
Backup Quotes

There are 338 quotes

"This is like a streetable car that we brought as a backup car, so the pro car is getting wrapped and a motor put in right now." - Dylan Hughes
"Bitcoin is our backup money... if you get de-platformed... it's everybody's backup money."
"These hidden folders are important if you want to backup your files and your settings."
"Snapshots are a great way to backup data from any running or stopped instances from unexpected data loss."
"Time Machine automatically backed up your Mac."
"The philosophy behind all of our racks is... if anything goes down, Brad only has to hit one switch and I've got a new amp up just like that."
"So now we have a Google Drive backup."
"If one fails, the other one can take over."
"iCloud Drive allows you to store files in iCloud so you can keep them backed up. You can access them from anywhere."
"It's always good to have something automatic that backs you up when you need it."
"Paper maps are the perfect backup for navigation."
"Backup upon backup upon backup, just to make sure that everything will keep working."
"I'm going to back this thing up, I'm going to save you some rubber on these tires for the end."
"Even if you have a really great setup, you need to have some backup."
"...there's always a backup of my phone that is stored safe and made in the background every day..."
"iCloud backup is probably the best way to backup your phone."
"I found a backup of her AI, it's literally Friday from last Friday."
"You can't have anybody on your team that's irreplaceable."
"If there is any important information on there, make sure you back it up regularly, won't you?"
"Great way of backing it up, just keep it on a hard drive somewhere, back it up to Dropbox if you want to, but Lightroom is doing that for you."
"Configure Time Machine for backups."
"That's how easy it is to back up and restore anything on your start 9 Embassy."
"Backup important folders. Every time you get a major update."
"Having a backup is always super important."
"Redundancy is incredibly important in aviation, and I needed a backup for my primary flight display."
"One other thing I'll mention is this backup status down here with the QuickBooks desktop version you'll want to back up your data on a regular basis."
"This next part of the video is probably the most important part and that is to do a proper backup of your phone."
"Snapshots are not a backup... This is a backup."
"...he has a drone that will basically escape with a backup of his data and memories just in case he falls in battle because that data is too important to lose."
"It's important to have a dependable backup, it's worth it to get an external drive like this."
"The other men are just used for foodie dates, somebody to talk to, someone to take them places, somebody that's the backup."
"This is your friendly reminder to double back up all of your nice footage and photos and travel content."
"A good rule of thumb is to have three copies in at least two locations, ideally in different formats, and to have actually tested your backup by going through the process of restoring them."
"...always make the system restore point and always back up your data before running any sort of programs like these on your PC."
"...you can set these up and have the ability to go back to previous versions of files should you ever need them."
"Before you start screwing around with this configuration, there is something you need to do with every new pre-build that you get, every new flight control that you get, and that is you need to make a backup of the configuration."
"Plus, you just want the backup copy should something happen to your DVD or digital file."
"This has all like the original stuff on it so if anything were to go bad on this you can clone this to another drive and you always have a backup."
"Any electronic device can fail you... always have a backup in place."
"When you find something that you really like, you feel like you have to have a backup. I know it's a sickness."
"Automatically export your VODs over to YouTube so you never lose any of your VODs."
"This car has never been raced, he was using his backup car."
"You call Blue Beetle when everybody else is dead, when there's no one left to fight, you just bring him off the bench and say, 'Hey man, you gotta get in there and put up the good fight.'"
"A lot of people don't realize this about pools but pools can serve as a backup water source."
"The best answer here would be B, create AMIs to backup the EC2 instances. Copy the AMIs to a secondary AWS region. Then automate infrastructure deployment in the secondary region using AWS CloudFormation."
"You need to regularly back up your files on cloud storage or an external drive so that you don't lose your data due to hard drive failure."
"Bring additional work with you. Word searches, adult coloring books, sheets of empty tic-tac-toe. Whatever the case may be, you want to bring extra worksheets with you. These are backup because students work at so many different paces."
"It's not a bad thing to have a backup."
