
Lie Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"A lie is not determined solely by the truth value of the statement being made; it's the combination of that and whether or not the person making the statement knew the statement to be false."
"The history we've all been taught is a massive lie."
"A truth hides the lie through which we see the truth."
"A lie is just a good story someone ruined with the truth."
"It's perfectly obvious. His nose always twitches when he tells a lie."
"A long pause is often seen before a lie."
"...creating an elaborate lie was the only way to truly change the system."
"You have to confront the lie. When the thought comes in, confront the lie."
"Lie number six is the lie of a spiritual pacifism."
"I lied. If you stayed this long, you get to see a forehand Ace."
"You can say whatever you want to say, whether it's a truth or a lie. That's freedom of speech."
"Fear is a lie that gives power to the enemy."
"It's a lie but an acceptable one."
"Nobody ever said at any point... and by the way, what doctor would be like, 'You do not have Lupus?' No rheumatologist would even say that. Like, what, is it worth all the lie? Definitely not. In this case, it was not worth it."
"That is the biggest lie ever told since me trying to pretend I was 6 feet tall on Tinder."
"A lie is just a truth that you don't believe."
"A lie persisted in pursuing his date despite his pitiful appearance."
"Racism didn't start with a misunderstanding, it started with a lie."
"You don't win the battle of your mind by fighting the lie; you win the battle of your mind by focusing on the truth."
"A lie can go around the world twice before the truth gets its shoes on."
"...they didn't give them the choice. Both of them would have been glad to make that sacrifice. But rather than giving the option, he chose to lie to them."
"This event was born out of a lie that got out of hand."
"Money doesn't buy happiness. I think they're lying."
"Here's the definition of a lie to me: One, you're saying something that's not true. Two, you know it's not true. Three, you are trying to deceive me with what you know not to be true."
"Even shanking and hitting trees, that the chumps would be ecstatic with that lie."
"An excuse is the skin of a reason stuffed with a lie."
"The lie of Satan is if you give yourself to God utterly and wholly, if you totally trust him, he'll crush you. You won't be happy. You can't trust God. God doesn't really love you."
"Sometimes the story is just better when you lie."
"It’s all traced back to a lie and theft, but righting the wrong of his mother doesn’t have to be an action against the world."
"Learning how to discern the truth from the lie may be the right thing to do."
"The most damning lie you can tell is the one you tell yourself."
"The consistency of a lie will trump truth every time."
"...our lie, I mean we were lying in the sense that we were like, 'he came down with the showcase and somebody died back in Buffalo...'"
"That's exactly right, you exaggerate a little bit, it's just a lie."
"A lie will die, and the truth will rise to the top."
"There is as much wickedness in believing a lie as in telling it."
"Welcome to truth or lie, the game where we tell the truth or turn a lie."
"You've heard that a half-truth is worth than a lie."
"My whole childhood, the only family I've ever known was a lie."
"What is one lie everyone tells? 'Oh wow, yeah, I'll definitely have to watch that show you recommended. Thanks.'"
"An excuse is just the skin of a reason stuffed with a lie."
"There's no prospering without giving, it's a lie."
"The biggest lie I've ever been told is it's not that easy."
"I cannot think a lie he might might be the most talented person I've ever met."
"This is all a lie. No, it's more like a dream."
"I told the truth, yeah, that was the one time I was like [ __ ] it's okay to lie."
"The lie tasted bitter in her mouth but she held onto her performance with all she had."
"Everything the guide had told us so far was a lie, an elaborate lie."
"We should choose between one lie or one life."
"If you repeat a lie enough, eventually it becomes truth."
"A lie isn't so bad when only you know it; it's only when other people know about your lie that you're faced with embarrassment and shame."