
Amateur Radio Quotes

There are 203 quotes

"RTL-SDR is great because it's like $20 on Amazon so you can go right now for 20 bucks get into it, you know, start learning and you can do so much."
"I like the fact that I can go from qrp on a ft8 digital mode to a full 100 watts on a sideband and adjust my power right here tap power adjust the power to me that's a big deal."
"Thank you so much, appreciate you everybody watching. I'm going to wrap things up over here. 73s, enjoy the memes."
"You can't rob people of their freedoms when it comes to communication and amateur radio is no exception to that."
"Hot ham radio visions of Glory time I just discovered you last month benched all your videos thank you I'm sorry no I'm just kidding hurry up."
"Winlink is leveraging packet radio to send emails via RF."
"Youth made 129,021 contacts in one month, that's great!"
"10 meters is fantastic at propagating your signal out further beyond line of sight."
"Make 10 contacts in a state or national park."
"On Earth, thousands of amateur radio operators, hams, prepared for their first man in space."
"There are about one million and a half radio amateurs in the world all licensed by their governments to operate on assigned frequencies."
"I am not ready to say that amateur radio is dying. I will say that it's evolving."
"Question: What's the maximum peak envelope power output for Technician class operators in the HF band segments? Answer: 200 Watts."
"Remember, you can't conduct a business with amateur radio and you can't be broadcasting like a commercial radio station would. Stick to the guidelines."
"Remember all links for all the information on how to study and what I recommend are in the description. I want to again encourage and thank you for pursuing this license, and I really hope you enjoy amateur radio."
"Together we have over 70 years in amateur radio."
"The number of licensed amateurs started dropping in the late 90s because of the internet, but over the last 10 years, there has been a steady rise."
"How not to be a lid on amateur radio."
"So if I can do this, you can do this. What I'm going to do next is go ahead and take some readings on my antenna analyzer, so let's hop in the shack and take a look."
"In a perfect world, we would all be running full wavelength dipole antennas."
"That's our goal out here: to make you feel welcome to the fraternity of amateur radio operators."
"Getting started in parks on the air is super easy, super rewarding, and a lot of fun."
"Our legislation removes roadblocks for amateur radio operators."
"This quite literally is my entire field station, and it takes almost no time to deploy. It's less than two minutes for me to get on the air and start doing digital, and then I can shut it down just as quickly."
"Understanding IP networks can be very useful, mainly if you are an amateur radio operator like me and want to do projects."
"There's not many amateur radios out on the market that are all band all mode. This is one of the only ones that is sub $1,000 that I know of."
"It's pretty easy, right? Hopefully, this inspires you to get out there and get on the air."
"Kenwood is working on a new mobile radio, they are committed to the amateur community."
"I was able to get on to the one Charlie and I talked to 15 countries I've never talked to on the HF."
"FT8 was actually originally designed a mode which was designed with sporadic E signals in mind."
"What we try to do out here is bring new and interesting Ham Radio topics to the YouTubes."
"I will be operating 5 watts of power only for at least my first 10 contacts; that's my goal this year."
"Thank you so much and until next time, seven threes."
"I'm really enjoying my radio; it really is fun to have the FT-710."
"Passed my tech today; my first stream as a notional ham. Congratulations, buddy!"
"It will show you what you need to work, whether it's a DXCC country, grid, CQ, or ITU Zone."
"Please respect the really good hobby of ham radio."
"It's an ideal newcomer's antenna."
"It's a great antenna for beginners... it will work, and you will be pleasantly surprised."
"Buy an HT as your first radio and learn everything you can about it."
"Having a couple extra batteries... nothing sucks more than being in the middle of a transmission and you run out of radio power."
"If you're going to upgrade to General... it opens up so much more to you in the ham radio world."
"Mobile radios are they worth it? Abso-freaking-lutely yes."
"Congratulations on considering picking up amateur radio as a hobby; it is a wonderful community of people and just a tremendous amount of fun."
"I hope you enjoy your hobby in amateur radio as much as I have."
"Continuing education of ham radio is a big thing, and it never ever stops."
"One of the fun things about an unfed half wave antenna is they're relatively inexpensive and they provide multi-band operation."
"GMRS is a good stepping stone before you get to ham radio."
"Thank you for joining the channel today, my name's Jason, I'm KC5HWB."
"This is Ham Radio 2.0 where we do reviews, news, and how-tos of things that are new in amateur radio."
"If you just got a technician license, you have full open access to all of the VHF and UHF bands for amateur radio."
"None of these Comet SBB series antennas are going to do you wrong."
"I've been very, very happy with my bent dipole."
"I worked all kinds of DX with this system."
"A Ham's attic has been a favorite hiding place for antennas for a long time. Amen to that."
"This is Ham Radio 2.0 where we do reviews, news, and how-to's of lots of things that are new in amateur radio."
