
Revisiting Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Sometimes new circumstances make a town interesting to revisit, and there can be random surprises in the fields…"
"Bruh, bruh, bruh. A good revisit if you will."
"You should go back and watch... Ghostbusters 2016."
"This is another place to revisit over and over again."
"I'm glad this franchise existed, and it was really cozy getting to revisit it."
"Retrogrades are often about going back to something that you thought you had finished earlier and like returning back to and revisiting something."
"It kicks ass to revisit it again."
"Honestly, I can't tell you how many times a week I'll just like peruse my bookshelf for books that I have previously annotated ..."
"You might return back to something that you want to revisit, so whether it is a connection, a friendship, a place you used to live, or a place you used to work, there's something connected to history and revisiting here."
"Revisit David Lynch's Dune as I'm sure you might be."
"Pay attention to it because to me, I want to go back and see it again."
"And despite many of the criticisms I've made here, I do think I'll want to watch them all again at some point. It might not be tomorrow, frankly it might not be for another 10 years, but someday I'm sure I'll go back."
"I let that go, wait wait go back. Wait, it's their room in your home."
"Wow, now I want to see part 456 again."
"This was still one of those things like I read it way after publication, but it still was one of those things of just like rereading this over and over and over."
"Werewolves within, one that I hated upon first watch, watch it again and I've loved it."
"Selena's story is worth revisiting and honoring."
"Remember, you can come back to this at any point and change your crop."
"His work is worth returning to often."
"You turn your back on your own creation and you turn, you know, you revisit it again and you see it's bloomed."
"We're constantly returning to these restaurants and updating our reviews."
"We definitely will revisit this Fountain in the future."
"American Beauty is a movie I go back to at least once a year and with each new viewing it further establishes itself as one of my favorite."
"You can't fix an empty page; get some stuff down and expect to come back to it."
"Thank God for the bootlegs because I can go back and revisit it."
"I'm excited myself to revisit this."
"I love returning to a subject now and again."
"It was so interesting to revisit this series."
"I could definitely see myself going back and rereading that as a bit of a comfort read."
"It's going to be fun to revisit these Turtles and to sometimes see them pop up."
"Sometimes it just takes a lot for me to finally go back and check them out."
"It's a suck fairy reference. It talks about the experience of going back and re-experiencing media, particularly books, that you loved when you were young and finding out that they've been visited by a magical being who has made them terrible."
"I shared my story many years ago but left many things out the first time around."
"I'd like to reclaim some of the views I missed out on the first time around."
"I hope you enjoyed that, I really did, because I revisited my vellum and I haven't done that for a while."
"I just really loved it and I think I will also come back to this many times over the next few years."
"Some of these I have spoken about a little bit, some I haven't spoken about at all, and some are you know stuff that I used to talk about and I've kind of put them off and I'm kind of circumsicing back to them."
"Oh yeah, Time Bandits. I [ __ ] love Time Bandits, dude. That was everyone's Time Bandits. Return what you have taken from me. I need to rewatch that because I only watched it when I was really young and it's just it was like a trip, a fever dream in my videos."
"So we could dip back into scoring settings."
"It's a wonderful place to revisit and I never get kind of tired of it."
"It's a wonderful story that you'll want to revisit over and over again throughout your years."
"If you’re not able to see that, maybe you should go back and watch some of those older Trek shows again."
"You can bet that I will be revisiting red cabbage in the future."
"Even when you think you're done with something, chances are you're probably going to have to go back and revisit certain parts of it at some point."
"I need to do a video about books that I want to reread."
"These are such dense stories that you could revisit them time and time again and they are among Doctor Who's best Robert Shearman is the best of the Doctor Who catalogue and I love Scarsow."
"Jacob's story is the story of an encounter with a wound, with some unfinished business, and with some experiences that he had to revisit from time to time."
"...a real favorite that I like to return to many years."
"This is stuff that's timeless, like you could always go back and listen to it."
"I want to do more rereading because some of the rereads were really big wins."
"It was a lot of fun going back and watching this."
"A Triumph that I return to over and over again."
"It's great. I had so much fun revisiting the book."
"Memory is only built when you learn something and then have time to forget it and then revisit it."
"It is worth another look, it is worth a new video, and it is worth enjoying what they have here at the North Carolina State Fair."
"Snow Crash is actually my most reread fiction novel of all time."
"Hello everyone, Becky and I haven't been to downtown Chicago since before the pandemic."
"Hello, we are revisiting a classic."
"Hey YouTube, tonight we are going to revisit one of my favorite types of tools, and that is the multi-chuck drill driver."
"Hope you enjoyed this video and it was cool to revisit this place again after all this time."
"Seeing it again was like doing so through fresh eyes."
"If you feel like you've been to Family Search before and you've just exhausted it... go back."
"The Hobbit is Tolkien's classic; I keep going back to it over and over every year."
"Each time I go back to this one, it just rekindles that spark that I have for it."
"It's been a while since I've shot one, so I was really looking forward to coming back and revisiting it."
"I imagine that I will be revisiting it now that I am inducted into the cult of Hamilton."
"It's been great to document things because I can revisit it later and sort of relive it again."
"It is a site worth remembering and revisiting from time to time."
"It's always good to revisit some of the basics."
"For me, it's like a friend. It's a friend that you can revisit whenever you feel like it and you find out something new that you didn't know before."
"One of the things that I thought would help to build my confidence again was to go back to Classics I had read right at the start of my Classics reading journey and to see what I think of them now."
"I said, well, I got to revisit it 'cause I know damn good well if it's fattening, I like it."
"If you revisit information at regular intervals, you're less likely to forget and you're more likely to retain it."
"I always go back and watch old stuff."
"It's been ages since I made a gatefold card, and I thought it was time to revisit this cool card type on my channel."
"This is not something you watch only once; you will probably have to come back multiple times and re-watch this video again and again."
"I really enjoyed this show a lot and it's one I think I will revisit from time to time because it was a lot of fun."
"You've got to always be cycling through new material and then circling back when you want to revisit something."
"I wanted to revisit last night's video in which I tackled Crystal Selig's wonderful Sudoku."
"I just love this book, this was my second time reading it and I was excited to revisit it."
"It's always great to come back to it and see something new each time you watch it."
"I read to find favorite books that speak to me that I can then revisit."
"I often find that I loop back and back and back to early ideas."
"These two lectures have to be, if necessary, go back to them and listen to them off and on because these are very important chapters, very important lectures, and very important results."
"It was time to revisit old favorites."