
Ducks Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Not only do ducks get into bad situations, but they can also try to help others when they're in trouble."
"Some say he knows two facts about ducks, and both of them are wrong."
"The goal of the duck is to quack and eat food and have adorable duck sex and swim for as long as nature will let it."
"Peppa and George love feeding bread to ducks."
"The Dallas Stars collapsed to the Ducks."
"New Ducks merch is now available."
"Anatidephobia is the fear that at any point, somewhere in the world, a duck or a goose may be watching you."
"Ducks float because their feathers trap air bubbles, allowing them to float in water."
"This is a new Ducks camo we are launching this year."
"We were pleasantly surprised by the amount of ducks throughout the Island Grand property as well as the amount of pools."
"Ducks are real biological weapons. No, they don't spread deadly diseases but they can be more effective than pesticides when it comes to controlling locusts."
"An army of a hundred thousand ducks could destroy up to 20 million insects per day. When it comes to locust plague, this is a real miracle."
"The Ducks are my favorite. I like them even more than the chickens."
"They are so cool though, coolest ducks on the planet."
"Those ducks aren't gonna hurt nobody, I promise. They're good ducks."
"This is nice, you got some duck statues, you get the little ducklings right behind."
"Once you have an adult duck, they are very, very hardy. They are very, very resilient."
"I love watching ducks walk around, why is it so cute?"
"The ducks at the lake, they're free. I have 28 ducks."
"All ducks can swim, right? So all ducks would have a swim function when it's invoked, it would enable the swim behavior."
"Not all ducks fly, right? So only a certain subset of ducks fly."
"I love ducks with a passion, they're so cute and adorable."
"Garbanzo beans is probably one of the happiest ducks alive out here."
"Melanie has done us all the favor of adding the water lines around these ducks."
"The tomb also contained his childhood toys buried with him, many of the items showed ducks, an animal which he seemed to have had a fondness for."
"Being on a boat, getting a pet can be potentially problematic, right? Because there's water. What can swim? And the answer was a duck."
"It's incredible, seven ducks in this Test match."
"Every year this mama duck brings her babies to my house and I help her take care of them."
"All the ducks look absolutely fantastic, very happy."
"Flowers everywhere. These ducks just bring me so much joy."
"Field hunting ducks, that's fun stuff."
"We decided to come check out the ducks and turtles again."
"What do you get when ducks cross on the pavement? Quacks in the pavement."
"My favorite breed of duck would have to be an Indian Runner."
"I love ducks because... they mate for life, they have really good high fertility, high hatch rates."
"Anatidaephobia is the fear that at any point, somewhere in the world, a duck or goose may be watching you."
"Let's hope that will keep the predators from snatching our ducks."
"If you don't like the Disneyland ducks, there's something wrong with you."
"It depicts a charming botanical garden with a nice glass roof, a gorgeous little pond with little brown duckies swimming around in the water itself."
"What happens to ducks that fly upside down? They quack up."
"Ducks aren't like chickens, they don't lay in a nesting box, they just kind of find a nice safe place on the ground and just lay them."
"We do absolutely love having ducks, we just need to figure out the best way to keep them in one little area so that we can get all their eggs for the day."
"I love this Vlog because it was so cool to be able to go day by day and see the progression of these ducks."
"Ducks sleep with half of their brains awake."
"Many of you know that we have been raising ducks on our homestead."
"I love ducks. We don't have a pet duck, but I did used to love watching the ducks on the pond."
"I like ducks, and they're Muscovy ducks, so they're silent."
"Right now, the ducks are gently gliding across the water."
"Why do ducks have tail feathers? To cover their butt quacks."