"Remember, ham radio is a marathon, not a sprint; we'll all get there if we just keep working at it."
"It's going to be a fun thing to take out to a park and do POTA with."
"Ham on a budget made a 90-mile contact with that UV-5R which is a 5-watt radio; this is an 8-watt and this antenna, so think about that, that's pretty awesome."
"If you go and do your license, make sure to thank them profusely because they're taking their own time to do this and they really just love the hobby."
"The technician class examination is to encourage you to get into the hobby; it's not a restriction, it's something that they want you to learn, they want you to finish, they want you to get licensed."
"You can start broadcasting immediately once your callsign hits the FCC website, you don't have to wait for you get some paper in your hot little hand telling you that you're legal."
"D-Star is really pretty easy to get started with and has some pretty nice features."
"It performs as well as a dipole, a lot of people stay with dipoles forever."
"We're going to be talking about the new Buddy Stick Pro, which is going to be a really awesome antenna in the amateur radio world."
"Wind link is really important because it lets you use amateur radio to send and receive emails anywhere in the world without being connected to the Internet."
"Imagine there's been a natural disaster... the infrastructure has been taken down... you as a conscientious ham radio operator, you've got your radio and microphone and you can set up a station somewhere and talk to someone else on the outside of the region and communicate."
"It feels like an appropriate incremental upgrade capitalizing on the things that hams want to see in QRP radios."
"This is a QRP rig with many features, mostly on the receive side but with interesting transmit capabilities too."
"It gives you all bands from 160 through 6, an amazing amount of coverage."
"Broadband Hamnet, also referred to as high-speed multimedia network, is an amateur radio based data network using commercial Wi-Fi gear with modified firmware."
"I love any software which helps us get on the air."
"You've revolutionized the way that I get to operate amateur radio in my life."
"I'm excited that I'm going to have the opportunity as a ham to use something like this."
"Welcome to Amateurish Adventures, where we explore the world of amateur radio."
"Shut up and sit down, Radio 2.0, where we do reviews, news, and how-to's of things that are new in amateur radio."
"Amateur radio is not only about communication, it's also about experimenting."
"Hello, this is Thomas K4SWL. If you're new here, I like to do real-time, real-life amateur radio field activation videos."
"The strongest point on why digital is so powerful in amateur radio is because it is asynchronous."
"I've got so many amazing friends in the ham radio community."
"Wow, he sounds great. I'm impressed with what I'm seeing so far out of this Yaesu FT DX10."
"Lay out a goal and then start building a plan on what you may need to power your shack or your radios when you run in the field."
"If you do build one of these loops and especially if you innovate, send me photos and the results of your QSOs. I enjoy feedback."
"Cheers, I'm glad that your kids are interested in amateur radio and are considering joining our ranks."
"Ham radio is supposed to be about experimentation."
"The ham radio heavyweights giveaway... about three thousand dollars worth of ham radio equipment."
"This is Ham Radio 2.0 where we do reviews, news, and how-to's of many things that are new in amateur radio."
"Taking the test is not that difficult, it's actually... well, the technician test would be the easiest of the three."
"My search for a portable HF radio started after I had been doing POTA activations for a while using my Icom IC-7300, and guys, that's a fantastic radio."
"This radio can do almost everything you can do in amateur radio."
"We're going to go ahead and modify the data that is already in the radio and we're going to add a few things so that we can get started on our DMR journey."
"Welcome to ham radio 2.0, where we do reviews and how-to's of everything that's new in amateur radio."
"It's always a great thing to grow the ham hobby and help people get a higher license and get more privileges."
"When 10 meters is open, it is fun."
"I've worked Switzerland, Germany, France, the Canary Islands, England... I've worked a lot of Europe on 10 meters when it's open."
"You can start doing this right now, and it's a fantastically fun, very fast-paced part of ham radio."
"HF is a lot of fun 'cause you feel like you're more in control and you're actually making the connection."
"The International Space Station is a big ham radio station you can talk to, which is a pretty neat thing to do."
"Amateur radio based Data Network using commercial Wi-Fi equipment with modified firmware best describes an amateur radio mesh network."
"What should you do if a neighbor's home is causing harmful interference to your amateur station? Work with your neighbor to identify the offending device."
"You guys are the real ham radio heroes here for even trying to make this happen."
"APRS information all over the world, really neat stuff, really a lot of fun, inexpensive."
"I'm a ham operator because I can help somebody in a potentially dangerous life-threatening situation."
"You could just throw your callsign out."
"The inspiration for this LFA-Q, the rigid quad, came from YU7EF."
"Thanks for joining me, you have a great day and 73."
"Arguably we have the best community in all of amateur radio."
"If you want a really good antenna, build yourself a resonant dipole or a fan dipole or build yourself a vertical that has an element for every band that you want to operate on."
