
Match Quotes

There are 312 quotes

"The mood light blushes are so pretty and those two paired together are a real match made in heaven."
"We're gonna have a big tag team match, Randy Orton and Batista versus Undertaker and John Cena."
"You're a perfect match for one another."
"It was a great match and the people in the studio went berserk."
"When a match happens, it's so perfect always because of how much time is put into it."
"Inoue Nery, I think is a really good fight, really fun fight."
"I feel like everybody's going to end up talking about the situation that happened at the end of the match."
"It must be depressing having to play against Klopp's funeral procession, especially at the funeral home that is Anfield."
"Sounds like Tottenham Stadium turned into a hailstorm of defeat against Arsenal."
"It was a fantastic match; it was tactical, it was a throwback, there was a clear story all the way throughout."
"I think it worked out better obviously... Daniel Bryan versus [__] John Cena Wrestlemania 23, that was a great match."
"This was a tremendous match for eight minutes they made the most of the time man beautiful stuff."
"Yeah, just like I thought, this match is basically the main event of 2012's Over the Limit."
"They see you guys as a true match."
"There's all of this counterpart energy here, so there's kind of this vibe of you two being well-matched."
"Obi-Wan Kenobi's aura was described as luminous and he could match the might of Darth Vader."
"This will be a no disqualification match."
"Someone sees you and someone as a really, really good match."
"They go from there to Lawler and White against Tojo and Fargo in no time limit, no disqualification."
"The match is almost always more important than the story that gets us there."
"The biggest match in AW history: Cody Rhodes versus CM Punk. It's going to draw a fortune. Absolutely none of it for Tony Khan."
"Somehow Becky stayed in the match-up, kicking out after the DDT."
"This actually and again seriously you take into consideration Beefcake and Zeus being in this match and it was better than it then it deserved."
"The psychology of this match is 10 out of 10."
"It's an A. But let the record state, nowhere near as good as the Orton match."
"Bit of an anticlimactic ending, but a crazy good match. I loved it."
"This was an old fashioned NWA World Championship match with a modern '80s flair spin on it."
"Hot crowd good match for what it was."
"In the second match, we get some wrestling. Rather than some battering, which is unfair because there was wrestling in it."
"Out of all the matches that took place over the two nights I think the Bianca B Air versus Sasha Banks main event on night one was the best."
"There were some nice moves in this match and it was a nice nine-minute match without a single boring moment."
"Match 4, Nitro, fools count anywhere."
"This match was good, like I said, and a good way to close the show."
"... and then finally take Mr cintan off the top rope and MGF got the arm bar take was trying to get the ropes but MGF rolled through and cranked up on it and got the tap out and it was a great match and that was the right result."
"This was the best match of WrestleMania 34."
"Tony losing here doesn't tell us anything about how that match would have been able to go on."
"I like the idea of Joe and MJF having another match because that was the best one that you know either one's had in a while."
"This person may feel that you guys are a perfect match with each other."
"It's a match, it's a [Music] match."
"A controversial yet very fascinating matchup at the Royal Rumble."
"What a match that was, amazing match ended all square, interesting one."
"oh why does it freaking match don't play with me don't play with me like I would literally wear this to the grocery store"
"In the headliner, Steve Austin beat The Undertaker in a First Blood match to retain the WWE title after all sorts of outside interference and shenanigans."
"This is most definitely one of the best foundation matches I've ever had."
"I honestly thought I was watching a house show match with no meaning behind it."
"This ending was awesome and this match itself is also awesome."
"Skinner is going to set up Logan in his match Point Texas."
"Their match was magnetic, literally."
"Your crush definitely sees you as a very good match for them."
"Whoever wins this match, I believe is on the right track, man. Absolutely, momentum to be had."
"Each point, each Victory, each match is crucial."
"I thought that was the gold standard. Ric Flair and Ricky Steamboat on that night had as exciting a match as you could have."
"This was a dream match that actually turned out to be a reality."
"...she's figured out a way to still have his match at the age of 72."
"I thought that the match top to bottom, emotionally, physically, everything about it delivered on all levels."
"For a heel versus heel match with no build to it other than that, oh it's a championship match, it was pretty well executed."
"Brandon Paulson was part of one of the greatest wrestling matches of all time."
"The biggest match in AEW history is going to be Cody versus CM Punk."
"...that was one of the funnest matches I've ever played...just birdies and back and forth that was...the best part."
"And that's the kind of thing that can build interest in a [__] match."
"What sells a big high-profile WrestleMania match more than [ __ ] versus [ __ ]?"
"'The match between Bret and Owen WWE title cage match was one of the best cage matches ever and another stellar entry into the series between the brothers.'"
"Thunder Rosa vs. Britt Baker, Lights Out match."
"This to me is is a really just borderline perfect match."
"The red velvet, which as it turns out is a perfect match for this vintage train case."
"Dude, it might be the best match of the decade."
"Konnan versus Rey Mysterio is up next."
"That's one of those matches I don't have anything to really add, just... just your memory. I hope it's a good one."
