
Patients Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"If I found out aliens were real, I'm looting everywhere, Mars Attacks like the apocalypse is amongst us."
"It's a great treatment option for treatment-naive patients."
"Patients do like a doctor to be cheerful."
"Patients first, that's really what it's all about."
"Believe your patients and learn from them. I learn from my patients every single day."
"...these are the kind of patients we need to be thinking of insulin resistance and looking at potentially treating that..."
"Patients really want three things from the healthcare system when dealing with serious illness: palliation of symptoms, clear communication, and psychosocial support."
"We don't have a ton of data on different patients yet."
"You're not alone, there are over 76 million patients with glaucoma out there."
"Most patients who come to you are not sick...Nature heals."
"She died doing the same thing that she did to her patients."
"Most patients will not meet all these criteria and thus should be admitted."
"And then the final situation where I use it is in patients with IgA deficiency."
"The tremendous benefit of working at the NIH Clinical Center... we have thousands of patients a year who come on clinical protocol for cutting edge technology."
"Keep in mind that it's much better if patients exceed a goal-- they come back and they say to you that they've done more than if they didn't meet the goal or they didn't try it out."
"We suggest that patients act first and see what happens, see what they notice."
"Success stories keep patients motivated."
"I have a lot of patients that come to me with anorexia. I have very few that stay."
"Educating patients is crucial for fostering their knowledge, comprehension, and readiness to self-manage their health."
"But we have a growing body of evidence here that arguably suggests that at least a significant minority of patients, in the studies I looked at about 25 to 40 percent, showing such improved regional volumes or growth."
"Many patients stand to benefit from even small doses of T3 added to their existing thyroid regimen."
"Frailty is a great way to capture the combination of risk predictors in our patients."
"We're going to be educating our patients... on how to prevent this from happening again."
"I got a bunch of unsolicited testimonies in my email from patients who said you cannot believe how much went right."
"This is a time of riches for our patients, an extraordinary development in cancer Therapeutics."
"Pain ranks number one. It's the biggest deal for our patients."
"I saw this approach work, time and again, a hundred percent of the time when it was followed. Not 99.999, when they followed it, 100% of the patients got remarkable improvement by following this regimen, not in six months, but seven to ten days."
"I've treated patients in the hospital who've been put on hospice and we've use these same simple techniques natural approaches."
"I saw amazing positive results in patients... in a matter of days to weeks."
"Improved patient and population health outcomes are probably the most obvious."
"Of course we want to do it just for the benefit of our patients."
"I really love my job. Every day is different, every patient is different."
"Never let your patients see you eating."
"The true success story of accelerated approval."
"I see the accelerated approval pathway as something that is for patients."
"The pilots rarely had any direct interaction with the patients."
"Every single patient is different, based on the primary cancer, how bad is a systemic disease, and how much intracranial invasion is there."
"Every cancer patient's worth 300,000 plus in revenue to the cancer industry."
"Case acceptance is did the patients say yes to at least one thing they need."
"Our communication with our patients are meaningful."
"We want to be very aware of their therapeutic needs."
"They actually began to admit infectious patients, not just patients that needed rest."
"I had a really fun time learning about new things and how to and how it might help the patients."
"The most important I would say for what patients tell me is that it finally begins to match their appearance to their identity to their gender identity."
"Every recurrent, unusual, or severe infection has to occur in a susceptible patient because the majority of patients do not have those."
"Less than fifty five percent greater than 55 millimeters either or doesn't have to be both and patients with any aortic defect they need antibiotic prophylaxis."
"This is an area where we really get to make a difference in our patients' quality and quantity of life."
"For the vast majority of patients, HRT is very safe."
"It's like you already have people who are dealing with heavy stuff; what if the patients are hearing and seeing things and then can't communicate it properly?"
"I wanted to make them feel more comforting, you know, for the patients."
"Don't just say I care about patients; you need to show how you've cared about patients."
"Great results are easy with great patients."
"Our main goal is to improve the quality of lives of our patients."
"My American patients are burning with inflammation."
"I got it, doctors are the worst patients."
"Many thanks to all of our patients and families."
"You have to be very careful in these patients."
"Learning institutions should engage with patients to allow them to become critically engaged."
"It's a very, very interesting story how they discovered and how they saved the first few patients."
"Patients that stay in good shape keep their mobility longer."
"Above all, enjoy your interaction with patients. Good luck."
"We want to make an impact in society and we want to improve the lives of patients."
"Patients who are willing to enroll in studies and willing to volunteer themselves to move the science forward is something that we will always be indebted to."
"Treat all patients with dignity and respect."
"I really love this idea of having these patient retreats."
"Your loyalty is number one should be to your patients."
"Unless our regulators make sure that we have a process where these high-risk patients are not left behind, they are the ones who would suffer in the end."
"Every one of those patients had a remarkable achievement outcome."
"We love empowered patients and empowered patients are educated patients."