
Depletion Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"There's no political Capital left in Washington DC necessarily."
"Every time you have to make a decision, you're depleting willpower."
"We're leading on empty in a way, we're leading our families on empty, we're leading our ministries on empty, we're pretty much running on fumes."
"It drains you of your so-called epistemic authority and it drains you of your moral authority to resist."
"You just can't squeeze any more blood out of that stone."
"It's emotionally draining and leaves you completely depleted."
"Human beings have been tapping the world's oil and gas at a rapid rate."
"Even if there were no environmental impact to the fossil fuel economy, it would run out."
"Depletion means your battery is connected, but it's actually losing power."
"We're out of gas, yeah, it's hot outside."
"Using too much skincare or haircare product can lead to quick depletion."
"We're low on flash, we're going to lose the stain soon."
"Well, we fished until we ran out of baits."
"What depletes you guys? For me, it's like just general tension."
"We have accepted the fact that Energon as we know it is gone."
"We give until there's nothing left."
"I felt like I was just being used up."
"I must have only been the second ass drop because this is definitely the last bit of straw left in the thing basically what I'm saying is there's no more straw left."
"The opportunities ran out, the money ran out."
"If it's depleting you, it's a red flag."
"As we run low on petroleum, we increasingly explore more obscure forms of oil, like tar sands."
"The whole world, and it took about a hundred years once Europeans arrived in New York City to harvest all the wild oysters."
"And there's nothing more depleting than carrying resentments and anger with you."
"I poured everything I was into her until with the shallow gasp I realized I had nothing left to give."
"That transition of staying in a depleted state for an extended period of time... it flattens you out."
"He's got nothing left in the tank, mate."
"You might be depleted or broke spiritually. You might be broke with your attention, you know?"
"They're almost out of ammunition at this point."
"The universe is running down, it's running out of usable energy."
"It leaves you feeling depleted, empty, yeah, empty."
"I'm emotionally, physically, and spiritually drained."
"He ran out, yeah. And I'm already starting to run out. Like I'm already emptying the tank."
"When we continue to plug those vacuum cleaners up we end up depleting the neuron of the very substance that we were short of to begin with."
"There's serious depletions of fish stock."
"Dawn was right, there's not much left."
"There was about $2.5 trillion in there, and it has since been depleted down to under a trillion dollars."
"All the fuel is out of the tank now."
"I hate that it has taken me to this level of exhaustion and depletion that I feel to want to make that change."
"They put on a show until that energy ran itself dry."
"They just literally like Pac-Man, they munch on all the energy in the atmosphere until it's all ate up."
"We are walking examples of what can happen when we try to fill other people's cups when our well is dry."
"I have toyed with them long enough; see now, all their vaunted energies have dissipated in this place beyond the pale."
"The social security trust fund is currently projected to be depleted by 2034."
"They're running on fumes at this point."
"I believe that world peak gold has passed."
"The Iroquois Nation have a problem, they're depleting their beaver, they're all but gone."
"It was the dead tiredness that comes through the slow and prolonged draining of strength from months of toil."
"You look like you’re running on fumes."
"I propose that there are two things that can potentially occur from weight training: first, we'll always get a depletion of resources or energy from training; secondly, we have the potential to stimulate growth."
"The wheel of prison turning, devouring, depleting the men in the car for whatever resources they have to offer."
"She felt like a mechanical doll whose battery had run out."
"It's a race between depletion and innovation."
"Courage is a capital sum reduced by expenditure."
"I feel like I was pouring from an empty cup."
"We nurture, we create, and all these things we do will deplete us if we are surrounded by people who continually, constantly drain us."
"I feel like I'm empty of energy and a bit sore, but full of other things that I needed to fill myself with."
"Depletion of natural resources is recorded similarly to the units of activity method for depreciation."
"Complainers will soon run out of gas."
"We are traumatized by parentification because it depletes our emotional and physical resources as children."
"Something is draining your spiritual gifts."
"Willpower is limited, it depletes, and that's how we train willpower; we want it to deplete."
"My batteries are low and it's getting dark outside."
"We have depleted the ocean, the third ocean zone."
"His attempts to restart the world had depleted the Earth's spiritual Force."