"It really does help in making this World War three match much more watchable."
"...a very good serviceable Main Event tag team match..."
"...the best match of the night in my opinion..."
"...this match absolutely had to deliver..."
"...the match finally jived and jelled and made sense..."
"It's much closer to my actual skin tone than most products."
"One of the craziest matches I've ever seen."
"Golden Jets versus the Young Bucks was solid."
"When we get to OVW Rise, we've got a huge six-man tag team match tonight. Beaches and Cream are going to be teaming with the Real One Enzo tonight as they take on three of your favorites, Cash Flow, Cal Hero, and the OVW Heavyweight Champion, Shotgun Tony Gun."
"This match felt like a bigger deal."
"This is an awesome match and it got an awesome reaction."
"It feels like a match made in heaven. It feels like love at first sight and then what is gonna happen next?"
"A fun little match, high energy, high action."
"A great match just what we expected in the finals."
"...the fans Reception made it clear that this was a match made in heaven."
"That's about as spectacular a save as we've seen in this match."
"Prediction for the match with Wardlow? I win."
"You saw what they're made of today, it was a great match."
"...it made one of my dream matches into a reality and I'm really happy that it turned out so well."
"Stanford back in front 1514 what a match we got going here mid part of the set number three BYU leading two sets to none"
"This was a short match so yeah see shut the stream down short match you know all good things all good."
"what a tremendous way to open this event up with a hill hill match between two of the all-time greats"
"And then he goes nicely on this nine Bolt for the match."
"You got your equal and your match"
"This was wrestling personified I loved every bit of this match."
"This match isn't what you'd call a good in-ring work grit kind about, but you gotta give it to Dennis Rodman."
"What's gonna be the best match at WWE WrestleMania Backlash?"
"That's the match that I think all of us want to see right at WrestleMania yes Cena versus Angle."
"We're all suitable to our calling. We're well matched."
"It's wild how good of a match it is."
"Dean Malenko made Alex Wright look fantastic in the next matchup. A lot of people let Malenko's wonderkind pass them by, but check this one out. Dean Malenko wins via pinfall. It's a short but impactful match."
"Flair vs Hogan wasn't a show stealer by any means, but the Hulkster changed it up this week and showed some weakness. It made for a better match."
"This is the best out of five championship match."
"It's just so calm about match for me and I've just kept it going."
"Perfect match: finding someone more in alignment with you, soul mates connection."
"In a match, last hour last hour and a half, you can sometimes double your weight in a match."
"The energy that Gennady remained during that match especially after round three, this thing going for about 40 minutes, every indication was that this was exactly what Devin Laird would need to finish."
"It lived up to all the hype and everything we thought this match could be."
"Man City and Tottenham played out another Classic."
"You met your match when you ran into this person."
"There could be a perfect match coming in for you."
"Liverpool put on a show, beating Wolves four nil."
"an absolute Master Class of a match"
"Best pro wrestling match of the year: The Young Bucks versus Kenny Omega, Adam Page, in Chicago. 733 first place votes, 4,285 points. Now that was a really good match."
"Go back and watch the match's last three minutes, then tell me how awful you think it was."
"That was one of my matches I'm most proud of."
"It was a good match. It wasn't great but it was a pretty damn good solid match."
"It was just in and out it was like it was actually one of the most easiest matches."
"'This is the best match of the night.' - Reviewer"
"This match itself is so good, to the point where if you tell me it's a top-five Triple Threat match, I would agree."
"That was a hell of a match. I don't know what people would be complaining about."
"It sets up Moxley versus Danielson, which is probably right now the biggest match they can make on their roster for their title."
"There's no real clear victor in my opinion. I'd love to have a match with him again."
"CM Punk versus The Undertaker was clearly the stand out here."
"This match was bizarre... It was basically a no DQ match in the ring as the owner, Taker, chokeslammed Triple H off a platform."
"What a match, Garcia's on another level right now."
"Cena versus Big Show versus Edge? Come on now, chaps. It's that thick dumpy of a match."
"This was apparently a Texas tornado match, for the reason that they were taping in the state of Texas."
"The Rock tagged with Mick Foley against Evolution in a handicap match, and it would be nearly eight years before The Rock wrestled another match."
"The spot of this match... KO ends up hitting a Brain Buster to tatanga on the steel chairs."
"There's some people that are going there saying well he's feeding 10 10. so I'm going to go and feed ten tins they catch nothing and them ten tins are sat in there well you've I'm a great believer in feeling my way in onto a match."
"The finishing sequence to this match, I thought was fantastic. The last, like, three minutes especially."
"I thought it was an awesome match. Obviously, a match of the year candidate for sure. You know, I'm sure something else will get five stars, maybe I'll revisit this, but right now, you know, Osprey had the nine confidence points here."
"You've got celebrity matches of like Peggy Mitchell, and he can't play that. That was a celebrity match though."
"You have successfully defeated your opponent. Congratulations on winning your first match."
"Beauty is a real match between what a person is physically and what a person is in character."
"It's like you guys are a perfect match."
