
Laravel Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"I still believe that Laravel is the most productive way to build full-stack web applications in the world."
"...the framework and the ecosystem around Laravel is what allows me to succeed as a developer."
"...four reasons to choose Laravel if you're someone who is not 100% satisfied with where the JavaScript ecosystem is as a whole or just not satisfied with what your current Tech stack or conglomeration of tools is capable of."
"...why I choose it and why I think you should choose Laravel is the wide variety of packages from an ecosystem that is consistently growing."
"I like magic, I like opinions, I like being told exactly how to do what I want to do in the framework that I'm using and I get all of that with Laravel."
"...if you're someone who is... annoyed to have to find another package or template to kind of do that one thing... well then you should just choose Laravel."
"Support for ARM architecture on Laravel Vapor... you've cut your AWS bill down and you've increased your performance and efficiency."
"Every week, a new release of the Laravel framework is released with a cool new feature and a handful of bug fixes."
"So you can actually tap into the full power of the Laravel validator from your Laravel prompts and Laravel 11 which I think is a super cool new feature."
"How it works is when Laravel encrypts data, it will always use the master application key."
"There's two really big reasons to learn PHP in my opinion: WordPress and Laravel."
"Laravel is definitely the most popular framework when it comes to PHP."
"I really like the blade components feature."
"This is going to give you a really great foundation into building Laravel projects where you'll learn how to do authentication and CRUD functionality, filtering, pagination, creating database seeders, and all that."
"Laravel is much cleaner compared to something like CodeIgniter."
"You can see how easy that is with Laravel."
"Let's create a Laravel project from very scratch."
"Laravel gives us the ability to handle the validation for an array of multiple objects."
"Laravel has the tools that we need to build usable and scalable applications, including RESTful APIs."
"Congratulations, you just created your first Laravel project."
"We're finally ready to get into Laravel, the idea here is that Composer makes it easy to pull in bits of pre-existing PHP code."
"Now, you can see it's not that difficult to create a REST API with Laravel."
"And that's it, how we can create a Laravel REST API."
"Here's the new exception page in Laravel 9. Looks good."
"So there you have it, guys, we've taken a look at localization and built out this language switcher in a Laravel app."
"You've learned about creating and working with Laravel collections."
"Let's get started with deploying a Laravel app to an external server and getting your site live in a matter of minutes."
"Laravel uses a templating engine called Blade. One advantage it has over other templating engines is that you can use PHP within Blade."
"Hopefully you now have a more solid understanding of how events and listeners work in Laravel."
"I love to keep Laravel ahead of the curve."
"Laravel Vapor, robust serverless deployment platform for Laravel, with automatic asset handling, database scaling, database restoration, cache scaling, domain certificate management, cloud front management, all done really easily for you with a nice UI."
"We will use Laravel as a backend and React as a front-end."
"Cool, so our Laravel application is installed."
"Laravel Telescope, the website describes it as an elegant debug assistant for Laravel."
"Everyone's favorite Laravel command is probably the DD, die and dump, the best debugging tool ever."
"So that's a pretty cool feature and can be very handy for debugging and not interrupting your script."
"Definitely an excellent way to debug your application."
"Welcome to another video of tutorial series learning Laravel from scratch."
"Integrating an admin panel with your Laravel system."
"Let's integrate the dashboard first of all."
"Hello everyone, this is Yamin, and in this tutorial, I'm going to show you how you can create an admin dashboard easily in Laravel."
"So right now, if we just refresh here, you can see user option over here."
"Live Wire takes Blade to the next level."
"Live Wire's mission is to build on the joy of building web apps with Laravel."
"Livewire is very easy to learn, especially if you are already familiar with Laravel."
"Laravel pagination feature allows you to query a subset of data and provides your users with the ability to navigate between pages of those results."
"Vapor is a serverless deployment platform for Laravel, powered by AWS and Lambda."
"Blade is just a templating engine that comes with Laravel; it's very, very useful."
"That's all it really takes to do pagination in Laravel, it's really really easy to do."
"This is a first-party package because it is maintained by the Laravel core team."
"Laravel Pennant helps you maintain and manage your various feature flags."
"One thing about Laravel that you need to know is the fact that you can actually use any database that you would like, and they are interchangeable."
"Laravel has got your back and it's got these handy methods to make these things really, really easy."