
Thickness Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"An oval and ellipse, if you draw a circle and deform that circle in perspective, that is going to be too thick."
"At point 1.88 inches thick, it's a nice thickness to be manageable but also thick enough to do some aggressive chopping."
"It's thick, baby. So not only does it have this stretchy sneaky material on top..."
"...these are really, really thick in quality."
"I've got this guy, super thick base layer."
"This would be like a thick pancake batter."
"This stuff's thicker than that ex-girlfriend that your wife secretly stalks on Facebook."
"It also looks like it's quite like the depth of it I think we should go thick."
"...the OG Basestar is absolutely thick. I wrote 12 c's for thick in my script by the way just so that you know I really really meant it."
"The quality is A1, can't beat it. And it's thick, you guys. I wish you could see how thick it is. This is not a flimsy t-shirt."
"Wow, that's a jumbo. Dude, wow, that's thick."
"It's my first time landing on ice and then ice felt so thick the captain told me it's 1.4 kilometer thick to sustain the A340 and it felt like landing on asphalt."
"That's a really thick bubble, it's a thick, it's a very specific bubble."
"...it's very, very thick, right, and I don't know what they did with the rubber compound because if you look at the regular player one and also the regular player one plus, they are very, very squeaky and the traction is phenomenal..."
"So thicker the better darling, thicker the better."
"I don't know, this thing was thick"
"Thicker is quicker, and there's an obvious reason why."
"Not just make someone grow new hair but have thicker, shinier hair as well."
"It feels like it's a little bit thicker too."
"Yeah, it's comfy not very thick thick."
"This is thick you just see how dense this custard is."
"Muscles grow by the existing fibers getting thicker."
"By letting it boil for a bit you can also reduce it to make it thicker and slightly more syrupy."
"Don't be afraid to go thick, just don't go so thick that it's running everywhere."
"The new 12.9-inch iPad Pro is just 0.5 millimeters thicker."
"Be careful because the sheets are very thin."
"Phoebe is also constantly doubling her vocal takes on the main vocal that means underlaying at least one extra vocal layer in order to give a little bit more thickness and harmonic interest to her vocal"
"It's like a full centimeter thick. It's like a spring."
"Gel coat is thick. A finished coat will go on approximately ten times as thick as paint."
"The consistency for this is thick. It's like honey."
"Straight out of the tube, this gouache is very thick, it's highly opaque and the color is extremely vibrant."
"Check your thickness of your paint. If the paint's too thick, it's not gonna work."
"This is like three inches thick, so if you're going down the hallway over there, you'd see behind the TV and the HDMI cords."
"You'll notice it's still thick, but at least it drizzles down."
"This is actually pretty thick, but a bit too thick for your hair."
"Looking good, got a lot of movement but we maintained thickness all throughout the hair."
"How thin do I want it? Thinner than Slender Man."
"I need to get it thinned out, I have very thick hair."
"Look how thick the stock is on that thing - like beast mode, beast mode."
"Armenian coffee: Thick, strong, and absolutely delicious."
"A thicker material, half inch in diameter."
"...the thicker this setting the thicker the raft."
"...seeing the fact that this has an inch thick plate on top which is crazy..."
"All right, so we're going to roll this out between two sheets of parchment paper. Let's put one on top and see how thin we can get this. Okay, so we've got our dough rolled out."
"The rest of the pumpkin will have six, eight, ten, twelve inches thick of a shell."
"The propellant layer is just over a meter thick."
"You can get thicker lines depending on how hard you press."
"So there we go we have a nice smooth circle we can control the thickness using like the mouse or something and everything looks good."
"In Thai you call that kam kom wap. Meaning it's very thick and rich."
"Thicker is better, and you can always use the high pass filter to make it thinner again."
"Very thick, just adds a little more luxury."
"Choose a leather that is thick and stiff for your strop."
"If you want a sound stage that is so thick that you will suffocate when you walk into it, yeah, you have to push the boundaries."
"You don't have to have them so thick."
"I'm pretty tan I did do self-oh my god this stuff is like actually so thick I had no idea."
"Thick enough gold can be bulletproof."
"I feel like they do them really, really thick and I don't like that."
"The fabric is so thick that my loom is pretty much already filled up."
"It's tough to get up, pretty thick."
"These burgers are gonna take a little while to cook because they are a little bit on the thick side."
"If you did staple right over that seam it might have been too thick of layers."
"It's kind of like a sweatsuit because this one is kind of on the thicker side."
"Look how thick he is, oh that's so cool, look at him swimming."
"Scrapbook paper comes in many shapes, sizes, and thickness, so you want to just make sure that you get something that's a little bit thicker."
"We want the scone dough to be of a depth of about 2.5 to 3 centimeters."
"That looks fantastic; it really does, and this stuff is not three quarters, it's 13/16 of an inch thick."
"The secret to a good shake is to make it as thick as you can possibly get it."
"Do not retwist often or do not retwist at all; that is going to be one of the biggest factors in making sure you have thicker locks."
"That ain't the Pakistani milkshake, that's the American milkshake, that is thick, number one, like K2 mountain."
"This is definitely becoming my favorite one right here, the most thickest spots."
"Blending the vegetables will make the soup thicker."
"When we shrink sheet metal, we're actually making it thicker; contrast when we stretch metal, we're making it thinner."
"That's how you know it's thick, with the upside down test."
"We ran blindly along that path of fog, which became thicker and thicker as we ran."
"Thai soup, nice and thick, some lot, oh that's lovely."
"It looks like it's really thick, so it probably does some sort of insulation as well."
"That's a 60 centimeter thick wall, and my word, you can feel the difference as you step in."
"This is a way to create a little bit more thickness and sturdiness in your work."
"You can use this stitch in order to double the thickness of your crochet projects whether it's a blanket or in this case, it could be a dishcloth."
"This is officially a Congo, and that's all there is to combining a lock to make it thicker down by the root."
"Offset coping is a simple coping with minimum thickness above the preparation."
"The thickness of this layer, which is actually chemically bonded to the surface of the material, is between one and two and a half microns thick."
"What I am going to be focusing on is how thick of a film do each of these rollers apply."
"It has a thickness which I have presumed to be anything between five and ten million miles."
"This type of finish is very thick and goes on very thick but is also extremely durable."
"It's also important to note that the thicker a fabric is, the longer it will take for the bond to form properly."
"The dermis is by far the thickest layer."
"It's just larger than a credit card and about as thick as three of them when combined."
"I'm loving this stuff, the thickness, the bulk on the lashes."
"I just like how thick it is, how moisturizing it is."
"It's quite thick and it's really quite warm."