
Evening Routine Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"I love nothing more than just getting back from our evening walk, feeding the dog, shower, skincare, pajamas on, and just really switching off."
"Gratitude practice helps transition into the evening with a sense of fulfillment."
"I literally look forward to them all day long. It's like my little bit of zen in the evenings."
"That is the end of this evening's pamper so I'm going to bid you guys farewell and I will see you in tomorrow's video. Bye."
"I need the evening to set me up for a good morning."
"Good night, last Sunday together making some tea."
"I'm gonna run myself a bath because honestly, my favorite thing about the evening is self-care."
"Matt and I end our night with tea and dessert so I'm drinking some tea Matt do you want cheesecake or apple pie."
"Nothing sounds better than getting in my cozy pjs doing my skincare and then just laying on the couch for the night."
"It's that time of night again, sitting by the fire, especially in the winter, sit and watch it."
"Now that dinner is done and the chores are done, it's time to pour a delicious glass of wine."
"Usually, I'll take a bath when it's evening because I like to relax."
"It's all about winding down for the day."
"Good evening everybody, it is quite late now I've just popped my PJ's back on."
"I'm just going to do my skincare and probably go lay in bed for like the rest of the night."
"The best way to relax after a long day is to catch up with my wife, have dinner, light a candle, make some tea, throw on some TV, and just chill on the couch."
"And that's it, a nice gentle routine for the evening, and hopefully, you're feeling a lot more relaxed."
"I really like to make a cup of sleepy time tea, it really helps me take off the edge and start to unwind for the evening."
"It's a great way to end the night."
"I always like to light that candle just to start to add some nice fragrance into the room as we're heading into evening time."
"It's a nice time to work out now, just gone five, and it's a couple of hours before we have dinner."
"It's really important to make sure that you're cleansing your skin correctly, especially in the evening."
"It's starting to get dark, so let's get the fire going and start unpacking, and let's enjoy the evening."
"I'm gonna sip on my nighttime tea and just put my feet up for a minute."
"It's just like a nice way for my brain to decompress in the evening."
"I'm someone that prefers eating cereal in the evening after dinner; it just hits differently."
"It's perfect to do in the evening before bed just to unwind in these always stressful times."
"Hopefully, you found this helpful; maybe it helped you connect some dots, some missing pieces about how you should go throughout your evening in NINA."
"I love this eyeshadow so much, I use it every single time I go out in the evening."
"In the evening, I'll sit down with a glass of wine and get my cheese and crisps out."
"So grab your nibble, grab your sip, and we're going to get nice and cozy this evening."
"I'm about to go and jump in the shower, wash off my makeup, put some Bates Motel on, and have a cup of tea."
"I'm gonna start doing my skincare and then we're gonna have me a relaxing night."
"Watch the sunset, read a book, just do my usual nightly things."
"The wind down hours are here, it is 5:45, dinner is finished, I've washed my face, all makeup is off, feels so refreshed."
"I absolutely love my living room, I spend every evening in here and it's just such a calm relaxing environment."
"Make sure to grab your favorite drink of choice; it is like 7 p.m. here, so your girl has her favorite water."
"My favorite thing at the end of the day is putting these blinds down, turning the lamp on, popping on a Netflix show."
"Welcome to yoga; this evening routine is called soothe and relax."
"This flow I really like to do in the evenings before bedtime."
"It's a great way to unwind at the end of the night and just do something for yourself."
"I'm going to spend less time on my phone in the evenings."
"I'm definitely ready to just cozy up in bed with my pajamas on with some food and just relax for this evening."
"It's my go-to for evening, I'm in love with this."
"It truly is one of my favorite things to do at night to like wind down after a busy day."
"After an afternoon of lots of botanical learnings in the garden, it is now time for our evening activities."
"My mom goes to bed at like 6 p.m., so I figured in the evenings post my mom going to sleep, I would have time to read."
"I find it really calming in the evening to light a fire when the kids have gone to bed."
"Perfect way to wind down the evenings, this is my favorite."