
PH Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Remember, bases have a pH that's greater than seven; acids have a pH that's less than seven."
"A pH of 7.0 is considered ideal for plants and fish in the pond."
"Hydrogen ions could alter the pH of a solution and that could have an impact on enzymes."
"A buffer is basically a chemical that resists the change in pH when small amounts of acid or base are added. It doesn't actually stop the change in pH, it just resists it."
"Enzymes will only work at a certain pH so they're very fussy."
"Ascorbic acid formulations should have a low pH... generally between pH 2.5 to 3.5."
"Your corals will tell you everything you need to know when your pH is stable."
"Stability is more important with pH than anything else."
"Skincare ingredients that are water-based are basically formulated to work at a certain pH and then on the flip side the ingredients that are not water-based don't have a pH."
"When the pH is low, less than 7.35, that is considered an acidosis."
"You've determined that the pH is too high. That means that the hydrogen ion concentration is too low."
"Anytime you have more acid than the conjugate base, the pH will be less than the pKa."
"Change pH, rotate the correct crops, and you get incredible results."
"At half equivalence point, our PKA is equal to pH."
"essentially what's going to help us there is that's going to help us finally determine the pH"
"Don't you just love pH calculations? So fun."
"If you make it into tea and you lower the pH just a little bit below three and you simmer it for several hours, it will convert almost all the ibotenic acid into muscimol."
"The pH scale tells us whether something is acid or alkali."
"An acid is a solution that has a pH of less than seven."
"A buffer is a solution of a weak acid and its conjugate base that resists changes in pH."
"The normal pH values are between 7.35 and 7.45."
"The pH of the blood is normally between 7.35 to 7.45."
"The urine pH is six, which is way lower than the blood because it usually has more hydrogen ions."
"The right grow bed media, the best media to use in aquaponics, is inert medium something that doesn't fluctuate pH."
"The pH scale quantifies the acidity of solutions."
"A substance with a pH of 6 contains 10 times as many hydrogen ions as a substance with a pH of 7."
"The pH is basically dependent on pKa plus the log of your conjugate base divided by the acid."
"A buffer is a solution that maintains approximately a constant pH."
"Buffers are very important in biology; we all work at a constant pH."
"Living things need to be at a constant pH."
"A buffer consists of a weak acid and its conjugate base."
"A buffer can respond to added acid or added base and keep the pH constant."
"Hydration is important; if you're not hydrated, it can start affecting the pH of your blood."
"A buffer is a mixture of weak conjugate acids and bases that stabilize pH by providing a source or a sink for protons."
"If we have this type of problem, a strong base titrating a weak acid, the pH is going to be greater than seven at this equivalence or stoichiometric point."
"The purpose of a buffer is to keep the pH pretty much constant."
"What you want in a buffer is to have a weak acid conjugate base pairing that allows it to be a source or sink for a strong acid or a strong base to keep the pH constant."
"The pH is really going to be determined by the excess amount of NaOH you have."
"In a red wine, our goal is to have a pH of anywhere from 3.2 to like 3.65."
"The bacteria decarboxylated the amino acid and produced the diamine which raised the pH."
"What if I told you there was a chemical out there that would buffer your pH, prevent algae growth, make your water sparkle, and be more enjoyable to swim in without any drawbacks or side effects?"
"Negligible bases don't affect the pH of water at all."
"The pH perfect technology will ensure that your water stays between 5.5 and 6.3 pH for the most optimal and efficient range for your plants to intake and process these nutrients."
"Universal indicator could be used to detect a change in pH."
"Anything above seven up to 14 is a base or alkaline."
"A buffer is just something that keeps the pH the same, resists changes in the pH."
"A small change in pH is actually a significant change in hydrogen ion concentration."
"Calculate the pH: pH equals minus log H+."
"Enzymes mostly work on only one substrate and work best at a particular pH."
"The pH scale is based on the ion product of water."
"That zone around the pKa where the pH isn't changing very much is exactly where you want your buffer to be."
"You can change the pH of your blood simply by breathing differently."
"Without the proper pH, you can put all the fertilizers and nutrition in that soil that you want, but if the pH is not right in soil, a lot of this nutrition is bound up and the plants cannot take it up and cannot use it."
"pH stands for being perfectly healthy."
"A buffer has maximum capacity to resist pH when the pH equals the pKa."
"A solution that has a pH of seven is said to be neutral, meaning it has an equal number of hydrogen ions as hydroxide ions."
"Any solution with a pH lower than seven is going to be increasingly acidic."
"Any solution with a pH number greater than seven will be increasingly more basic or alkaline."
"Plants like to fall between 6 and 7.5, that's where you want to be for your nutrients to be the most bioavailable."
"PH is a serious factor when it comes to nutrient uptake."
"PH matters... it will survive all going down to 7.8 for a while even many years, but you can do better at 8.3."
"Anything that has a pKa makes a great buffer in a certain range."
"The pH I can say equals the pKA in sum with log of S or A. I know it now!"
"Most plants can only grow in soils between pH 6 and 7."