"So instead of a seed phrase as the only way to back up our crypto wallets with Tangem backup copies of the wallet are created and used on other similar Tangem Wallet cards."
"Prepare now so that when it does break, you got backup."
"I have them on external hard drive but I should probably buy the DVDs."
"Being able to tap into that power source not only gives you a lot more backup power but it could save you a lot of cash."
"That makes your backup really easy."
"Cloning a VM allows you to make an exact copy and replace your currently used VM if needed."
"Backing up copies of your own physical games is legal in the United States as long as you don't distribute them or try to sell them."
"Just get a backup. If you've been putting it off, just do it."
"Make your backup worth it. That's the lesson."
"You cannot make mistakes. If you do, you can easily just rewrite your backup that it does manually before you even code your car."
"Even if you're using OpenAI as your primary model, you can use one of these open-source models as a backup."
"...with a Sidekick, all your user data was on Danger's servers, so you could just buy a new one, put in your password, and boom, everything comes back."
"...the most crucial form of defense is frequent backup."
"Always, always download and backup your footage."
"You can never have too many backups."
"You've got a little bit of cushion with Craig's game going on."
"...really nice way keeping a record for you and you're able to fall back and recover from a sometimes a disaster you know data loss."
"When your strength fails, the standby takes over."
"...the whole point of this system is not to replicate your... whole house... you're just backing up the things that you need."
"I always recommend you have at least two batteries, one in the camera and one fully charged so that if something does ever happen or you lose one or some kid throws one out for some odd reason, well you have a second battery."
"For every point of failure that this drone has, there's always something that's put into place that can act as a backup."
"Just you know, as a backup cap for you to have, this is actually quite handy."
"...so just make sure that you back up all of your media in one way or another super duper important..."
"If you get a new laptop boom just restore from a time machine backup and your laptop is exactly how you left it."
"This was actually going to be like the second option for the proposal."
"...where you keep your electronic records, so you could put on a thumb drive your journal, your notes, your correspondence, all of this on a thumb drive so it's not in your computer."
"Up to six inverter units can be connected on a single Gateway for whole house backup."
"The Gateway provides for a full 200 amp pass-through for whole house backup."
"Backup your software before your subscription expires."
"He's got backups in the bag though thankfully."
"Notability can back up to five cloud services."
"We've added wireless backup to the cloud and basically once daily we're going to backup a lot of your important contents to the cloud."
"If you lose the device or the device gets damaged, you can use that backup phrase to restore to a new device and recover all of your crypto wallets."
"When evaluating web hosting, there's one non-negotiable feature I think every plan should have: automatic backups."
"You need a backup and a backup of your backup."
"Teams are required to dress a backup goalie."
"Auto Save is, in my estimation, a life saver."
"So make sure you have Auto Save enabled."
"...those aren't intended to be sniping sites the idea is they're basically emergency backup irons or in this case plastics."
"Raid is not a backup. Raid is a redundancy."
"Insert Plan B where at least we've got this backup."
"Now any backup without a restore is just wishful thinking."
"Take the extra step and back up your settings file on your computer."
"Always make some duplicates, you can never go wrong."
"I always like to have an extra set maybe in my luggage or just with me at the house so that if I tear these I'm good to go right away."
"There's probably very little on the HD DVD format that is worth backing up in this way versus using a Blu-ray, but it's still something interesting worth considering."
"Because pumps will fail, and if you're relying on them 100%, you need to make sure you have backup stuff."
"TimeShift: Easily backup and restore your system with snapshots."
"If you lose that file we created, the P file, you've just lost all of your passwords."
"Those of you who are photographers or videographers and you've been using the main photo drive backup photo drive for years. Well, when you import photos to your main photo or video drive, if that drive fails, a single disk failure, you lose everything. This is different."
"I just really really like this one. It's really really pretty and it's quite affordable, so once I realized that I really like this one, I bought me a backup bottle."
"Keep the number of that hot brunette around as backup."
"I think he instantly becomes one of the better backups in the league."
"Plan A is always a good plan. That's fine, but you should always have some backups."
