
Means Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"Depend upon Allah with Jalla, by using the means."
"He will do whatever means necessary in order to achieve his goals."
"For some barbarians, rage is a means to an end, that end being violence."
"The fact that the Lord can work and act even with insufficient means consoles me."
"The means represent the seed, and the end represents the tree."
"Money cannot buy you happiness but money can buy you the means to happiness."
"Ends don't justify the means. The question is whether the means are biblical or not, not whether the ends are good or not."
"The bombers alone provide us the means of victory." - Winston Churchill, 1940.
"Freedom is not an end, it's a means. It doesn't get you money, it doesn't get you political power, it gets you sex."
"When God asks you to do something, he will provide the means."
"If someone really wants to die, they will find any means."
"Human action is a purposeful pursuit of valued ends with scarce means."
"If you have the means to grab this, I totally recommend it."
"Money is a tool. It's a means to an end."
"Poetry is a means of redemption." - Wallace Stevens
"If you want peace, here are the means to it."
"I think it's a lot of it is not living above your means... It's knowing what you need as opposed to just what you want."
"You cannot say the end is good and therefore any means to attain it is okay."
"There are means to evil endings and means to a good ending."
"We must not confuse means and ends. The vehicle is not the destination."
"The point of an economy is to provide means for your people."
"When we fully begin to understand Calvinism, we begin to understand that we can rely on the means that God’s given us."
"God doesn't want you to live above your means."
"If you have the means, as Ferris Bueller said, I'd highly recommend that you do."
"We live in a world where people feel justified to go to almost any lengths to get the right result without them ever stopping to ask whether the means by which they're pursuing that justice could actually end up doing more harm than the original offense in the first place."
"The means should never be the goal."
"The battle we are in is primarily spiritual warfare and it must be fought using spiritual means first."
"Violence was the only means and ways of resolving situations and getting what you wanted."
"Seeking a means of nearness to Allah in dua by permissible means is important."
"Stop living outside of your means."
"So gifts are to fruit what means are to ends."
"God brings light through means, he uses human means to bring truth, and those means are sufficient for the person who hears them to believe them."
"God uses means to fulfill his purposes: preaching, prayer, fellowship, and the proper use of the sacraments."
"The life of Abraham is about God's Sovereign saving work and him using means to bring about his desired ends."
"It is the end that quickens all the means."
"Knowledge is just a means to achieve societal well-being."
"If you start using violence as a means, it's like a seed, and it's going to shape and influence what comes at the end."
"Money is never an end, it's just a means."
"Money would remind us that it is a much better means than an end."
"Your money would remind you, 'I'm a means, I'm not an end.'"
"...if you have the means this is a fantastic second car."
"We have a good man motivated by the right reason, unfortunately, he takes the wrong means."
"The restoration of their ability to make better choices is contingent upon them actually having the means to survive."
"Money is an attribute, not a means, and certainly not a goal."
"Once the limits of your comfort zone have been widened enough to embrace the goal, outer intention will offer up a suitable means to achieve it."
"It is very hard to achieve good objectives through bad means."
"Technique is a means to an end, it is not the end."
"God ordains the ends as well as the means."
"Your money is just a means of helping you do what's important to you in your life."
"The means determines the end when you're dealing with God's things."
"You got to start somewhere, you got to start within your means."
"God is concerned not just about the goal; He's also concerned about the means that we get there."
"Wealth is a good thing as long as it's a means."
"ANOVA is used when you're trying to compare the means of two or more groups."
"We usually denote the mean of the observations on Y using the letter Y bar and the mean of the observations on X using X bar."
"Bliss is not an end; it's a tool."
"He was a man who led a life where the means were as important as the ends."
"Discipline, denial, and renunciation do not constitute the Divine State; they are only the means by which it is attained."
"God ordains the ends as well as the means, and prayer is one of those means."
"The miracles were a means to an end."
"The means we engage in determine the ends we arrive at."
"The economy is not the end, it's a means to something else."
"I don't hate anyone. Hatred is not the solution; it's the means. It's what brought us here in the first place."
"Technique for me is strictly means to an end."
"Living beyond your means is just not fulfilling."
"Do the ends always justify the means? I don't know."
"They are not an end in themselves; they are a means to an end."
"Only Allah who cures, and everything else is only a means."
"They gave according to their means, as I can testify, and beyond their means, of their own accord."
"Christ's Spirit uses these churches and ecclesial communities as means of salvation."
"Think of the means not the ends. The means you adopt should always be noble and virtuous."
"Jesus Christ is the source, and the Cross of Christ is the means."
"Analysis of variance can be used to test the equality of three or more population means."
"Instrumental case is used with or by something or someone."
"Political power and state power are merely a sadhana or a martyam to a particular goal."
"Trading is simply a means to allow you to do those things."