
Monochrome Quotes

There are 170 quotes

"It's monochromatic, but I really like the amount of line work in this one."
"I'm gonna be wearing monochromatic outfits this whole week."
"An outfit formula that always looks sophisticated and polished is a monochrome outfit."
"Almost every room boasts a cool and contemporary monochrome aesthetic."
"A black and white version of this would be absolutely spectacular."
"Monochrome is beautiful. The same shade all the way down. You look sharp, you look fabulous."
"You can paint an entire portrait using one color only. Think about black and white photography and how amazing these portraits look without having any color in them at all."
"The Leica Q2 Monochrome is over-engineered simplicity."
"It's the files already black and white when you're shooting it and when you bring it into Lightroom, that tonality kind of...it's already there, it has that look in the file without having to edit it and tweak it."
"When I use the monochrome versions, that's when I have the best experience possible."
"99% of those are going to be in black and white."
"There is no one right solution remember we don't see in black and white very few things in the world are truly black and white there are a few but we see in color so why not decide to change one piece of paper and make it lighter than the others."
"The trick with black and white photography is to emphasize how some of the scenes may look in your mind before you take it."
"I'm really happy with this high contrasty black and white image."
"Black and white at least makes it feel like something."
"It does things with light and shadow that just seemingly get lost in color; it simplifies things."
"If you're all about the ultimate level of light performance and you want to shoot black and white, M10 Monochrome is still the winner here."
"Your black and white will elevate itself when you start using it in a way that conveys your own view of the world."
"When you remove color from the equation of photography, you are able to capture emotion stronger in a far more meaningful way."
"Black and white can draw you to specific places in an image, about how you can separate elements out of a photograph by allowing them to have their own space."
"Visualizing the idea, learning to see the world in black and white."
"Black and white photography should have conviction about the way that the tones are used."
"Black and white photography in all of its vast awesomeness is very much a personal thing."
"The people look the shadow detail, even the black and whites look relatively neutral."
"When you start shooting in monochrome mode, you're training your eye to see like a photographer."
"The M11 monochrome was probably the most fun I had all of last year."
"I do a lot of conversions to black and white; it's one of my favourite genres."
"If you want all the benefits of a monochrome only camera... higher apparent resolution because there's no color filter interpolation."
"I just love black and white, it has it brings us all out, it takes color which is a distraction and allows the soul of the picture and the soul of the person come out."
"I love dry medium, I love working in black and white."
"This should be called the Dark Knight, this build because it is just pure black, no other color, no RGB."
"A really fantastic look is also a monochrome look."
"Black and white photography strips away the distraction of color and instead lets you focus on the tone, the textures, and the overall forms in the picture."
"Light is the most important part of any picture, but it's especially true with black and white photography."
"Black and white photography really accentuates the texture in your photo."
"You can always go to black and white and it will eliminate it completely."
"I really want to collect more of the black and white ones because they're just so awesome."
"There is something so very chic about wearing white on white."
"We were gonna shoot it in black and white on film, very very small crew of people... it was very special."
"A world in black and white is still a really vivid world; it's just not colorful."
"Graphics without color is a very different way of looking at doing graphics."
"He controls your eye really carefully, and he does all of this with just black and white, no grays whatsoever."
"I love the style of them, I love the black and white, I love the stitching, I love the laces."
"If you want to be in black and white, black and white's got to be in you."
"She's so cute and in black and white."
"I love black and white prints, especially ones that look like they're hand-drawn."
"I think that black and whites are more artistic images."
"She was a starving artist who often painted pictures in black and white."
"Sometimes black and white suits what it is that I'm trying to say."
"If color is a distraction to what it is you're trying to say, then do certainly consider black and white."
"I love black-and-white photography and I love Japan."
"You can create a beautiful piece of artwork because who doesn't love a lovely monochromatic painting?"
"Monochromatic painting is what really moved me forward within my watercolors."
"It's hauntingly brilliantly cinematic and it's black and white."
"I really love your style of black and white shooting."
"Black and white photography is pretty awesome. I love it."
"If the light is mixed and it's just not... go black and white."
"This is like the monochrome that sets the standard."
"This is the first M monochrome camera with highlight weighted metering capability."
"The M11 monochrome is a superior picture making tool."
"The amount of detail and performance you get from a black and white only sensor is mind-boggling compared to a color sensor."
"If you like black and white or you like experimenting with black and white, it doesn't get any better than a dedicated black and white camera."
"I shoot a lot of black and white and almost all of my family and personal photography is shot using the Acros film simulation."
"As most photographers know, a single click in Lightroom or Photoshop, and your color files can be turned into quite nice black and whites."
"The monochrome concept was an overwhelming success."
"So whether shooting street photography or landscapes, the Q2 Monochrome is simply a fantastic choice, but only if you love photographing in black and white and having fun while doing it."
"Shooting in monochrome... takes away the distraction of color and you have to focus a lot more on things like shapes and textures and contrast."