"FT8 is a narrow band digital mode that can receive signals with very low signal to noise ratio."
"At any time during an actual emergency, an amateur station is allowed to use any means at its disposal to assist another station in distress."
"Welcome to this presentation for the AWRL Learning Network, an initiative of AWRL, the national association for amateur radio."
"Because there's no longer a test required for CW to get your license, that has encouraged a lot of people."
"We want to try and help out people get started in amateur radio."
"If you have a ham radio question, this is your opportunity to get your question right on top of the stack."
"Ham radio put me on equal footing with adults around the world."
"The social aspects of amateur radio are incredible."
"I've made hundreds of friends over the years."
"I've helped hundreds of amateurs in a wide variety of ways."
"I've been actively involved in Direction finding."
"I love Direction finding and working with people."
"I've been an amateur radio operator since 1997, so a little over a quarter of a century now."
"One of the most amazing things about amateur radio is just how much diversity we have in it."
"Thanks so much for watching, have a nice day, 73, this is Josh KB6VTU, talk to you soon."
"Possibilities in ham radio are endless, you have to figure out where you want to go with this."
"The International Space Station is generally crewed by one or more ham radio operators."
"You get the idea, hopefully, you can call CQ your way, you can call CQ like me, you can do whatever you want to do as long as you get the point across."
"We're a community of amateur radio enthusiasts that are trying to create an inclusive environment to bring people to the hobby of amateur radio."
"We will see you on the next one. Until then, 73."
"I like to use MMSSTV for Windows; it's free."
"This is probably the easiest way for first-time users; you can go outside, hold your phone by the radio, and record the image."
"It's worth your time in gold, particularly if you're starting out in ham radio."
"We are the new generation of ham radio operators, and we're presenting it on a platform that is so big and so accessible."
"That's moon bounce, people use two meters to relay Morse code or CW off the surface of the moon back to Earth."
"If you see it wide open red blanketing, it's a good indication you may be able to try it and make a long-distance contact on two meters."
"Most hams kind of cut their teeth, at least nowadays, on two meters. It's kind of the cheapest band to get into."
"You can start with the HT, but you're often gonna have a lot better luck and more enjoyment out of two meters using something that you can deliver more than 5 watts with."
"HF radio for me is kind of where it's at."
"You and a wire talking to continents unknown, interesting lands."
"Every new aspect of the hobby that you pick up or get interested in is going to be like starting all over."
"Antenna is everything, if you put a good antenna on it, it's fine."
"The best thing I can say is you're gonna get to the point where you're gonna be constantly learning all the time."
"It's all supposed to be fun, we're supposed to be in it having a good time, that's what it's for."
"I've been in amateur radio for about 34 years."
"EchoLink is an Internet-enhanced repeater used in amateur radio."
"Welcome to the EchoLink test server."
"This server records your transmissions and plays them back to help you adjust your transmitted and received audio."
"It's a conference room where a group of amateur radios can get together and have a conversation about anything."
"The thing that's neat about conference rooms is you can go in there and find people to talk to with no problem."
"What is EchoLink? It is a way of connecting repeaters together over the Internet."
"Dick Smith Electronics did more than any other company to promote amateur radio in Australia."
"Amateur radio operators, due to their history of public service, their training, and the requirement that they be licensed by the FCC, have earned their status as a component of critical communications infrastructure and as a reliable resource when all else fails."
"I think the greatest use case for having an amplifier with a QRP rig is just versatility; it's there if you need it."
"How about the fact that you now have a 100-watt shack setup and a QRP rig?"
"Should you buy it? Yes, if you are saving up for a beginner rig or you want a small and easy to use QRP radio with lots of capabilities."
"So the Baofeng UV5R for 27 to 30 bucks, which is dual band 128 memory channels, is a heck of an entry starter radio to get into ham radio with."
"You're getting a license to learn."
"You're getting a license to learn, right? Because I've been a ham a long time and I'm still learning stuff."
"An amateur radio based data network using commercial Wi-Fi equipment with modified firmware."
"Ham is a lifestyle; it's a hobby."
"Ham radios are really nice... getting a ham license is not that hard."
"When all else fails, there's amateur radio."
"There's no reason why you can't have the utility of GMRS... and there's no reason that you can't be a ham radio operator too and enjoy some aspects of it."
"When all your communications fail, there is amateur radio."
"Amateur radio is especially useful in emergencies."
"A Space Station is an amateur station that's located more than 50 kilometres above the Earth's surface."
"If you have a story similar to mine, I'm always interested to see how many hams have the same story as I."
"This is a major milestone, if you can hit the repeater through the parrot, you've opened the gateway to the rest of the world."
"The dipole is the best bang for the buck in amateur radio ever."
"Making contacts is the whole point of amateur radio."
"Been a ham for 25 years, love the channel."