"Just a quick notification now will that will say all of the data on selected disks will be erased are you sure you want to continue please do make sure you have a backup if there is any data on the disks or if they're brand new drives you can go ahead and press continue."
"RAID is not a substitute for backups. Whatever you do, make sure you have backups of your data if your data is important to you."
"Backup power is something that's important. I think everybody should have some source of backup power."
"You're not allowed to complain about not having a backup in place. It's not your fault. Right now, you can't. You know, we live in an internet age where we create data alarmingly fast, and a lot of it is crucial to us."
"Backing up, you cannot back up enough the stuff that you do."
"Your backup disc should always be in a remote location."
"The odds that you will lose that document become almost zero when you use that service."
"Proxmox and PBS back up the VM differently depending on the storage type you're using and the VM state at the time that it is being backed up."
"Both apps provide a great option for backing up your home kit setup."
"Those backups can really come in handy."
"It's by far the biggest job management tool for backups and synchronization on the QNAP, and it's highly recommended."
"If you do lose things, if something goes wrong, if you do get hacked, whatever it might be, you don't then have to start from scratch without anything. You can just reinstall things and get back up and running really, really quickly."
"This device right here is essential for backing up all of your personal information that you don't want to lose in case of a drive failure."
"So, I do have some redundancy in different locations and that is all free and part of the Synology service."
"I've always tried to have a backup plan to my backup plan."
"The advantage of synchronizing photos is that you will never lose photos even if the device ends up being stolen or ruined."
"If you do end up performing a hard reset, you can make sure that you get your data restored the way it was."
"If you need to roll back, make sure that you have backups of your website, as you should always have when making important changes."
"Backing up any important Bitcoin wallet? Back it up in solid steel."
"Your Mac's already encrypted and hopefully you have file VA on like I showed before but then your time machine backup is completely unencrypted if you don't see it as encrypted then you seriously want to consider at some point soon restarting your time machine backup."
"I'm gonna probably need some backups because I don't ever want to be without this."
"This is great because you never have to worry about losing things because you forgot to save something."
"You gotta find a backup just so it's like quality is my confidence piece."
"So this is my... this is my backup one that I just recently acquired."
"Always keep a spare SD card on you at all times."
"This does not fully replace a cloud backup, but it is 90% the way there and it is a great place to start."
"It is not a great thing to go 'Oh hey I've got that backup' and then not have the password and now your backup is effectively useless."
"I really recommend people be less secure with this password than more secure because it is not a great thing to go 'Oh hey I've got that backup' and then not have the password and now your backup is effectively useless."
"with my gigantic data sets and the fact that I have the ability to do real backups I'm less concerned about the potential failure possibilities"
"...Time Machine, yeah, that backup software Apple's built into the Mac since 2009."
"...having a reliable backup and tested restore solution should be one of your top priorities."
"Their auxiliaries can also fill in some gaps in the roster."
"You need a backup. If you're only two people and someone drops off the edge, then you're on your own."
"Always have a backup version to go back to."
"Soldiers to provide for redundancy."
"Backups are awesome and having a backup means if something fails on a camera."
"You get a flash drive that's got all your files on it and if you ever have a fire tornado theft why throws them off the balcony whatever we can we can make you an exact replica anytime."
"It's good to have a mechanical backup as well."
"This is super important, it's a nice little backup insurance policy."
"It's pretty much like Time Machine on a Mac."
"...there are troops who rely on handguns as a backup to their shoulder weapon."
"For important data, it's better to use the 3-2-1 rule which basically stipulates you should always have three copies of your most important data."
"It's a great way to be able to actually back things up using snapshots and ZFS replication, making our server bulletproof."
"I personally always recommend that you have some sort of backup."
"It's definitely very valuable to have some backup stuff."
"Backup your Raspberry Pi's SD card, that way if anything goes wrong, it's easy to revert it without needing to reconfigure everything."
"It's a really nice insurance policy to know that if a battery dies down the back, your weekend isn't completely ruined."
