."
"This is the 2022 Fall Foliage Prediction Map, an absolutely incredible resource."