
Badass Quotes

There are 148 quotes

"Theodore Roosevelt, the most badass person of all time."
"The cyberware just being awesome and badass and terrifying."
"Everything about the guy from his hard drinking to his rule breaking screams badass."
"This is badass, it looks like Kale'thas turned into a demon hunter."
"He looks like a total badass regardless of whether he's human or in his steel form."
"He looks ridiculous and badass at the same time."
"He is a badass though, holy [__], this game is coming to an end."
"I officially do feel like a bad ass again."
"What a beautiful moment, that was so badass."
"This is the most badass unit here, designed and built by my friends Todd and Sheila by Spacecraft."
"Okay well that was the most badass entrance."
"They see you as smart, ambitious, and a badass."
"Are you telling me that you built a time machine out of a DeLorean? It's badass."
"It's rumored Wyatt Earp had one. It's definitely badass."
"Taurus, you're a badass this week, I'm loving it."
"You're brave, you're a badass, you're fearless like you don't care."
"Getter Robo is often led as both the most badass and the most fun."
"Op, you're a badass walking out with a gift and directly returning it."
"That's so badass. You leave for weeks and you come back and you're just like, I save the world."
"I love how he's basically just saying, 'We don't have to play around and find out. Just give me Han back and you can crawl away from this.' It's so badass."
"Anyone who wears a skull helmet like that just looks ultra badass."
"We are getting more recognized. Let's be honest, we are kind of badass."
"Nothing has to be said for her, she's just the most badass phenomenal, she never disappoints."
"Are you secretly a badass? Nothing secret about it baby."
"That's pretty badass, not gonna lie."
"That was so badass. That would have been life."
"Now you would think that looks badass."
"You fought your way through a gauntlet of badass dudes or women."
"The Archer artillery system is every bit as badass as it looks."
"I also love how the main characters are badass."
"He's still a total badass Hitman when he needs to be."
"It's just a very badass powerful look."
"When Hugh Jackman pops those claws out real fast you don't think about it you think about how badass it is but when they come out slowly they're like oh ow like that just looks like it hurts."
"She's just a badass and though I don't have a cape, skirt just like pillows did."
"Oh my gosh this guy's kind of a badass."
"Millie is the badass of the group, and she's also badass in a selfless way. She's the one good person, the simple, good, straightforward person."
"Most badass thing ever is just like doing your own sutures."
"I just think it's a badass figure."
"This super mode is just so badass."
"I thought you were an American Badass."
"She was more badass than any of the other men on the shift."
"The rope of strangulation. Even the name is badass."
"She was a badass Queen Mama Bear and even at 16 and with a broken heart she could not be stopped."
"Wow, you are a badass [ __ ] you're here at Kill Tony showing the [ __ ] range of the fans that we [ __ ] have here. We have badass [ __ ]."
"That was badass. I kind of dig that."
"Your mom is a badass and I want to be like her when I grow up."
"Op, I say this as a compliment: your mom is a badass."
"without a shadow of a doubt, the most badass of all 964"
"Savage Streets, great revenge horror movie. Linda Blair is such a badass in this movie."
"Livy's mom is a badass bitch, the fact that she's saying and calling him out saying he ran away from me like the little bitch he is, I just got to say I love that."
"She's pretty badass actually. I kind of admire that."
"She brought to life a bonafide badass."
"But overall incredibly impressed I mean I do think this Megatron looks badass."
"This game is so badass it's Tomb Raider meets Ocarina of Time meets Metroid meets Blade."
"One of those badass sequences in the franchise's history."
"What Mars just said, 'It is hard to single out a lone insect when you're Exterminating The Hive,' is a badass quote."
"One of the most simple records they've done but it's just badass."
"That was pretty badass right there."
"You are the greatest Knight of the universe Bruce Wayne yet again confirming that Batman is one of the most badass beings in the multiverse powers or no powers."
"This is pretty badass where you can do all this."
"It's tough to be much more of a badass than a fire-breathing skeleton ninja from hell."
"Having these two stand together looks absolutely badass."
"His appearance changes into that of the devil and he looks incredibly badass."
"We're freaking badass as it cooks."
"...this scene ranks amongst the most badass moments in any anime it truly highlights Benny maru's awesomeness plus those sound effects will give me chills."
"Neto came along with Zeno in one of the coolest and most over-the-top entrances in anime, these two old badasses jumped off from a giant draconic bird that transported them through the sky to the top of the ant King's residence."
"It is absolutely inconceivable what a complete badass rickert is."
"This is straight up Samurai, straight up just badass."
"Wow, that's badass. Look at it, look at how it's rotating."
"She's a badass. Well, she's a doctor. Second year medical school is the art of ass-kicking."
"That's how it's kinda anti-climactic but also pretty badass."
