
Greenhouse Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"The greenhouse actually hit 80 degrees, that's fantastic!"
"According to this guide, there's a giant greenhouse that's filled with flowers."
"Something that has made life easy in here in the greenhouse is I put in a drip line."
"I decided to use the shell as a greenhouse and created a garden within it using roses."
"Hours would pass like minutes inside the greenhouse."
"I'm going to take you down to the greenhouse and tell you what we have planned."
"It saves a lot of money probably if you've been to a greenhouse you know that seedlings can be pretty expensive."
"It's a nice warm summer day here in the greenhouse and it's absolutely gorgeous."
"After running this channel for a little while, the number one question I get regarding cooling is how to cool a greenhouse or other structure."
"Before you put up a greenhouse, the most important thing to think about is where you're going to put it, and the most important ingredient in that is sunlight."
"I'm just so overwhelmed with it because I would never thought I had a greenhouse like this."
"I cannot wait to grow my plants in it. We have a very short growing season here between June to September if we're lucky, so this will just ensure that everything ripens and I can have a longer growing season with this greenhouse."
"That was indeed by far the most thermal efficient greenhouse that I could have built and that gave me a great deal of confidence."
"While during the winter, the second valuable element from this greenhouse was the benefit of the extra planting space created on the exterior walls."
"Having a greenhouse here in Mongolia was definitely one of the most important things."
"The whole greenhouse has become more of a garden and more of a tool."
"So about four o'clock, I will come and check on this, and meanwhile, I'm gonna head to the greenhouse, do some watering, and get started on my microgreens."
"It's a shame that I won't be here to see it installed, but at least by the end of next week when we get back from our trip, I will finally, a year later, have my dream greenhouse."
"It's like 35° outside with the wind blowing it is cold in here 75–80 the fans are kicking on to let cold air in cuz it's too warm in here great day to be in the greenhouse."
"You didn't want to leave the greenhouse last night, did you? It's going in."
"Hopefully, you enjoyed this. It's very nice to now know that this greenhouse is done."
"Beautiful weather today though for being in a greenhouse."
"It's worth it on the front end to buy these things. It's just going to set you up for success in your greenhouse and out into your gardens."
"This greenhouse offered all of that."
"It looks like such a magical place in here."
"Talking about plants that are thriving in there, let me give you a tour of the greenhouse."
"I'm really excited for you to show us your greenhouse today."
"This is exciting. It's coming together, shaping to be a greenhouse."
"Sun is shining but do you hear it you hear the rain on the plastic of the greenhouse oh I love it."
"My first job was at a greenhouse, moving plants around and watering plants."
"I love this time of the year in the greenhouse where the temperature just feels so comfortable."
"I just love the temperature in the greenhouse."
"This is going to act like a mini greenhouse."
"This is an advanced greenhouse, essentially upgraded from what we last saw."
"I could essentially grow in here year-round."
"They'll look fantastic in their greenhouse, oh that's gorgeous."
"Everything is looking really good in this greenhouse."
"The ideal greenhouse maintains good consistent growing conditions throughout the day."
"Marvelous tomatoes, thanks to my greenhouse. Beautiful basil, thanks to my greenhouse."
"This greenhouse is really, I mean really properly built like, I can't think of many things which are going to degrade this greenhouse."
"Inside the greenhouse, it is so much warmer in here compared to outside."
"Marvellous tomatoes, thanks to my greenhouse."
"Welcome back! I'm in my greenhouse today, you can see I've got a plethora of little seedlings behind me."
"We have a blueberry growing in the greenhouse here; this is a dwarf blueberry."
"Oh my goodness, there is a little greenhouse that is adorable."
"This entire greenhouse was just amazing."
"The reason why I like a milk jug is because it actually acts like a little miniature greenhouse."
"Plants growing are much more natural in a greenhouse environment."
"Huge banana plants, amazing tree ferns, a tropical greenhouse packed full of all kinds of beauties from around the world."
"It's been one of the best products honestly, AJ, that we've used here in the greenhouse."
"It's going to be a greenhouse, not a zoo."
"I'm a very big fan of both of my Ikea Greenhouse cabinets."
"Let's get to it as you can see that it's a 30 by 10 meter tunnel greenhouse."
"I'm super excited about having a crystal clear greenhouse for the first time in absolutely ages."
"Next part is installing the polycarbonate sheets which make this dome a greenhouse."
"We're going to get this greenhouse installed."
"The greenhouse is done, and here she is."
"It stormed and rained all day and there wasn't a drop of water that came into the greenhouse."
"She even built a greenhouse in her backyard which was so incredible to follow."
"If you've never had a greenhouse, you'll never understand the calming effect."
"It gives you such a sense of accomplishment once it's done and you have this awesome greenhouse."
"I have been ripening main crop due to the power of a greenhouse."
"It's been kind of hot lately, so today I'm working out of the sun in the greenhouses under the cover of some shade here."
"One of the main reasons why we absolutely love having a greenhouse is it allows us to grow some cold weather plants over the winter."
"Glass is a great greenhouse material, it has very good light transmittance."
"I think that gives so much value which is maybe not just the classical value of a greenhouse itself in a standardized way."
"I'm really going to focus on the greenhouse."
"This flower Dome actually holds the Guinness World Book of Records for the largest Greenhouse in the world."
"What I was impressed with in the greenhouse is how you crossed the bridge of sort of being paralyzed by indecision to coming about a design that I really think had some environmental direction and reflection."
"If you ever decide to put in a greenhouse and you're considering between two different sizes, go with the big one."
"This thing has been growing like a weed in my greenhouse cabinet."
"A greenhouse is one of those structures that can easily be dominated by function, function can override form, but this one is rather stylish."
"Make sure you stick around to the end of this video because I pack it full of tips and tricks to make installing two layers of greenhouse plastic way less frustrating."
"My darling husband Maya built this greenhouse for me out of repurposed windows."
"Life had enjoyed a greenhouse state where the air is more humid and global temperatures are warmer all over."
"Inside the greenhouse here, it's nice and warm and cozy."
"Some trees like my Ficus microcarpa, the one I call 'Plane,' is actually growing in the greenhouse."
"It's still spring here in the greenhouse."
"It's been amazing, my greenhouse has now improved, I would say, about a 75%."
"It just smells absolutely beautiful in the greenhouse, that lemon fresh smell."
"It makes me so excited to start growing in this greenhouse."
"We are heating our greenhouse today with the Sun."
"I protected all my trees... put as many as I could in the greenhouse, and the rest I put under the shade of this Manitoba maple in the backyard."
"I love the space, I think having your greenhouse is just absolutely beautiful."
"Thank you so much for joining me and seeing everything that I'm growing in my greenhouse cabinet right now."