"This is how you wear black on black, black on black."
"You're making an entire black and white painting with all the correct values indicated."
"Black and white forces the viewer to assess the image in terms of composition, shapes, foreground, background."
"I will continue on our black and white series; I don't know exactly what I'm going to do next, but it'll be black and white."
"The opening and closing scenes of the classic film The Wizard of Oz are in monochrome."
"I love this monochromatic look; it's been a second since I busted it out."
"We're giving very monochromatic mommy."
"I would monochrome everything, it'll look better."
"Good movies don't have to be in color."
"The best thing about the monochrome... is that when you're shooting it, you know that you can't shoot in color, so it forces you to see in black and white."
"Every photography lover I know still loves a good black and white image."
"With a monochrome sensor, you have to spend a lot more time and money to create a final image."
"I often shoot in mono as I feel it enhances my creativity."
"I absolutely love how these monochromatic looks allow for more interest in the design."
"I'm gonna push the crap out of those grays and just make a gray painting because I love to do those."
"I love this concept guys, oh black and white but men in suit and black, yes."
"I love a great monochromatic look, especially when it's in this beautiful shade of green."
"But mainly what a black and white camera does is that it makes you just forget about colors. You just see light."
"How would an artist render an image from a color or a grayscale photograph to black and white? They're going to give you the gist of the image with a careful selection of black and white brush strokes."
"Wearing monochromatic outfits is the easiest route to get there."
"Watercolor painting using just one color."
"I think one of your biggest steps and biggest advice I could say for your work is just spend a little bit more time in the black and white."
"I'm gonna go with a black/white theme."
"If we're going to do it, let's do it in black and white and let's do it shot by shot."
"Even the black and white photo here looks really nice."
"I absolutely love black and white photos all year long, but especially during the fall."
"I love the black-and-white look – literally living for this very first item."
"I think if you want to look a little bit more chic in your loungewear, then keeping your outfit head to toe one color."
"I love doing monochromatic stitching; it's probably my favorite."
"Black and white monochromatic, that always looks good together."
"I'm going to drag him into my design... perfect, and you'll notice our cutout is in black and white."
"I'm dressed very casually, but I kind of loved the whole black-and-white vibe."
"I love how Lizzo's always serving up a monochromatic moment."
"I truly enjoy how black and white looks with this black frame."
"Use a green filter if you take a portrait in monochrome."
"Viewing and photographing a scene in monochrome is very different from viewing in color and converting to black and white afterwards."
"When you are fixing the values, you want to see the image in black and white because values are all about how much bright and dark your object is."
"The boys, serving up this beautiful monochromatic moment."
"I love tonal dressing. I love wearing an outfit that's in the same color."
"I love a tonal situation where you use all the same color on eyes, lips, and cheeks."
"I love doing a monochromatic look with this."
"It's like a nice true mossy green and I love doing like a good monochrome, I call it green all over blended look."
"I just like monochrome vibes where you just go all different tones of the same color."
"A monochrome look is one of my favorites during winter because I can just layer up those really soft and gorgeous tones to create a really stunning tonal outfit."
"You can look good in just one color, like a black suit or a white dress."
"I love a black and white dress, and I think you can't be a bit in monochrome; it's classy."
"I'm really loving the monochrome vibes at the minute, you wear literally one color in all different tones."
"It's really nice to have a set that is monochrome and really well-fitting."
"An all black monochrome bag is really sleek looking and it's just gonna look good with so many different outfits."
"Nine more Lighthouses where it's just him, different actors in black and white, going crazy on an island together."
"It's designed completely monochromatically so there are four layers of different textures and also six columns of different tones all in the neutral family."
"I love the monochromatic look, something a little bit more bold."
"Tone on tone monochrome just super sophisticated and gorgeous."
"By putting your image into black and white, you can start to see structure in your image."
"This next look is an old monochrome look, I told you guys before that I was wanting to incorporate more of those kinds of looks in my videos."
"I love the way these black pieces look all together, it's so chic, the monochrome is just everything, it's so slimming, it looks so good."
"Monochrome is such a good go-to; it's such a fantastic way to always look classy and sophisticated."
"There is nothing more classy, chic, and luxurious looking than wearing the same color from head to toe."
"A high neck black sweater with houndstooth pants and loafers - it's polished enough for work and versatile for many occasions."
"I love a good black and white combination."
"I always love a good monochromatic look."
"This is very Pringle, and the monochrome is just fab."
"It's an all cream look, and it looks so good."
"After I read this comment, it got me thinking... I really do love monochromatic looks."
"Just more color, just like period, but I do want to do it in a monochromatic sense."
"The world becomes monochromatic, almost like an old black and white photo."
"Monochromatic outfits always just have a very put-together, chic kind of vibe."
"It looks so good and adds that extra texture to your outfit, especially if you love all black looks."
"The key to a full black outfit like this is accessories."