"Boa is just a badass [__] who takes no [__] from anyone."
"Great comeback because it's concise, badass, and expertly performed."
"Well, this is a pretty badass way to go out, right?"
"As expected of the person who was able to kill the revolving blood clan leader."
"I'm just going through the list of the most badass big-screen action heroes of all time."
"That truly is a badass in real life not just in the movie."
"It's America's military, it's going to be super badass."
"an absolute badass that's known throughout the lore of Resident Evil as the ultimate zombie killing machine"
"I see strength, I see power, I see a badass mother."
"That's what I wanted people to know, is she was badass."
"it's pretty safe to say that she's probably the most badass character in the entire Series"
"This is probably the reason why I love this story so much. I mean how badass is to have Nightwing on in the Justice League? I love that."
"The perfect intersection between nerdiness and just straight-up badass."
"That's badass, that's badass right there"
"Kaio, the numbers hunter, is a badass rival. He's better than the protagonist and is his opposite, providing the foundations of a rivalry."
"Listening is badass. I love listening."
"It's pretty badass, gotta I gotta say."
"You know you're a badass when you can take on armies with just a freaking fan."
"If you're out riding in bad weather, it means you're a badass."
"...when you put them alongside all of the villains they just look that much more badass."
"Now we're getting into new levels of badass."
"He's a hard guy to impress. If he thinks someone's badass, like, that man is the definition of badass."
"And you don't have a place in the world, and here's this badass woman role which is also pretty fucking awesome."
"Yeah, she's a badass. She's strong, tough, and damn good on a pair of rollerblades."
"I'm not going to lie, they're pretty badass."
"He was so cool and sweet and he looked like a badass doing it."
"Watching her entire like Sam Sam's gonna be the best mom of all time she's an absolute badass so watching that moment happen was really cool."
"Make it look more manly and more badass."
"That was so badass when Chief Yagami drove through. That was so cool."
"the final third act with Arnold going against a predator is just badass"
"Luke Skywalker is a badass Master Jedi."
"I always got that vibe that you were a bit of a badass."
"How could a badass girl be so nervous, bro? I don't understand that, bro."
"He was such a badass while also having like funny quirks."
"He's the kind of dude who I think was such an excellent wrestler... to be the NWA champion you had to be so many things, and one of them was like a legit badass."
"All of the badasses were freestyle skaters."
"Lethal lavender sounds like a badass superhero that wears a purple cape."
"It just felt so badass. I loved it."
"Karen is increasingly becoming no other word for her besides a badass."
"That's badass. I do like zombies."
"At the end of the day, nobody cares if it's real or not, it's just so badass."
"I thought the first person shooter sequence was really badass."
"That venom is so badass... his venom is great all the time."
"Ellen Ripley is one of the most badass well-written characters throughout all cinematic history."
"Damon Targaryen proves how much of a badass he is."
"She's got this real quirky nerdy behavior but it's all wrapped up in these badass combat skills."
"This car is really nice; this is badass."
"She's the sort who looks like a cute little old lady, but she's a total badass."
"As the owner of the testing floor, she is easily one of the most badass and strongest characters in the tower."
"Who would have thought that beyond her fragile, quiet, and passive demeanor was a complete badass?"
"I mean, Sigourney Weaver is just an all-around badass."
"The box art is pretty darn badass."
"Being a hunter basically means being one of the biggest badasses on earth."
"Kaiba is an absolute badass during the entirety of the show."
"It's just at the perfect sweet spot between an absolute beast and something that is just cool and kind of badass without being too much."
"You're looking a little bit scarier than I remember you, but honestly, Santa would be a badass."
"Teddy Roosevelt was kind of a badass."
"I can't express to you how badass this is."
"Am I in any way being unclear about how much of a badass this woman was?"
"Ripley is so maternal but such a badass."
"He's Fate's greatest badass, that's all I could really say."
"The dude with no legs is a badass, an official badass."
"If you want to have a badass life, you're going to have to be a 'right now' person."
"He had a reputation for being a total badass, okay, and somewhat just a little bit on the untouchable side."
"She looks so like she's just such a badass."
"That's [__] badass. Look, badass. The tires burning out too."
"She is the definition of a badass but flawed character."
"But what a good person my grandmother great grandmother was but also kind of a badass."
"I'm a huge fan, huge fan, and it looks pretty badass."
"In my mind, Miruko just shot way up on the list of the most badass female animated manga characters of all time."
"Ultimately, you have one very badass PDW."
"What an entrance, what a duo. God, isn't she such a badass?"
"He's gonna grow up in a zombie apocalypse, but honestly, because of that, he'll be the most badass."
"That car looks just so evil with those flares on there, oh it's badass."
"It's really freaking badass, I love this."
"This is pretty much one of the most badass things I've been a part of."