
Volcanism Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"The Puzzle of Intra-Plate Volcanism Unraveled."
"The Siberian traps represent the biggest style of volcanism that the Earth ever experiences or produces."
"...Venus actually has more volcanoes than any other planet in the solar system scientists discover more than 1,600 only on the surface which could mean there are even more than that still undiscovered."
"What evidence do we have that North America is moving? Well, there are progressively older volcanic deposits that stretch into Northern Nevada."
"I just love the idea that these animals were using like volcanic heat to incubate their eggs."
"Rocks formed from lava at the surface are classified as extrusive or volcanic rocks."
"The actual lava flow is the longest lava flow on earth from a single volcanic crater in modern geological time."
"These enormous volcanoes... released carbon dioxide and methane, these potent greenhouse gases, and this led to runaway global warming which caused the biggest mass extinction in Earth history."
"Welcome to Io, the volcanic wonder of the solar system."
"One of Io's most intriguing features is Loki Patera, the moon's most powerful volcano."
"As we speak, a new land mass in Hawaii is being formed by an active volcano."
"Subduction always makes volcanoes."
"The circum-pacific orogenic belt is sometimes referred to as the ring of fire because there are so many volcanoes."
"IO is the most volcanically active world in the solar system."
"Unfortunately, we no longer have these komatiitic lavas being erupted, because they would be quite cool if they were still being erupted, but alas, the Earth's mantle has cooled down."
"It simply can’t be a coincidence that all 5 of the largest mass extinctions in history... happened at the same time as some of the most catastrophic lava eruptions the world has ever seen."
"These geysers are actually signs of a slumbering supervolcano deep beneath the surface."
"Jupiter's moon Io is characterized by over 400 active volcanoes on its surface, making it the most volcanically active body in our solar system."
"Venus has more volcanoes than any other planet in the solar system."
"The landscape is almost exclusively the product of volcanoes which have provided new materials for the islands with each successive eruption."
"Volcanoes are really conduits from material way deep in the planet to the surface."
"Venus has several times as many volcanoes as Earth."
"It cannot be a coincidence that mass extinctions are happening during these major volcanic eruptions."
"Can we tie impact with hotspot with large igneous provinces degassing and then mass extinctions?"
"They're all tied to this tremendous effusive volcanism."
"Does volcanism drive the climate cycles or just add modulation to the squiggles?"
"The meteorite in the Yucatan could have set off massive volcanism in India."
"Climate change... when the ash is emitted from the volcano... it can block solar radiation from coming into the planet and warming the planet and therefore can cause a cooling effect."
"Hawaii only exists because of volcanoes."
"A hot spot is a localized source of high heat energy that sustains volcanism."
"It simply can't be a coincidence that all five of the largest mass extinctions in history... all happened at the same time as some of the most catastrophic lava eruptions the world has ever seen."
"Since the Earth was young, volcanoes have hurled fiery rock from the planet's interior to its surface."
"Volcanism has created the floor of the Earth's oceans."
"Mars can have such big volcanoes because its gravity is significantly weaker than the one on our home planet."
"Nothing looks like Io; it's so strange and that's because of volcanoes."
"Samoa lies on the Pacific plate, right at the top of the Tonga trench, part of a larger highly volcanic area known as the Ring of Fire."
"The discovery of volcanoes on an object smaller than the moon was a major surprise."
"This could just be the first chapter in what could be a multi-chapter story of volcanic activity in this region."
"We're in this new phase of volcanism in the Reykjanes Peninsula."