
Load Balancing Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Kubernetes will auto magically load balance between all the nodes that have that app installed."
"API Gateway is a super powerful service because it offers additional functionality on top of just kind of using a load balancer to distribute your traffic to different nodes here."
"Application Load Balancer... deals with HTTP and HTTPS traffic."
"Network Load Balancer... is optimized for sudden and volatile traffic patterns."
"Load balancing is super important when I think about Azure. A key point of what we want is normally scale."
"It gives us more load balancing between those."
"...load balancing in essence will allow you to use multiple links at the same time effectively increasing your throughput or your bandwidth capacity."
"The load balancing is just so easy."
"So let's start with load balancing and a network load balancer, an NLB is a device used to direct traffic to an array of web servers, application servers, or really any other service endpoint."
"Azure Front Door is a layer 7 global load balancing solution."
"For each of these different paths, you want it to go to different microservices. If you just use separate load balancer services for each of these microservices, you cannot achieve this easily."
"If I refresh, every request goes to Traffic, now it's round-robin to the backend."
"Auto scaling with the combination of load balancing is a very common practice or strategy that people use in the real world to have a reliable system."
"You can use network load balancer to expose your Kubernetes service."
"The first advantage that Kubernetes service offers you is load balancing."
"If you create service, you will get the load balancing."
"Kubernetes service is doing the load balancing."
"The purpose of this is to provide high availability as well as determining that our back-end is healthy enough to receive that traffic."
"The H A Ports allows us to have all the benefits of the load balancing rules but spanning across every port making management a lot easier and allowing us to scale."
"Should you use Elastic Load Balancers and EC2 Auto Scaling together? 100%."
"That's how you balance a load, as far as I know it's legal."
"Azure Front Door is a global layer 7 load balancing solution."
"Load balancing: if we design redundant alternate paths, we can make sure that we don't overburden, create a choke point, a bottleneck at any one place in the infrastructure."
"It does automated load balancing and scalability."
"As containers start up or are replaced, we update the IP target group and the ALB can start flowing traffic down to the containers."
"The ALB is actually 10% cheaper per month versus the CLB."
"Google Cloud has features such as global load balancing which makes Google Cloud a unique choice."
"There is also load balancing built in as well."
"Load balancing is one of the key techniques how to build scalable services."
"What is the purpose for the load balancer? Load balancer distribute the request across the different API server."
"AJ proxy is a very fast and efficient load balancer."
"A load balancer distributes incoming application traffic across multiple EC2 instances in multiple availability zones."
"Optimize the system for performance and scalability by employing techniques such as load balancing, database sharding, and content delivery networks."
"Upstream is one of the powerful mediators we can say which does the load balancing concept or it brings high availability into Nginx for your web servers."
"Load balancers distribute the load from users to multiple servers; this is going to be transparent to the user."
"We have a load balancing moved as up as the application layer which is layer 7, it is the highest form of intelligence which a load balancer can possess."
"Load based teaming... detects every 30 seconds... and then makes a decision to rebalance the traffic."
"After users upload their versions, the configuration is automatically deployed with a load balancer."
"You're going to have some piece of work you want to do, and you send it across to the worker via the load balancer."
"They also support load balancing. So if you've got two or multiple EVs, with multiple car chargers, then it will balance the load between them all."
"We should be able to watch logs basically alternate left and right here, confirming that our load balancer is working."
"With two availability zones in place, we're going to create an application load balancer."
"This application load balancer is going to be very simply configured to deliver traffic in a round-robin fashion to two instances of our containers running .NET, each in a different availability zone."
"Load balancing tends to be about connection, security, and availability."
"One way to provide both uptime and availability and an efficiency with the application is to implement some type of load balancing."
"I'm gonna continue to use my load balancer, I might add additional instances to the load balancer."
"We have these load-balanced URIs routes for the Gateway."
"Most performance comes from global optimizations, like load balancing internal and external within your network."
"A service can also load balance across pods."