"With the Z9, you can actually save your settings to a card, and if you don't like them, you can revert back to your old settings."
"To me, you basically can't have too many forms of backup power, and something so small that can do so much is pretty cool to me, and I'm pretty excited to have it."
"If it's not backed up in three places, it doesn't exist."
"Make a backup before you upgrade anything where data is going to change because if something goes south, you recover by restoring the backup."
"There's this three two one backup philosophy which... does the best job of covering you in all scenarios for backup."
"Now this is super awesome because what it means is if you ever have your main photo drive fail, your backup photo drive is an exact duplicate at your time of last backing up."
"It's great to have the phone as that backup option."
"Always recommend doing a backup and restore."
"If YouTube decides to kill my channel or something happens, I want a copy of all of my files."
"Make sure you always got a good backup solution in place for your home servers."
"Hyper Backup is an awesome application and, in my opinion, probably one of the best backup applications out there."
"The guys sing a little backup, I think a second song, why would you like this crocheted."
"The main purpose of a backup is that you don't want to have just your awesome Synology NAS sitting in a comms cabinet, sitting at home, sitting in an office, wherever it may be, with all of your data on there, and then something goes wrong and you lose all that data."
"Apple Time Machine software here is backing up absolutely flawlessly."
"TCP BBR being enabled effectively makes the backup more efficient."
"You don't need to do any thinking, and it gets them to back up their own seed."
"Making a clone of all the disks with data is a good idea anyways because if you make a mistake you still have another copy of that data."
"Synchronization provides protection against lost equipment by providing a backup copy."
"Always good to have a back-up plan."
"The importance of backing up your files, especially the projects that you are writing, is crucial."
"Always make sure that you have a backup, because if you lose a file, you can't get it back."
"FileZilla FTP server is a free FTP server that you can use for your VCSA backups."
"Don't forget to back up this document."
"A backup says, 'I backed up this file,' and later, 'I still have it in the backup location if I need to go get it.'"
"Storing data for backup, restore, or even disaster recovery."
"Feel out what you do the most of and make sure you have two at least of all of those things so that you don't run out and you always have a backup."
"We need to basically back up the hard drive of our species."
"It's always good to have a mechanical backup."
"It's just really good practice to have a backup of your footage in case something goes wrong."
"Just always having that backup of being able to go back to school and get your degree is just a really key thing."
"It's crucial to safeguard your data and make sure to have a consistent and available backup for any unforeseen eventuality."
"This is really what they were designing this backup solution to be for, is automatic backup from your phone."
"Backblaze is one of the most important apps you can get for your Mac if you want to avoid the heartache of losing any of your important documents or files."
"I finally convinced her to let me back up her phone to the computer."
"I'm going to take my files and I'm going to move them to a hard drive and then I'm going to back them up to a completely different hard drive."
"You want to move your images to a hard drive, a safer place, and you should always back those up."
"You need to have at least one more back-up (a second back-up), if not even a third...and one of these back-ups should go straight up into the cloud, because up there our files are safe from any natural disaster, or break-ins in our house."
"My last and fourth point is that you ideally need to have your back-up process automated, so that you can't always postpone your back-ups to the next week/month/years and by that time, running the risk of losing your photographs, is very high!"
"Make sure you back up all your data. This is extremely important."
"Make a backup. Never, ever change the original, always make a copy."
"Make sure you back up any files that you had on there before we begin."
"Having a great backup is a great idea."
"You should really backup all your personal data, backup on your external hard drive, and backup online if you can, at least two places in the very least."
"This is Green Lantern of Sector 2814; I need backup immediately."
"Remember, back up your data on a regular basis and store it in three different locations."
"It's always good to have a backup of your files."
"We all know we should be backing up our most important files to multiple locations."
"Backup and restore super easy, just drop it into blob store there."
"Automation leads right into backup."
"Having a GPS unit in your car can give you a backup for when you don't know the destination."
"Back up your data, please. Your important data, back it up to the cloud, back it up to NAS, back it up to an external hard drive."