
Venture Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"With this new venture, we can just have it all, 100% authentic."
"That's some risky business right there, that's some Risky Business."
"Bitcoin is the ultimate inflation hedge combined with the ultimate venture play."
"I'm super excited about this new business venture."
"I started a ill-fated and stupidly named Twitch channel."
"...the venture was actually a complete success."
"They must Venture further into the darkness."
"...I hope this video will have gone some way to responding to those requests for more information about venture."
"Every worthwhile venture involves risk."
"Any worthwhile venture involves risk."
"Disciplines are an area of creativity, they're not law, they are a venture on the reality of the Kingdom."
"The Epic undertaking of her venture to circumnavigate the globe along with a dramatic disappearance would have far-reaching implications."
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained, eh?"
"This might be our most exciting venture."
"It was his first and last business venture."
"So he's having fun, like, dancing and killing all these people, and it's this wonderful artistic venture."
"I was really excited about this whole project, this whole venture is quite exciting."
"I put Godfather Airlines on the side of it y'all want to buy them Godfather a jet take some trips and we go see [ __ ] all right be on the lookout for uh patreon relaunching patreon this week the private online community."
"One can't do this with just one Venture, but I'm convinced that we need the model and we need to run the experiment of a new system of governance."
"That's life, nothing ventured, nothing gained, I always say."
"This motorcycle is one of the first ventures with KTM."
"Equally parts excited and terrified."
"Preparation is the key to success in any venture in life."
"An astonishingly equal share in the profits of any venture."
"Venture is new businesses that are aiming for both rapid growth and large scale."
"I wish you good luck and success in this venture."
"The first venture capital in its early stages."
"We're keeping faith in venture and innovation."
"Shifting biomass is one of Stobart's fastest growing ventures."
"You're about to kick off a new financial venture. Money, money, money."
"This is such a huge new venture for our family, it's a huge investment, but I am so excited and optimistic, and I am feeling just nothing but excitement towards this."
"We are so excited to finally get off the ground."
"We suddenly found ourselves with an enormously successful Venture."
"I'm just excited for this new venture."
"You either start a new venture or start a new project."
"We are going into business together."
"I am so excited to embark on this new venture where I can make this vision come true."
"If you spend too much time dwelling on the worst outcome, you would never venture for the best."
"You're about to embark on some sort of new project, a new venture that's going to be very lucrative for you."
"Ace of wands is here, start a new venture."
"The venture was always what kept us strong."
"I'm genuinely excited about this; this is like an entirely new venture for me."
"Why would you go in a venture that has a fifty percent chance of failure?"
"It's gonna be a beautiful, wonderful venture."
"Entrepreneurship requires massive risk."
"This is a new project, a new plan, a new business venture."
"This is the commitment that you need to this new path, this new idea, this new venture, this new endeavor."
"Success in business could be success in a new business venture that you're starting."
"It's a new season, it's a new time, it's a new venture, so let's get at it."
"I'm gonna dive head first into this thing."