
Spine Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"The central portion of the disc is called the nucleus pulposus..."
"Let your spine grow strong and long, let your heart open and your energy open."
"Your body and brain will prioritize monitoring your spine above all other areas."
"Whatever happens in the lower back affects the whole spine."
"Okay so big open spine really expand your ribs here."
"Let's feel that stretch, feel your spine get a little compression here."
"So it works every part of your spine. The spider."
"Extending the spine is really good, so taking the spine in that direction is great because that's actually doing the opposite. You're not pushing down on the disc; you're actually giving the disc space."
"The lumbar section of a typical human spine contains how many vertebrae: 5, 15, or 30?"
"When you're working on healing your spine, think about strength, think about flexibility, and then experiment with traction."
"A burst fracture results from an axial load this results in decreased vertebral body height as well as fractured posterior elements you can even see retropulsion of bony fragments into the spinal canal."
"If all those vertebra are doing their job and they're all feeling good, your spine will just move like a lovely piece of equipment."
"Spine's innovative approach to skeletal animation sets it apart."
"Few people know that if there is a reflex, then everything is fine with the spine."
"Humans are... humans really should be fileted, the spine in particular can be very tickly as it goes down the throat."
"The twist is great for a healthy spine."
"I'm a reverse engineer of the spine. That's what I like to think of things. You're working backwards, right? What's the root of these things?"
"Think of your spine as a wave rolling through the ocean."
"The spine, a testament to the marvels of human engineering."
"Understanding the spine's alignment is like reading nature's blueprint."
"The dance of the spinous processes, each movement narrates a story of our spine."
"So the adductor plank is... find whatever works best for you, but you're maintaining a good position for your spine to protect yourself."
"The most difficult concept with the spine to understand is that only half your spine has feeling."
"It's called coupled motion, but the vertebrae rotate back to midline."
"Let's try and rely upon the spine for stability as opposed to the back of the chair."
"Your spine is 16 times stronger with the proper curves in it."
"When it comes to the spine, we first off want to add some mobility."
"Ankylosing spondylitis... is called a bamboo spine where you ossify the ligaments and create one solid piece of bone."
"As you're moving slow to the outside and slow to the inside, it's just a really great exercise to warm up your core and also help to open up your spine."
"Spinal compression is really not bad; it's actually one of the most positive things that we can do for disc health."
"As you exhale, round your spine and see if you can lift and separate your shoulder blades, bringing your chin as close to your chest as you can."
"We're teaching you some segmental control through your spine, less reliance on that gripping through your lower back."
"Our spine is our lifeline; keep it healthy, keep it strong."
"Build stronger bones in the legs and spine."
"Keep your feet down, the weight equal, and the pelvis, and just let your head follow the curve of the spine."
"The spine is really interesting in that its architecture allows it to have both mobility and stability."
"The normal curves of the spine are thought to help us absorb shock and absorb force."
"Focusing on that lengthening sensation of the spine from the root of your spine all the way up to the crown."
"My whole life I've been taught to value the health of our spine, and in a world where we literally don't value it until it's broken."
"The goal is to loosen what's tight and to leave alone what's loose in order to balance your spine."
"Having a healthy spine is the foundation for health."
"As your spine becomes healthier, you become healthier."
"Keep the length in the spine, nice flat back."
"Head to ceiling, which lengthens your spine and takes the slack out of the bar."
"It's much better for your back, and your spine will thank you for it."
"Make sure your exercises include things that help you move your spine in all directions."
"Breathe a little space into the joints of your spine."
"Really getting time to warm up the spine."
"Find the extension, the strength through your core and your spine, your whole back."
"The normal human spine curve has a degree of extension at the lumbar spine, a little bit of rounding at the thoracic spine, and more extension at the cervical spine."
"Rolling up again one vertebra after another all the way to a long spine."
"Scoliosis is a condition where the spine curves to the side and it affects about three percent of the population."
"Lift your back, hands here, spine stretch forward, now lift your spine up a vertical first."
"The health of your spine is your health."
"Let your head completely hang down to loosen up the back of your neck, to loosen up your shoulders, your entire upper spine."
"Reach fingertips up to the ceiling, making sure that the spine is neutral."
"You want your whole spine working as a team."
"Illustrating the age-old truth of yoga that overall well-being is enhanced by a healthy spine."
"Our spines are pretty miraculous structures, designed to be not only very mobile but also stable."
"It also does contribute to pressurization and stabilization of the spine."
"An abnormal exaggeration of the thoracic curve is called a kyphosis."
"An abnormal lateral curvature of the spine can be seen from a posterior view and is called scoliosis."
"Imagine that your spine is very, very long; no compression in the low back."
"Massaging out the spine, oh that feels good."
"Extend into your fingertips and lengthen through the spine."
"Oh look at that spine! D Oh, this is indeed pretty and it's beautiful."
"This is so healthy for your spine and so good for your core."
"Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine, often seen in adolescent age."
"A healthy spine, healthy body; if your spine is compressed, it will start to break down your entire body."
"Take a big deep breath, exhale, let it out, warming up the spine."
"Embracing the stretch along that spine."