
Data Flow Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Bandwidth is roughly how much water can flow through the pipe at in a particular unit of time."
"An observable is hot when the producer is emitting values outside of the observable."
"Data flow is not just for Power BI, you may not really build a BI application, you may have a data integration solution."
"Even if you use data mart, you may still use data flow as a component of its own separately."
"Data mart is not replacing data set, it's not replacing data flow, they are still there."
"Which one should I use? Data mart, data flow, data set? It all depends on what you want to implement, what is your scenario, what is your use case."
"They are all working together, they are not replacing each other."
"Dataflow supports both batch and streaming processing, writing into a variety of sinks."
"Dataflow encapsulates your entire data processing task from start to finish."
"We're going to learn exactly what redux is, what it solves, and then we're going to learn about the theory of redux and some of the data flow."
"Dynamic content, things that happened in the step before become available to the subsequent steps."
"When you want to pass props in, you do it like this and you just use Define props in the component that you're passing them to."
"Many common vulnerabilities can actually be identified by tracking the data flow from appropriate sources to corresponding sinks."
"Dataflow keeps using the default version until you flip it."
"One-way data binding: data flows only from parent to child components."
"One-way data flow is the logical default."
"The vast majority of writes and reads from event hubs come from that layer."
"TensorFlow consists primarily of two parts: tensors and graphs, which handle data flow and execution."
"Data moves. If things happen to it, it keeps moving around."
"There's a certain element of just like readability when you can actually compose things into a chain or a dag."
"So far we've seen how data flows in one direction, but the dollar sign page store makes your data available everywhere."
"The end-to-end flow from delta data moving to S3 bucket and it is arriving to the consumption zone layer is working fine."
"Passing data between view controllers seems like it's harder when working with coordinators, but in practice, it's actually a great way to make sure we aren't creating hard links between our view controllers."
"The switch is the conductor, orchestrating the flow of data across the network."
"Bifrost is a pure data flow graph, so there's always data flowing through the graph."
"What we're trying to do with this track pattern is to take control over the data flow in application."
"Understanding of how the data is flowed through the application is crucial."
"Props are passed from the top down."
"Congestion control is all about multiple senders sending too fast in aggregate."
"Any restream can be piped into any right stream."
"Props are the primary way that we provide data to our components."
"Thinking of the internet as roads, we can imagine that data moving through these pipelines just like cars in traffic need to find their way in the most efficient way possible."
"Good questions to ask yourself: Is the sender pushing data to the receivers? If there is data involved and the message is clearer, then direct communication or interface communication are a good choice."
"The transport layer is responsible for providing a reliable flow of data across the network."
"Scalability: we have a lot of entities and a pretty high rate of events coming."
"React makes this data flow explicit to make it easy to understand how your program works."
"The main goal of a data engineer is just to ensure that data is flowing from a source to a destination."
"React context provides a way to pass data throughout the component tree without having to pass props down manually at every level."
"Connections can support data in either direction; it doesn't really matter which direction the connection was initiated for the data flow."
"Your view model is a representation of what you want to be displayed and it handles how data is flowing to and from your view."
"Generators are flows of data to you, dynamically changeable based on interactions with a database."
"This allows you to create an app by joining services together and passing data from one service to another."
"Akka streams emerged as a data flow centric abstraction for the akka actor model, designed for general-purpose microservices, low latency event processing, and a wider range of application and integration support."
"The data of the neural network, what controls how the information flows from the inputs and out through the output, are all of these weights."
"Instead of doing create templates, you can use 'Download Flow Definition' to download a JSON version of your process group."
"Provide a way to pass data through the component tree without having to pass down props manually at every level."
"All the information in GP flows from the different modules to the general ledger module."
"With inputs, the information flows from parent to child, for output, the information flows from child to parent."
"Data flow analysis analyzes how the data flows through the control flow graph."
"The establishment of trust and promotion of the free flow of data is necessary."
"Hello and welcome to everyone; today's webinar is a real use case with Knife I, the Swiss Army knife of data flow."
"The pipe is unique because it allows you to take the output of a command and use it as the input for the second command."
"The Network Navigator visual is useful whenever you want to see a flow of how something went from one source to a destination."
"Producers can write data and consumers can read data from a topic."
"Awesome, so if you look at the server running, you can see all the payloads being sent and received here."
"In SwiftUI, you can use what are called bindings to connect certain parts of your view to properties in the model, so that when the data gets updated, the view changes automatically."
"This video is all about how data flows from your app models to all of the views in your view hierarchy."
"This idea of unidirectional data flow is the restriction and because of this restriction, it's easier for us to understand how our app works."
"That's how easy it is to pass data through a node in Python."
"The control path and data path have both been merged in the control and data flow graph."
"We want to have a one-way flow of data through our system, making interactions easier to reason about."
"Everything is much simpler; there's just a single stream processor and you're really consuming from these two streams and you're doing this join."
"By separating your ingest from the process, you ensure that your streaming data continues to flow in."
"Unidirectional data flow in React means that the data only ever flows down from the parent to the child components."
"That right there is how data flows in Redux."
"By combining unidirectional data flow with a publish/subscribe pattern, we can minimize mutable application state."
"Very large applications really benefit from a single directional flow of data through the application which allows them to scale and be more easily maintained."