
Workshops Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Some of you guys have been part of my workshops on finding your superpower... That's what led me here."
"So it's like a self-help book, and it has workshops as note to selves, and it's really cool."
"We began a series of workshops on nonviolence."
"I may or may not be hosting just some free lidar workshops... anybody wants to come in and hang out... see lidar, do lidar... I like hanging out."
"Tactic number two is a regular introduction workshop. An introduction to blank. Every Wednesday, introduction to scaling. Our head of scaling development is going to go through the core principles."
"Consider finding storytelling workshops online find books like made to stick by chip Heath you know figure out scripting your videos more effectively and workshopping those make sure you have a compelling hook at the beginning of the video."
"Guys, it's like a flower workshop. How cool is that?"
"If it wasn't for this experience with the Historical Society, I don't think we would ever have the confidence to consider like doing more workshops or an online course."
"We've created these events and workshops where we lead people through these experiences."
"Exceptional value for workshops in the manufacturing industry."
"It is a full day of all kinds of workshops, mentorships, activities, exercises—all around the topic of transforming your career."
"I want the workshops physically in real life where you learn the physical skills of making high-effort, high-quality, high-value content."
"Even if you're somebody who has a fully outfitted shop, there's still stuff for you at some of these things."
"The reason why my workshops work so well is because my workshop alone, that's free, is better than 99% of the paid information out there."
"Requirements workshops: a structured and facilitated event to discover, refine, prioritize, validate, and discuss requirements with the stakeholders."
"He's got a couple different workshops he's on his way to San Francisco so we're super privileged to have James Lewis join us for the show today."
"The feedback has just been tremendous and people are just doing really well off the workshops."
"My number one tip for people that ask how to start is to actually do a class or a workshop."
"These coaches are hosting live decluttering workshops."
"I have a saying on workshops, which is ABS: Always Be Snacking."
"We've received quite a bit of interest in my free to be workshop."
"You already know this, we do a lot of workshops, please come, they're all free and they're really all for you."
"If you ever go to a convention and they offer Hands-On workshops, give it a try."
"I'm doing more meetups/workshops this weekend in Mumbai and Pune and I can't be more excited about it."
"We are beyond excited for the workshops and just can't wait to go to Alaska."
"These are meant to be practical, in-depth sessions."
"Majority of participants rate the workshops with high level of satisfaction in terms of the relevance, usefulness, and quality."
"We do a lot of educational videos, we do workshops, and we try to take the time to spend with people teaching them why we should be doing things."
"I love workshops because, in my opinion, that's the best way to learn something: by actually doing it and building it."
"Virtual workshops are pretty new, so let me tell you a little bit about them."
"I didn't set out doing this thinking I would teach or host workshops, but it's been a really gratifying part of this."
"We're calling them Workshops, designed to dive a little bit deeper into a particular topic."
"One of my absolute favorite things on the planet that I've ever done are the photo workshops out in the field."
"We do have two upcoming Pi workshops."
"It's more fun when we do the workshops here and getting their reactions on camera."
"I hope that this workshop was very useful for you."
"Thank you very much for your attendance for this workshop."
"As soon as I can be running workshops again, I will be out doing what I absolutely love to do, which is having photographic adventures and learning with a group of people to improve our photography together."
"The importance of workshops is that not only do you get to learn from an instructor, but you also get to learn from other students."
"If you do fancy giving fabric sculpting a go, please do check out my online workshops."
"Stay with us, stay tuned, we have a lot of exciting things coming up for workshops next year."
"There would be tons of special activities to choose from, including guitar and creative writing workshops."
"One of the lovely parts of attending workshops like this is that you see how other people work and you get to kind of peer into the way they program and think about creating visuals."
"It would be fun for people to do workshops and get their hands a little dirty."
"I've learned more from writing workshops than any other source."
"I've also pondered the idea of doing a workshop with a squirrel in my pocket as I do my painting."
"Workshops are a great way to learn watercolor painting."
"I love all the workshops that we do, it's some of my favorite times and memories."
"We need youngsters within our workshops."