
Gradual Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"The principles are easy: start small on the inside and gradually work your way out with the material getting coarser."
"Bravery comes along as a gradual accumulation of discipline."
"Gradual growth, my friend, amazing. You have to go through the learning curve and grow slowly when learning."
"The death of a thousand cuts is what we're going to see."
"Nothing great comes into being all at once."
"I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once."
"It was like little by little being with her, it was damn they're like freeing me."
"It's better to start slow and be patient with the process."
"Warming up your engine gradually allows components to expand and contract together, preventing hot spots and ensuring even warming."
"Gradual progress is consistent, happening slowly over time."
"Dystopia isn't an overnight concept, it creeps up on you."
"Trust is earned. You can start off by giving them a percentage of trust."
"Madness creeps in little by little."
"The progress you make is always little by little."
"It's sort of been building up, it's a bit more insidious, it's built up over time."
"I want to say that it was never just like a 'wow' moment because everything just kind of happened so gradually."
"Cabaret is a unique look at the way in which fear manifests and it isn't overnight. It happens gradually, it happens right under our noses."
"Women's attraction is like a slow turn dial."
"It's a lot to process and it was a very slow burn."
"Make small changes over time, not one big lump."
"I always want to start nice and slow and build into it, especially if you've been sitting for a really long period of time."
"What y'all seen today did not happen overnight."
"Focus on slow burns, not heavy lifts."
"Freedom happens little by little by little by little."
"Just ease yourself into it and see its benefits, personally and societally."
"Slowly but surely this car is coming together."
"So you can do the slower dose and you can ease into it gradually if for whatever reason you want to dip your toes quietly into the water."
"It's this slow progression, it's like a journey."
"For a successful reconnection to work, it would have to be slow, it would have to be gradual, it would have to be a form of connection that allows them to feel safe."
"This breakdown of society was decades in the making."
"The best way to start using these is to start with a low dose and gradually increase."
"His conversion was gradual but then also instantaneous."
"Just go for small steps or pick the one area in which you want to make change and make some incremental steps there."
"That's what you did, you kind of went in gradually."
"The tenderness happens slowly and over time, there's not kind of these hard cut offs from one to another."
"It's a process. Doesn't happen all at once."
"I feel like it's a death by a Thousand Cuts as opposed to a plunge."
"Not everything is thrown at you at once. You have to learn through a time period and really just compile your own evidence."
"Our lives become gradually brighter and brighter."
"Healthy relationships build slowly over time. Trust is something that is built."
"Just start slow if you want to do something in a sustainable way... you have to create those habits and that second nature."
"It just takes tiny little steps to get to a place where you're just not in need all the time."
"...the thing with birdhouse was it actually was a very gradual process writing that one."
"The key is to start slow, you can start by increasing your calories from where you currently are."
"It's just a slow gradual thing, it's extremely effective."
"Insidious... proceeding in a gradual subtle way but with harmful effects."
"I love that you understand that not everything is chemistry spark attraction moment one like it can build over time."
"How I fell in love was not epic, it was better. It was slow, creeping up on me until I could not deny it."
"It's like a credit score, right? Can you go from 300 to 800? No, it builds over time."
"Add loads and add sets more gradually. You desperately want to add 10 pounds to the bar every squat session, but you're not an idiot."
"Start small. Don't start with 'I read the Financial Times every day' unless that's literally your job."
"Wealth is built step by step, not by a sudden jump."
"It's all about going slow, slow and controlled."
"Baby steps. This is not going to happen overnight."
"The best things in life don't happen from one day to the next."
"Losing weight is really easy if you can do little changes over a long period of time."
"I think of vulnerability more as a dance than just slowly building. Sometimes we take a little bit of a leap. It's not always just a slow, gradual increase."
"The changes doesn't come suddenly, the changes come gradually."
"I learned this little by little starting when I was a teenager."
"The romance is so good... enemies to lovers but it's like gradual and like forced proximity and I'm just really, really enjoying it."
"Let's take it slow, a little bit at a time."
"It never happens all at once. It's an accumulation."
"Make changes slowly, even when going from bad to good."
"Change doesn't happen always overnight; it could happen gradually."
"Change is something that takes place over a long period, it's not something that happens overnight."
"Burnout comes drop by drop over months and years, and you don't realize it until one day something happens and you become someone else."
"It's a really sweet show that takes a slightly slow burn approach, showing the audience the development of the main duo's love story in a gradual manner."
"The decline of the Mayan society didn't happen overnight, and it was much more of a slow burn."
"You never fall in love all of a sudden; you realize that you are in love."
"This Europe will not be made all at once, or according to a single plan."
"Reading the Quran once a week or even five verses a night... start small and then slowly and gradually build up on how much you're reading."
"Now slowly roll through your back."
"The Slow Burn is about building attraction slowly."
"Change often takes time; it rarely happens all at once."
"This is a way of gradually waking you up by lighting up the room."
"Hopefully this will be a general entry kind of like a swimming pool... you know get your toes wet then you get your knees wet eventually you'll get to that little rope at the swimming pool and get into the deep end."
"Han Sheng, I can only make up for what I owe you little by little."
"Your energy does come back and it comes back slowly each and every day."
"Was it the kind of thing that suddenly slammed into you, or did you only notice it when you'd already been steeped in it for some time?"
"It's about just gradually building the strength up and doing everything with control, nice and gentle."
"If you're going to improve your running, do it incrementally."
"It wasn't something I suddenly realized all at once; it was gradual."
"Mark Twain said change happens really gradually and all of a sudden."
"Start talking to him a little bit at a time."
"It's about doing it gradually, monitoring it really closely, and making sure that we're dropping it slowly but surely."
"You don't have to jump in all at once; take baby steps."
"When you get awakened or go through an awakening, it comes in bits, a little bit at a time."