"I will always remember popping huge when gable gave corbin the chaos theory and for the finish when corbin turned uh a gable tilt-a-whirl into an end of days it was so fluid everything just clicked was just such a fun match."
"Fantastic match, Stanford falling down 2-0 in Madison, sold-out crowd, and coming back."
"So, this match went a minute and the Headbanger slammed Christian on top of Rodney and pinned him."
"...they're like, 'we're not a match for him now...'"
"They wanted to go out there and steal the show, in fact when this match was over Omega called the cameraman over and he's looking into the camera and he says to the locker room 'follow that'."
"This was the best match on the entire show, this was my favorite match of the night."
"Well, there's no story. The match is cold by and large. It was just a match between two guys, smaller size, they are talented, yes, but there was no story."
"It's a match, ladies and gentlemen."
"There's no scheduled pre-show match tonight."
"Sukuna has finally met his match and he black will reverse, even if he were to take them one on one he still wouldn't be able to be strong enough or fast enough to win."
"I'd love to see Tommaso Ciampa get involved and wrestle Bobby Lashley. I think that'd be a great match."
"It's terrible! And keep in mind, this was back when they pumped up everybody's weight. I mean, Taka was probably 160 pounds, sure. He literally was probably half the weight of Barry Windham. Very close in this match."
"It's a hunting cartridge you never saw it in a match application."
"Looks like they both match perfect."
"They think that you two are very well matched, perfectly matched, maybe evenly matched."
"The last thing I want to see is Bill Goldberg in a 10-minute match with Dolph Ziggler."
"This is a turning point in the match and it might be a turning point in the Moscone Cup."
"They have really overcome a tremendous odds to take this match."
"This might be the turning point of the match right here."
"Double or Nothing 2019 saw Cody facing his brother Dustin in one of the most iconic matches in recent memory."
"This could really be... an epic match."
"Karachi vs Lahore, rivalry for the ages."
"Karachi Kings played that super over, Karachi Kings went straight into the finals."
"Hook absolutely squashes Jericho. Jericho looks both physically and mentally defeated and perhaps even goes away for a little bit to then return eventually as just a full-blown heel."
"Everything about this match was shocking."
"Are we expecting a [__] 30-minute match between The Miz and John Cena? Of course not. I just felt like everything was rushed."
"When the RF Z’Gok arrived on Earth, Earth Federation had no match against it."
"The last 10 minutes of that match was nothing short of breathtaking."
"They feel like they finally met their match. Winning you over excites them."
"Wow, what a match that was. A lot of fun."
"...making this match truly iconic."
"You want to get aggressive here, really try and get back points, this is a match-ender."
"Stan Hansen continues to try and pressle Advantage but jumbo counters body slams and delivers a big flying move of his own a thunderous knee."
"I had so much fun watching that match, I remember enjoying it a lot back then."
"The first ever and only six-man Cell match in history."
"All this about matches not holding up... this match is objectively great through the centuries."
"Do you guys believe this will be their last match in WWE? Brock versus Roman?"
"Vader versus Warrior, has some sizzle."
"The dog collar match between MJF and CM Punk at the 2022 edition of Revolution was a great way to cap off a feud with such emotional depth."
"Jake and Martel, come on, blindfold match was awesome. That's true, it was awesome."
"Great point from Leia Jansen there and it is eight all here we are in game number three."
"I really like this match as well, I thought this was really fun."
"Such a good, hard-hitting, hard truth match."
"It was just a really good match. It was what it needed to be."
"Over 80 percent of employers get quality candidates whose resume on indeed matches their job description."
"Kenny Omega wins the G1 and sets up Omega versus Okada 5 at AEW Dynamite Winter is Coming."
"what a miss this represents for WWE then if that's the case because it was such an obvious match to make"
"I'm going to encourage everybody listening to this if you haven't already, go out of your way to see this match."
"Every match matters, ooh I did not know before making the at first Pros man."
"The match was just so good, it was just so well built, so well told."
"It's a five-minute Brock match with everyone going 'wow, he's gonna F5.' And I'm fine with that."
"This match was so good. Loved it. 10 out of 10. No notes."
"If you love technical wrestling, you will not find a better example of technical wrestling excellence than this match."
"This is just the best match in Impact history."
"I think the men's War Games match belongs into the great category."
"Harlem Heat battle Chris Benoit and Steve McMichael on Thunder this past."
"I liked the opponent for him as well."
"You're no match for him. But Jesus... defeated him for us."
"We're gonna look back on that match and it's gonna be the top of everybody's list for best match of the year in 2018."
"Easily easily easily one of the best matches I have ever seen most definitely the best match that NXT has ever produced ever just an unbelievable match that will go down in the history books."
"That's probably gonna be the best match at all WWE period."
"People die just like Chris Jericho did in this matchup."
"That was a fantastic match, a few surprises but everyone put in great performances."
"The U.S. Open and California have long been a match made in golf heaven."
"The DNA profile obtained from item 36.3.5 matched that obtained from the reference sample of Tyler Ryan."