
Day Out Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"We're gonna have a very magical day, and take you along with us."
"Hey, today was really weird, but it was fun hanging out with you all."
"It had been a full day for us on the lake and on the town and we were beat."
"It was so nice just to have like a nice little day out."
"While there are some very pricey places out there, you really don't have to spend a lot of money to have an amazing day."
"It's actually a really lovely day today, and it's really nice to get out and have a little bit of family time."
"We are out to have a good day and have a lot of fun."
"The whole day will be fun and adventurous."
"Honestly, I've enjoyed our day. Did you enjoy our day?"
"It's been a phenomenal day, full day here."
"I had a very pretty cool day, I enjoyed the brunch that I went to."
"This has been a great day at the carnival."
"It's magical, it's a fun place, you can spend almost a whole day in here."
"This city has so much history and makes a perfect day out with something for everyone."
"It was such a good day that we decided to go out."
"It was a really fun day, we just had brunch, we went to a few of the shops, we drove around, and it was great."
"It's an experience, and it's been a lovely day out."
"Great day though, and you can't beat spending it with good mates."
"We have had an absolutely great day at the state fair."
"It's a good day out, really nice, like really, really nice."
"Any day out junking is a day of fun for me."
"We might picnic later and just have a good day."
"I've enjoyed it, it's been a cracking day."
"I'm going to head out now for a day of fun so I will catch you all later."
"Do you have a good time Bob? Amazing day."
"It's a beautiful day, let's go out and do stuff, let's not waste the day."
"Let's go, hon, it's a beautiful Nebraska day."
"I hope that you guys enjoyed spending the day with us today."
"It's a really nice family day out, so I think as a full package it's a brilliant day to come here."
"It's been a really fun day, so why do you say we head home?"
"It was a beautiful sunny day, and Jack told us to get there early so we'd have a full day."
"It was a great day in Tabiana Beach."
"It's a brilliant day's entertainment down here."
"It's just a really nice overall day out."
"It's about how enjoyable a day out would be there if football was not what we came to see."
"We've had a really good day today, it's been awesome."
"We're about to get here and enjoy our day."
"Overall though, it's a great day."
"We've had a really nice day at Animal Kingdom today; it went really quick."
"It's been absolutely awesome, what a day we've had here, and I have not got one fault from this park."
"This has been a wonderful day at cornhole."
"What an amazing day it has been here at Oak Street Beach."
"Girls, it's been a wonderful day today."
"We're enjoying a day here at Animal Kingdom."
"I'm ready to like have a little L.A., Santa Monica day."
"It's been an amazing little day out, actually."
"What an excellent day at Epcot Center."
"Now we're off to enjoy our day. Love you."