
Self-rule Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"The discomfort of being ruled by them for me there is no red pill that you shouldn't swallow."
"Don't be a slave to anyone, be your own person and rule yourself."
"This change makes you a monarch, a ruler of your existence, of your power, of your grace, of your passion."
"Maintaining your sovereignty is really critical."
"Always remember guys, even if you don't have a Custard, you can come and stay in ours, but always remember to rule your own world."
"What we have is not Swaraj but only freedom from foreign rule. The people have still to win internal Swaraj."
"Every man is a king in his own life."
"And for the first time ever, it was ruled by its own people."
"The age of pioneer: vision, passion, simplicity, self-rule."
"The remaining days of your life you will keep ruling your world."
"Every day, no matter what happens, rule your own world."
"We're ruling our own worlds and we always hope that you are too."
"Thank you all so much for the support, for wrapping the crown, yeah, and for ruling your own world."
"So we'll round it up here because they want to have a little nap, but we will see you next Sunday. What should they do, quick? Rule your own worlds."
"Being himself his own ruler, mentor, and friend, and tuning the three elements just like three fixed points in a musical scale."
"You make your own laws, you run your own country, you are the masters of your own destiny."
"You have dominion over it, it shouldn't rule over us."
"Always remember to rule your own worlds."
"Self-government... the people in America would rule themselves."
"The time of self-rule is in effect, and the dynasty of arrogant Lords has passed."
"You're not here to compete, you're here to rule."
"I myself am the ruler of my universe; nothing comes to me unbidden by myself."
"Feel the fear and do it anyway, and always remember to rule your own world."
"Creating your own reality, making your own rules, and standing in your own power."
"I make my own rules, I do my own thing."
"The word autonomy comes from the Greek word 'autos,' meaning self, and 'nomos,' meaning rule."
"Democracy... that sense of people realizing that rather than being ruled by kings, they should rule themselves."
"Keep it pure, keep it positive, be a real person because that is everything. Your rule is from your heart, your soul, and your mind."
"Nationalism talks about self-determination and seeks to gain essentially self-rule."
"Make sure you always rule your own world."
"The world will give you a million reasons to give up, but the world doesn't make your rules, you do. Prove them wrong."
"You can't have a clean house on a Sunday without lighting some candles, okay? That's the rule that I'm making for myself."
"For the first time after 3,000 years, the Punjabis themselves ruled, and a man of the soil formed the kingdom."
"That is what self-rule is all about: everyday Americans coming together to take action, to build, to create, to seize opportunities, to pursue the common good, and to never stop striving for greatness."
"You're not here to compete with anyone, Taurus; you're here to rule your world."
"You are the ruler here, so this is you being the ruler of your reality."
"You did it because you are breaking away from the chains that tell you that you are supposed to live your life according to somebody else's rules."
"You're the ruler of your kingdom here, you're the ruler of your reality."
"I can rule my existence; I can rule my path forward. I'm not letting anybody else rule me."
"I can rule me powerfully and brilliantly and beautifully and truly."